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using System.Text;
using CliFx.Attributes;
using CliFx.Exceptions;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Recyclarr.Migration;
namespace Recyclarr.Command;
[Command("migrate", Description = "Perform any migration steps that may be needed between versions")]
public class MigrateCommand : BaseCommand
[CommandOption("app-data", Description =
"Explicitly specify the location of the recyclarr application data directory. " +
"Mainly for usage in Docker; not recommended for normal use.")]
public override string? AppDataDirectory { get; set; }
public override Task Process(IServiceLocatorProxy container)
var migration = container.Resolve<IMigrationExecutor>();
catch (MigrationException e)
var msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.AppendLine("Fatal exception during migration step. Details are below.\n");
msg.AppendLine($"Step That Failed: {e.OperationDescription}");
msg.AppendLine($"Failure Reason: {e.OriginalException.Message}");
// ReSharper disable once InvertIf
if (e.Remediation.Any())
msg.AppendLine("\nPossible remediation steps:");
foreach (var remedy in e.Remediation)
msg.AppendLine($" - {remedy}");
throw new CommandException(msg.ToString());
return Task.CompletedTask;