Depending on the functionality you are adding, you may need to setup a development environment for 1 or more projects.
# Modifying the Scrutiny Backend Server (API)
## Local Development
1. install the [Go runtime]( (v1.17+)
2. download the `scrutiny-web-frontend.tar.gz` for the [latest release]( Extract to a folder named `dist`
3. create a `scrutiny.yaml` config file
# config file for local development. store as scrutiny.yaml
version: 1
### Frontend
The frontend is written in Angular.
If you're working on the frontend and can use mocked data rather than a real backend, you can use
cd webapp/frontend
npm install
ng serve --deploy-url="/web/" --base-href="/web/"
port: 8080
# can also set absolute path here
location: ./scrutiny.db
path: ./dist
retention_policy: false
file: 'web.log' #absolute or relative paths allowed, eg. web.log
level: DEBUG
However, if you need to also run the backend, and use real data, you'll need to run the following command:
cd webapp/frontend && ng build --watch --output-path=../../dist --prod
4. start a InfluxDB docker container.
docker run -p 8086:8086 --rm influxdb:2.2
5. start the scrutiny web server
go mod vendor
go run webapp/backend/cmd/scrutiny/scrutiny.go start --config ./scrutiny.yaml
6. open your browser to [http://localhost:8080/web](http://localhost:8080/web)
> Note: if you do not add `--prod` flag, app will display mocked data for api calls.
### Backend
# Modifying the Scrutiny Frontend Angular SPA
If you're using the `ng build` command above to generate your frontend, you'll need to create a custom config file and
override the `web.src.frontend.path` value.
The frontend is written in Angular. If you're working on the frontend and can use mocked data rather than a real backend, you can follow the instructions below: