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using TrashLib.Config.Services;
using TrashLib.Services.Common;
using TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Models;
using TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Models.Cache;
using TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Processors.GuideSteps;
namespace TrashLib.Services.CustomFormat.Processors;
public interface IGuideProcessorSteps
ICustomFormatStep CustomFormat { get; }
IConfigStep Config { get; }
IQualityProfileStep QualityProfile { get; }
internal class GuideProcessor : IGuideProcessor
private IList<CustomFormatData>? _guideCustomFormatJson;
private readonly IGuideProcessorSteps _steps;
public GuideProcessor(IGuideProcessorSteps steps)
_steps = steps;
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedCustomFormatData> ProcessedCustomFormats
=> _steps.CustomFormat.ProcessedCustomFormats;
public IReadOnlyCollection<string> CustomFormatsNotInGuide
=> _steps.Config.CustomFormatsNotInGuide;
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedConfigData> ConfigData
=> _steps.Config.ConfigData;
public IDictionary<string, QualityProfileCustomFormatScoreMapping> ProfileScores
=> _steps.QualityProfile.ProfileScores;
public IReadOnlyCollection<(string name, string trashId, string profileName)> CustomFormatsWithoutScore
=> _steps.QualityProfile.CustomFormatsWithoutScore;
public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, HashSet<int>>> DuplicateScores
=> _steps.QualityProfile.DuplicateScores;
public IReadOnlyCollection<TrashIdMapping> DeletedCustomFormatsInCache
=> _steps.CustomFormat.DeletedCustomFormatsInCache;
public IReadOnlyCollection<(string, string)> CustomFormatsWithOutdatedNames
=> _steps.CustomFormat.CustomFormatsWithOutdatedNames;
public IDictionary<string, List<ProcessedCustomFormatData>> DuplicatedCustomFormats
=> _steps.CustomFormat.DuplicatedCustomFormats;
public Task BuildGuideDataAsync(IEnumerable<CustomFormatConfig> config, CustomFormatCache? cache,
IGuideService guideService)
_guideCustomFormatJson ??= guideService.GetCustomFormatData().ToList();
var listOfConfigs = config.ToList();
// Step 1: Process and filter the custom formats from the guide.
// Custom formats in the guide not mentioned in the config are filtered out.
_steps.CustomFormat.Process(_guideCustomFormatJson, listOfConfigs, cache);
// todo: Process cache entries that do not exist in the guide. Those should be deleted
// This might get taken care of when we rebuild the cache based on what is actually updated when
// we call the Radarr API
// Step 2: Use the processed custom formats from step 1 to process the configuration.
// CFs in config not in the guide are filtered out.
// Actual CF objects are associated to the quality profile objects to reduce lookups
_steps.Config.Process(_steps.CustomFormat.ProcessedCustomFormats, listOfConfigs);
// Step 3: Use the processed config (which contains processed CFs) to process the quality profile scores.
// Score precedence logic is utilized here to decide the CF score per profile (same CF can actually have
// different scores depending on which profile it goes into).
return Task.CompletedTask;