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using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public class QualityItemOrganizer
private readonly List<string> _invalidItemNames = new();
public UpdatedQualities OrganizeItems(QualityProfileDto dto, QualityProfileConfig config)
var wanted = ProcessWantedItems(dto.Items, config.Qualities);
var unwanted = ProcessUnwantedItems(dto.Items, wanted);
var combined = CombineAndSortItems(config.QualitySort, wanted, unwanted);
return new UpdatedQualities
InvalidQualityNames = _invalidItemNames,
Items = combined
private List<ProfileItemDto> ProcessWantedItems(
IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> dtoItems,
IReadOnlyCollection<QualityProfileQualityConfig> configQualities)
var updatedItems = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
foreach (var configQuality in configQualities)
void AddQualityFromDto(ICollection<ProfileItemDto> items, string name)
var dtoItem = dtoItems.FindQualityByName(name);
if (dtoItem is null)
items.Add(dtoItem with {Allowed = configQuality.Enabled});
// If the nested qualities list is NOT empty, then this is considered a quality group.
if (configQuality.Qualities.IsNotEmpty())
var dtoGroup = dtoItems.FindGroupByName(configQuality.Name) ?? new ProfileItemDto
Name = configQuality.Name
var updatedGroupItems = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
foreach (var groupQuality in configQuality.Qualities)
AddQualityFromDto(updatedGroupItems, groupQuality);
updatedItems.Add(dtoGroup with
Allowed = configQuality.Enabled,
Items = updatedGroupItems
AddQualityFromDto(updatedItems, configQuality.Name);
return updatedItems;
private static IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> ProcessUnwantedItems(
IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> dtoItems,
IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> wantedItems)
// Find remaining items in the DTO that were *not* handled by the user's config.
return dtoItems
.Where(x => !ExistsInWantedItems(wantedItems, x))
.Select(x => x with
Allowed = false,
// If this is actually a quality instead of a group, this will effectively be a no-op since the Items
// array will already be empty.
Items = x.Items
.Where(y => wantedItems.FindQualityByName(y.Quality?.Name) is null)
.Select(y => y with {Allowed = false})
.Where(x => x is not {Quality: null, Items.Count: 0});
private static List<ProfileItemDto> CombineAndSortItems(
QualitySortAlgorithm sortAlgorithm,
IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> wantedItems,
IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> unwantedItems)
return sortAlgorithm switch
QualitySortAlgorithm.Top => wantedItems.Concat(unwantedItems).ToList(),
QualitySortAlgorithm.Bottom => unwantedItems.Concat(wantedItems).ToList(),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unsupported Quality Sort: {sortAlgorithm}")
private static void AssignMissingGroupIds(IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> combinedItems)
// Add the IDs at the very end since we need all groups to know which IDs are taken
var nextItemId = combinedItems.NewItemId();
foreach (var item in combinedItems.Where(item => item is {Id: null, Quality: null}))
item.Id = nextItemId++;
private static bool ExistsInWantedItems(IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> wantedItems, ProfileItemDto dto)
var existingItem = dto.Quality is null
? wantedItems.FindGroupByName(dto.Name)
: wantedItems.FindQualityByName(dto.Quality.Name);
return existingItem is not null;