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using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
using Recyclarr.ServarrApi.Dto;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public record UpdatedQualities
public ICollection<string> InvalidQualityNames { get; init; } = new List<string>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> Items { get; init; } = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
public int NumWantedItems { get; init; }
public record UpdatedQualityProfile
public required QualityProfileDto ProfileDto { get; init; }
public required ProcessedQualityProfileData ProfileConfig { get; init; }
public required QualityProfileUpdateReason UpdateReason { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<UpdatedFormatScore> UpdatedScores { get; set; } = Array.Empty<UpdatedFormatScore>();
public UpdatedQualities UpdatedQualities { get; init; } = new();
public IReadOnlyCollection<string> InvalidExceptCfNames { get; set; } = Array.Empty<string>();
public string ProfileName
var name = ProfileDto.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = ProfileConfig.Profile.Name;
return name;
public QualityProfileDto BuildUpdatedDto()
var config = ProfileConfig.Profile;
var newDto = ProfileDto with
Name = config.Name, // Must keep this for NEW profile syncing. It will only assign if src is not null.
UpgradeAllowed = config.UpgradeAllowed,
MinFormatScore = config.MinFormatScore,
CutoffFormatScore = config.UpgradeUntilScore,
FormatItems = UpdatedScores.Select(x => x.Dto with {Score = x.NewScore}).ToList()
if (UpdatedQualities.NumWantedItems > 0)
newDto.Items = UpdatedQualities.Items;
// The `qualityprofile` API will still validate `cutoff` even when `upgradeAllowed` is set to `false`.
// Because of this, we cannot set cutoff to null. We pick the first available if the user didn't specify one.
// Also: It's important that we assign the cutoff *after* we set Items. Because we pull from a different list of
// items depending on if the `qualities` property is set in config.
newDto.Cutoff = newDto.Items.FindCutoff(config.UpgradeUntilQuality) ?? newDto.Items.FirstCutoffId();
return newDto;