You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

716 lines
22 KiB

4 years ago
import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, ElementRef, EventEmitter, forwardRef, HostBinding, Input, OnDestroy, OnInit, Output, Renderer2, TemplateRef, ViewChild, ViewContainerRef, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import { ControlValueAccessor, FormControl, NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR, Validators } from '@angular/forms';
import { Overlay } from '@angular/cdk/overlay';
import { TemplatePortal } from '@angular/cdk/portal';
import { MatCalendarCellCssClasses, MatMonthView } from '@angular/material/datepicker';
import { Subject } from 'rxjs';
import * as moment from 'moment';
import { Moment } from 'moment';
selector : 'treo-date-range',
templateUrl : './date-range.component.html',
styleUrls : ['./date-range.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
exportAs : 'treoDateRange',
providers : [
useExisting: forwardRef(() => TreoDateRangeComponent),
multi : true
export class TreoDateRangeComponent implements ControlValueAccessor, OnInit, OnDestroy
// Range changed
readonly rangeChanged: EventEmitter<{ start: string, end: string }>;
activeDates: { month1: Moment, month2: Moment };
setWhichDate: 'start' | 'end';
startTimeFormControl: FormControl;
endTimeFormControl: FormControl;
// Private
private _defaultClassNames;
private _matMonthView1: MatMonthView<any>;
private _matMonthView2: MatMonthView<any>;
@ViewChild('pickerPanelOrigin', {read: ElementRef})
private _pickerPanelOrigin: ElementRef;
private _pickerPanel: TemplateRef<any>;
private _dateFormat: string;
private _onChange: (value: any) => void;
private _onTouched: (value: any) => void;
private _programmaticChange: boolean;
private _range: { start: Moment, end: Moment };
private _timeFormat: string;
private _timeRange: boolean;
private readonly _timeRegExp: RegExp;
private _unsubscribeAll: Subject<void>;
4 years ago
* Constructor
* @param {ChangeDetectorRef} _changeDetectorRef
* @param {ElementRef} _elementRef
* @param {Overlay} _overlay
* @param {Renderer2} _renderer2
* @param {ViewContainerRef} _viewContainerRef
private _changeDetectorRef: ChangeDetectorRef,
private _elementRef: ElementRef,
private _overlay: Overlay,
private _renderer2: Renderer2,
private _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef
// Set the private defaults
this._defaultClassNames = true;
this._onChange = () => {
this._onTouched = () => {
this._range = {
start: null,
end : null
this._timeRegExp = new RegExp('^(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-4]|[0-9]):([0-5][0-9])(A|(?:AM)|P|(?:PM))?$', 'i');
this._unsubscribeAll = new Subject();
// Set the defaults
this.activeDates = {
month1: null,
month2: null
this.dateFormat = 'DD/MM/YYYY';
this.rangeChanged = new EventEmitter();
this.setWhichDate = 'start';
this.timeFormat = '12';
// Initialize the component
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Accessors
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Setter and getter for dateFormat input
* @param value
set dateFormat(value: string)
// Return, if the values are the same
if ( this._dateFormat === value )
// Store the value
this._dateFormat = value;
get dateFormat(): string
return this._dateFormat;
* Setter and getter for timeFormat input
* @param value
set timeFormat(value: string)
// Return, if the values are the same
if ( this._timeFormat === value )
// Set format based on the time format input
this._timeFormat = value === '12' ? 'hh:mmA' : 'HH:mm';
get timeFormat(): string
return this._timeFormat;
* Setter and getter for timeRange input
* @param value
set timeRange(value: boolean)
// Return, if the values are the same
if ( this._timeRange === value )
// Store the value
this._timeRange = value;
// If the time range turned off...
if ( !value )
this.range = {
start: this._range.start.clone().startOf('day'),
end : this._range.end.clone().endOf('day')
get timeRange(): boolean
return this._timeRange;
* Setter and getter for range input
* @param value
set range(value)
if ( !value )
// Check if the value is an object and has 'start' and 'end' values
if ( !value.start || !value.end )
console.error('Range input must have "start" and "end" properties!');
// Check if we are setting an individual date or both of them
const whichDate = value.whichDate || null;
// Get the start and end dates as moment
const start = moment(value.start);
const end = moment(value.end);
// If we are only setting the start date...
if ( whichDate === 'start' )
// Set the start date
this._range.start = start.clone();
// If the selected start date is after the end date...
if ( this._range.start.isAfter(this._range.end) )
// Set the end date to the start date but keep the end date's time
const endDate = start.clone().hours(this._range.end.hours()).minutes(this._range.end.minutes()).seconds(this._range.end.seconds());
// Test this new end date to see if it's ahead of the start date
if ( this._range.start.isBefore(endDate) )
// If it's, set the new end date
this._range.end = endDate;
// Otherwise, set the end date same as the start date
this._range.end = start.clone();
// If we are only setting the end date...
if ( whichDate === 'end' )
// Set the end date
this._range.end = end.clone();
// If the selected end date is before the start date...
if ( this._range.start.isAfter(this._range.end) )
// Set the start date to the end date but keep the start date's time
const startDate = end.clone().hours(this._range.start.hours()).minutes(this._range.start.minutes()).seconds(this._range.start.seconds());
// Test this new end date to see if it's ahead of the start date
if ( this._range.end.isAfter(startDate) )
// If it's, set the new start date
this._range.start = startDate;
// Otherwise, set the start date same as the end date
this._range.start = end.clone();
// If we are setting both dates...
if ( !whichDate )
// Set the start date
this._range.start = start.clone();
// If the start date is before the end date, set the end date as normal.
// If the start date is after the end date, set the end date same as the start date.
this._range.end = start.isBefore(end) ? end.clone() : start.clone();
// Prepare another range object that holds the ISO formatted range dates
const range = {
start: this._range.start.clone().toISOString(),
end : this._range.end.clone().toISOString()
// Emit the range changed event with the range
// Update the model with the range if the change was not a programmatic change
// Because programmatic changes trigger writeValue which triggers onChange and onTouched
// internally causing them to trigger twice which breaks the form's pristine and touched
// statuses.
if ( !this._programmaticChange )
// Set the active dates
this.activeDates = {
month1: this._range.start.clone(),
month2: this._range.start.clone().add(1, 'month')
// Set the time form controls
// Run ngAfterContentInit on month views to trigger
// re-render on month views if they are available
if ( this._matMonthView1 && this._matMonthView2 )
// Reset the programmatic change status
this._programmaticChange = false;
get range(): any
// Clone the range start and end
const start = this._range.start.clone();
const end = this._range.end.clone();
// Build and return the range object
return {
startDate: start.clone().format(this.dateFormat),
startTime: this.timeRange ? start.clone().format(this.timeFormat) : null,
endDate : end.clone().format(this.dateFormat),
endTime : this.timeRange ? end.clone().format(this.timeFormat) : null
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Control Value Accessor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Update the form model on change
* @param fn
registerOnChange(fn: any): void
this._onChange = fn;
* Update the form model on blur
* @param fn
registerOnTouched(fn: any): void
this._onTouched = fn;
* Write to view from model when the form model changes programmatically
* @param range
writeValue(range: { start: string, end: string }): void
// Set this change as a programmatic one
this._programmaticChange = true;
// Set the range
this.range = range;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Lifecycle hooks
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* On init
ngOnInit(): void
* On destroy
ngOnDestroy(): void
// Unsubscribe from all subscriptions;
// @ TODO: Workaround until "angular/issues/20007" resolved
this.writeValue = () => {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Private methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Initialize
* @private
private _init(): void
// Start and end time form controls
this.startTimeFormControl = new FormControl('', [Validators.pattern(this._timeRegExp)]);
this.endTimeFormControl = new FormControl('', [Validators.pattern(this._timeRegExp)]);
// Set the default range
this._programmaticChange = true;
this.range = {
start: moment().startOf('day').toISOString(),
end : moment().add(1, 'day').endOf('day').toISOString()
// Set the default time range
this._programmaticChange = true;
this.timeRange = true;
* Parse the time from the inputs
* @param value
* @private
private _parseTime(value: string): Moment
// Parse the time using the time regexp
const timeArr = value.split(this._timeRegExp).filter((part) => part !== '');
// Get the meridiem
const meridiem = timeArr[2] || null;
// If meridiem exists...
if ( meridiem )
// Create a moment using 12-hours format and return it
return moment(value, 'hh:mmA').seconds(0);
// If meridiem doesn't exist, create a moment using 24-hours format and return in
return moment(value, 'HH:mm').seconds(0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @ Public methods
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Open the picker panel
openPickerPanel(): void
// Create the overlay
const overlayRef = this._overlay.create({
panelClass : 'treo-date-range-panel',
backdropClass : '',
hasBackdrop : true,
scrollStrategy : this._overlay.scrollStrategies.reposition(),
positionStrategy: this._overlay.position()
originX : 'start',
originY : 'bottom',
overlayX: 'start',
overlayY: 'top',
offsetY : 8
originX : 'start',
originY : 'top',
overlayX: 'start',
overlayY: 'bottom',
offsetY : -8
// Create a portal from the template
const templatePortal = new TemplatePortal(this._pickerPanel, this._viewContainerRef);
// On backdrop click
overlayRef.backdropClick().subscribe(() => {
// If template portal exists and attached...
if ( templatePortal && templatePortal.isAttached )
// Detach it
// If overlay exists and attached...
if ( overlayRef && overlayRef.hasAttached() )
// Detach it
// Attach the portal to the overlay
* Get month label
* @param month
getMonthLabel(month: number): string
if ( month === 1 )
return this.activeDates.month1.clone().format('MMMM Y');
return this.activeDates.month2.clone().format('MMMM Y');
* Date class function to add/remove class names to calendar days
dateClass(): any
return (date: Moment): MatCalendarCellCssClasses => {
// If the date is both start and end date...
if ( date.isSame(this._range.start, 'day') && date.isSame(this._range.end, 'day') )
return ['treo-date-range', 'treo-date-range-start', 'treo-date-range-end'];
// If the date is the start date...
if ( date.isSame(this._range.start, 'day') )
return ['treo-date-range', 'treo-date-range-start'];
// If the date is the end date...
if ( date.isSame(this._range.end, 'day') )
return ['treo-date-range', 'treo-date-range-end'];
// If the date is in between start and end dates...
if ( date.isBetween(this._range.start, this._range.end, 'day') )
return ['treo-date-range', 'treo-date-range-mid'];
return undefined;
* Date filter to enable/disable calendar days
dateFilter(): any
return (date: Moment): boolean => {
// If we are selecting the end date, disable all the dates that comes before the start date
return !(this.setWhichDate === 'end' && date.isBefore(this._range.start, 'day'));
* On selected date change
* @param date
onSelectedDateChange(date: Moment): void
// Create a new range object
const newRange = {
start : this._range.start.clone().toISOString(),
end : this._range.end.clone().toISOString(),
whichDate: null
// Replace either the start or the end date with the new one
// depending on which date we are setting
if ( this.setWhichDate === 'start' )
newRange.start = moment(newRange.start).year(date.year()).month(date.month()).date(;
newRange.end = moment(newRange.end).year(date.year()).month(date.month()).date(;
// Append the which date to the new range object
newRange.whichDate = this.setWhichDate;
// Switch which date to set on the next run
this.setWhichDate = this.setWhichDate === 'start' ? 'end' : 'start';
// Set the range
this.range = newRange;
* Go to previous month on both views
prev(): void
this.activeDates.month1 = moment(this.activeDates.month1).subtract(1, 'month');
this.activeDates.month2 = moment(this.activeDates.month2).subtract(1, 'month');
* Go to next month on both views
next(): void
this.activeDates.month1 = moment(this.activeDates.month1).add(1, 'month');
this.activeDates.month2 = moment(this.activeDates.month2).add(1, 'month');
* Update the start time
* @param event
updateStartTime(event): void
// Parse the time
const parsedTime = this._parseTime(;
// Go back to the previous value if the form control is not valid
if ( this.startTimeFormControl.invalid )
// Override the time
const time = this._range.start.clone().format(this._timeFormat);
// Set the time
// Do not update the range
// Append the new time to the start date
const startDate = this._range.start.clone().hours(parsedTime.hours()).minutes(parsedTime.minutes());
// If the new start date is after the current end date,
// use the end date's time and set the start date again
if ( startDate.isAfter(this._range.end) )
const endDateHours = this._range.end.hours();
const endDateMinutes = this._range.end.minutes();
// Set the start date
// If everything is okay, set the new date
this.range = {
start : startDate.toISOString(),
end : this._range.end.clone().toISOString(),
whichDate: 'start'
* Update the end time
* @param event
updateEndTime(event): void
// Parse the time
const parsedTime = this._parseTime(;
// Go back to the previous value if the form control is not valid
if ( this.endTimeFormControl.invalid )
// Override the time
const time = this._range.end.clone().format(this._timeFormat);
// Set the time
// Do not update the range
// Append the new time to the end date
const endDate = this._range.end.clone().hours(parsedTime.hours()).minutes(parsedTime.minutes());
// If the new end date is before the current start date,
// use the start date's time and set the end date again
if ( endDate.isBefore(this._range.start) )
const startDateHours = this._range.start.hours();
const startDateMinutes = this._range.start.minutes();
// Set the end date
// If everything is okay, set the new date
this.range = {
start : this._range.start.clone().toISOString(),
end : endDate.toISOString(),
whichDate: 'end'