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using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.CustomFormat.Models;
using Recyclarr.TrashGuide.CustomFormat;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.CustomFormat.Cache;
public class CustomFormatCache(IEnumerable<TrashIdMapping> mappings)
private List<TrashIdMapping> _mappings = mappings.ToList(); // Deep clone with ToList()
public IReadOnlyList<TrashIdMapping> Mappings => _mappings;
public void Update(CustomFormatTransactionData transactions)
// Assume that RemoveStale() is called before this method, and that TrashIdMappings contains existing CFs
// in the remote service that we want to keep and update.
var existingCfs = transactions.UpdatedCustomFormats
_mappings = _mappings
.DistinctBy(x => x.CustomFormatId)
.Where(x => transactions.DeletedCustomFormats.All(y => y.CustomFormatId != x.CustomFormatId))
.FullOuterJoin(existingCfs, JoinType.Hash,
l => l.CustomFormatId,
r => r.Id,
// Keep existing service CFs, even if they aren't in user config
l => l,
// Add a new mapping for CFs in user's config
r => new TrashIdMapping(r.TrashId, r.Name, r.Id),
// Update existing mappings for CFs in user's config
(l, r) => l with {TrashId = r.TrashId, CustomFormatName = r.Name})
.Where(x => x.CustomFormatId != 0)
.OrderBy(x => x.CustomFormatId)
public void RemoveStale(IEnumerable<CustomFormatData> serviceCfs)
_mappings.RemoveAll(x => x.CustomFormatId == 0 || serviceCfs.All(y => y.Id != x.CustomFormatId));
public int? FindId(CustomFormatData cf)
return _mappings.Find(c => c.TrashId == cf.TrashId)?.CustomFormatId;