You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
3.7 KiB

import re
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum
import requests
from ..profile_data import ProfileData
TermCategory = Enum('TermCategory', 'Preferred Required Ignored')
header_regex = re.compile(r'^(#+)\s([\w\s\d]+)\s*$')
score_regex = re.compile(r'score.*?\[(-?[\d]+)\]', re.IGNORECASE)
header_release_profile_regex = re.compile(r'release profile', re.IGNORECASE)
# not_regex = re.compile(r'not', re.IGNORECASE)
category_regex = (
(TermCategory.Required, re.compile(r'must contain', re.IGNORECASE)),
(TermCategory.Ignored, re.compile(r'must not contain', re.IGNORECASE)),
(TermCategory.Preferred, re.compile(r'preferred', re.IGNORECASE)),
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_trash_anime_markdown():
trash_anime_markdown_url = ''
response = requests.get(trash_anime_markdown_url)
return response.content.decode('utf8')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_category(line):
for rx in category_regex:
if rx[1].search(line):
return rx[0]
return None
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse_markdown(args, logger, markdown_content):
results = defaultdict(ProfileData)
profile_name = None
score = None
category = None
bracket_depth = 0
for line in markdown_content.splitlines():
# Header processing
if match :=
header_text =
# Profile name (always reset previous state here)
score = None
category = TermCategory.Preferred
profile_name = header_text
logger.debug(f'New Profile: {header_text}')
# Filter type for provided regexes
elif category := parse_category(header_text):
logger.debug(f' Category Set: {category}')
# Lines we always look for
elif line.startswith('```'):
bracket_depth = 1 - bracket_depth
# Category-based line processing
elif profile_name:
profile = results[profile_name]
lower_line = line.lower()
if 'include preferred' in lower_line:
profile.include_preferred_when_renaming = 'not' not in lower_line
logger.debug(f' Include preferred found: {profile.include_preferred_when_renaming}, {lower_line}')
elif category == TermCategory.Preferred:
if match :=
# bracket_depth = 0
score = int(
elif bracket_depth:
if score is not None:
logger.debug(f' [Preferred] Score: {score}, Term: {line}')
if args.strict_negative_scores and score < 0:
elif category == TermCategory.Ignored and bracket_depth:
# Sometimes a comma is present at the end of these regexes, because when it's
# pasted into Sonarr it acts as a delimiter. However, when using them with the
# API we do not need them.
elif category == TermCategory.Required and bracket_depth:
return results