You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

34 lines
960 B

@using Recyclarr.Pages.Main
@inherits LayoutComponentBase
@layout MainLayout
@if (_exceptionOccurred)
<MudText Class="my-2">
An exception occurred while attempting to obtain custom formats.
<MudText Color="Color.Error" Style="overflow: hidden">
<MudButton Class="mud-theme-primary my-2" OnClick="@ForceReload">Retry</MudButton>
else if (!CfRepository.IsLoaded)
<MudContainer Class="d-flex flex-column align-center">
<MudText Align="Align.Center" Class="my-2">Loading custom formats...</MudText>
<MudProgressCircular Color="Color.Primary" Indeterminate="true" />
<CascadingValue Value="this" IsFixed="true">