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using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
public record UpdatedQualityProfile(QualityProfileDto UpdatedProfile)
public required IReadOnlyCollection<UpdatedFormatScore> UpdatedScores { get; init; }
public record QualityProfileTransactionData
public Collection<string> InvalidProfileNames { get; } = new();
public Collection<UpdatedQualityProfile> UpdatedProfiles { get; } = new();
public class QualityProfileTransactionPhase
[SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA1822:Mark members as static", Justification =
"This non-static method establishes a pattern that will eventually become an interface")]
public QualityProfileTransactionData Execute(
IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedQualityProfileData> guideData,
IList<QualityProfileDto> serviceData)
var transactions = new QualityProfileTransactionData();
UpdateProfileScores(guideData, serviceData, transactions);
return transactions;
private static void UpdateProfileScores(
IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedQualityProfileData> guideData,
IList<QualityProfileDto> serviceData,
QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
// Match quality profiles in Radarr to ones the user put in their config.
// For each match, we return a tuple including the list of custom format scores ("formatItems").
// Using GroupJoin() because we want a LEFT OUTER JOIN so we can list which quality profiles in config
// do not match profiles in Radarr.
var profilesAndScores = guideData.GroupJoin(serviceData,
x => x.Profile.Name,
x => x.Name,
(x, y) => (x, y.FirstOrDefault()),
foreach (var (profileData, profileDto) in profilesAndScores)
if (profileDto is null)
var updatedProfile = ProcessScoreUpdates(profileData, profileDto);
if (updatedProfile is null)
private static UpdatedQualityProfile? ProcessScoreUpdates(
ProcessedQualityProfileData profileData,
QualityProfileDto profileDto)
var scoreMap = profileData.CfScores
x => x.FormatId,
x => x.Format,
l => new UpdatedFormatScore
Dto = new ProfileFormatItemDto {Format = l.FormatId, Name = l.CfName},
NewScore = l.Score,
Reason = FormatScoreUpdateReason.New
r => new UpdatedFormatScore
Dto = r,
NewScore = 0,
Reason = FormatScoreUpdateReason.Reset
(l, r) => new UpdatedFormatScore
Dto = r,
NewScore = l.Score,
Reason = FormatScoreUpdateReason.Updated
.Select(x => x.Dto.Score == x.NewScore ? x with {Reason = FormatScoreUpdateReason.NoChange} : x)
return scoreMap.Any(x => x.Reason != FormatScoreUpdateReason.NoChange)
? new UpdatedQualityProfile(profileDto) {UpdatedScores = scoreMap}
: null;