You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

108 lines
3.1 KiB

using System.Reactive.Disposables;
using System.Text;
using Flurl.Http;
using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
using Recyclarr.Http;
using Recyclarr.Notifications.Apprise;
using Recyclarr.Notifications.Apprise.Dto;
using Recyclarr.Notifications.Events;
using Recyclarr.Settings;
using Serilog;
namespace Recyclarr.Notifications;
public sealed class NotificationService(
ILogger log,
IAppriseNotificationApiService apprise,
ISettingsProvider settingsProvider,
NotificationEmitter notificationEmitter) : IDisposable
private readonly Dictionary<string, List<INotificationEvent>> _events = new();
private readonly CompositeDisposable _eventConnection = new();
private string? _activeInstanceName;
public void Dispose()
public void SetInstanceName(string instanceName)
_activeInstanceName = instanceName;
public void BeginWatchEvents()
_eventConnection.Add(notificationEmitter.OnNotification.Subscribe(x =>
public async Task SendNotification(bool succeeded)
// stop receiving events while we build the report
// If the user didn't configure notifications, exit early and do nothing.
if (settingsProvider.Settings.Notifications is null)
log.Debug("Notification settings are not present, so this notification will not be sent");
var body = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var (instanceName, notifications) in _events)
RenderInstanceEvents(body, instanceName, notifications);
var messageType = AppriseMessageType.Success;
if (!succeeded)
messageType = AppriseMessageType.Failure;
await apprise.Notify("apprise", new AppriseNotification
Title = $"Recyclarr Sync {(succeeded ? "Completed" : "Failed")}",
Body = body.ToString(),
Type = messageType,
Format = AppriseMessageFormat.Markdown
catch (FlurlHttpException e)
log.Error("Failed to send notification: {Msg}", e.SanitizedExceptionMessage());
private static void RenderInstanceEvents(
StringBuilder body,
string instanceName,
IEnumerable<INotificationEvent> notifications)
body.AppendLine($"### Instance: `{instanceName}`");
var groupedEvents = notifications
.GroupBy(x => x.Category)
.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToList());
foreach (var (category, events) in groupedEvents)
{string.Join('\n', events.Select(x => x.Render()))}