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using Recyclarr.Cli.Console.Settings;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines;
using Recyclarr.Config.Models;
using Recyclarr.Notifications;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Processors.Sync;
public class SyncPipelineExecutor(
ILogger log,
IOrderedEnumerable<ISyncPipeline> pipelines,
IEnumerable<IPipelineCache> caches,
NotificationEmitter emitter)
public async Task Process(ISyncSettings settings, IServiceConfiguration config)
emitter.NotifyStatistic("Test statistic", "10");
emitter.NotifyStatistic("Test statistic 2", "1060");
emitter.NotifyError("Failure occurred");
emitter.NotifyError("Another failure occurred");
emitter.NotifyError("Another failure occurred 2");
foreach (var cache in caches)
foreach (var pipeline in pipelines)
log.Debug("Executing Pipeline: {Pipeline}", pipeline.GetType().Name);
await pipeline.Execute(settings, config);
log.Information("Completed at {Date}", DateTime.Now);
catch (Exception e)
emitter.NotifyError($"Exception: {e.Message}");