adding InfluxDB - influxdb added to dockerfile - influxdb s6 service - influxdb config - adding defaults to config - creating a DeviceRepo interface (multiple db backends) - implemented DeviceRepo interface as ScruitnyRepositorypull/228/head
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
// SQLite Table(s)
Table device {
created_at timestamp
wwn varchar [pk]
//user provided
label varchar
host_id varchar
// smartctl provided
device_name varchar
manufacturer varchar
model_name varchar
interface_type varchar
interface_speed varchar
serial_number varchar
firmware varchar
rotational_speed varchar
capacity varchar
form_factor varchar
smart_support varchar
device_protocol varchar
device_type varchar
// InfluxDB Tables
Table device_temperature {
created_at timestamp
//tags (indexed & queryable)
device_wwn varchar [pk]
temp bigint
Table smart_ata_results {
created_at timestamp
//tags (indexed & queryable)
device_wwn varchar [pk]
smart_status varchar
scrutiny_status varchar
temp bigint
power_on_hours bigint
power_cycle_count bigint
Ref: device.wwn < smart_ata_results.device_wwn
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
echo "starting influxdb"
influxd run
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
bolt-path: /scrutiny/influxdb/influxd.bolt
engine-path: /scrutiny/influxdb/engine
http-bind-address: ":8086"
reporting-disabled: true
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package pkg
const DeviceProtocolAta = "ATA"
const DeviceProtocolScsi = "SCSI"
const DeviceProtocolNvme = "NVMe"
const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed"
const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed"
const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn"
const SmartWhenFailedFailingNow = "FAILING_NOW"
const SmartWhenFailedInThePast = "IN_THE_PAST"
//const SmartStatusPassed = "passed"
//const SmartStatusFailed = "failed"
type DeviceStatus int
const (
DeviceStatusPassed DeviceStatus = 0
DeviceStatusFailedSmart DeviceStatus = iota
DeviceStatusFailedScrutiny DeviceStatus = iota
func Set(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b | flag }
func Clear(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b &^ flag }
func Toggle(b, flag DeviceStatus) DeviceStatus { return b ^ flag }
func Has(b, flag DeviceStatus) bool { return b&flag != 0 }
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
package database
import (
type DeviceRepo interface {
Close() error
RegisterDevice(ctx context.Context, dev models.Device) error
GetDevices(ctx context.Context) ([]models.Device, error)
UpdateDevice(ctx context.Context, wwn string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) (models.Device, error)
GetDeviceDetails(ctx context.Context, wwn string) (models.Device, error)
SaveSmartAttributes(ctx context.Context, wwn string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) (measurements.Smart, error)
GetSmartAttributeHistory(ctx context.Context, wwn string, startAt string, attributes []string) ([]measurements.Smart, error)
SaveSmartTemperature(ctx context.Context, wwn string, deviceProtocol string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) error
GetSummary(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*models.DeviceSummary, error)
@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
package database
import (
influxdb2 ""
//// GormLogger is a custom logger for Gorm, making it use logrus.
//type GormLogger struct{ Logger logrus.FieldLogger }
//// Print handles log events from Gorm for the custom logger.
//func (gl *GormLogger) Print(v ...interface{}) {
// switch v[0] {
// case "sql":
// gl.Logger.WithFields(
// logrus.Fields{
// "module": "gorm",
// "type": "sql",
// "rows": v[5],
// "src_ref": v[1],
// "values": v[4],
// },
// ).Debug(v[3])
// case "log":
// gl.Logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"module": "gorm", "type": "log"}).Print(v[2])
// }
func NewScrutinyRepository(appConfig config.Interface, globalLogger logrus.FieldLogger) (DeviceRepo, error) {
// Gorm/SQLite setup
fmt.Printf("Trying to connect to database stored: %s\n", appConfig.GetString("web.database.location"))
database, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open(appConfig.GetString("web.database.location")), &gorm.Config{
//TODO: figure out how to log database queries again.
//Logger: logger
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to database!")
// InfluxDB setup
// Create a new client using an InfluxDB server base URL and an authentication token
influxdbUrl := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%s", appConfig.GetString(""), appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.port"))
globalLogger.Debugf("InfluxDB url: %s", influxdbUrl)
client := influxdb2.NewClient(influxdbUrl, appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.token"))
if !appConfig.IsSet("web.influxdb.token") {
globalLogger.Debugf("No influxdb token found, running first-time setup...")
// if no token is provided, but we have a valid server, we're going to assume this is the first setup of our server.
// we will initialize with a predetermined username & password, that you should change.
onboardingResponse, err := client.Setup(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
appConfig.Set("web.influxdb.token", *onboardingResponse.Auth.Token)
//todo: determine if we should write the config file out here.
// Use blocking write client for writes to desired bucket
writeAPI := client.WriteAPIBlocking(appConfig.GetString(""), appConfig.GetString("web.influxdb.bucket"))
// Get query client
queryAPI := client.QueryAPI(appConfig.GetString(""))
if writeAPI == nil || queryAPI == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to connect to influxdb!")
deviceRepo := scrutinyRepository{
appConfig: appConfig,
logger: globalLogger,
influxClient: client,
influxWriteApi: writeAPI,
influxQueryApi: queryAPI,
gormClient: database,
return &deviceRepo, nil
type scrutinyRepository struct {
appConfig config.Interface
logger logrus.FieldLogger
influxWriteApi api.WriteAPIBlocking
influxQueryApi api.QueryAPI
influxClient influxdb2.Client
gormClient *gorm.DB
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) Close() error {
return nil
// Device
//insert device into DB (and update specified columns if device is already registered)
// update device fields that may change: (DeviceType, HostID)
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) RegisterDevice(ctx context.Context, dev models.Device) error {
if err := sr.gormClient.WithContext(ctx).Clauses(clause.OnConflict{
Columns: []clause.Column{{Name: "wwn"}},
DoUpdates: clause.AssignmentColumns([]string{"host_id", "device_name", "device_type"}),
}).Create(&dev).Error; err != nil {
return err
return nil
// get a list of all devices (only device metadata, no SMART data)
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetDevices(ctx context.Context) ([]models.Device, error) {
//Get a list of all the active devices.
devices := []models.Device{}
if err := sr.gormClient.WithContext(ctx).Find(&devices).Error; err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Could not get device summary from DB", err)
return devices, nil
// update device (only metadata) from collector
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) UpdateDevice(ctx context.Context, wwn string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) (models.Device, error) {
var device models.Device
if err := sr.gormClient.WithContext(ctx).Where("wwn = ?", wwn).First(&device).Error; err != nil {
return device, fmt.Errorf("Could not get device from DB", err)
//TODO catch GormClient err
err := device.UpdateFromCollectorSmartInfo(collectorSmartData)
if err != nil {
return device, err
return device, sr.gormClient.Model(&device).Updates(device).Error
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetDeviceDetails(ctx context.Context, wwn string) (models.Device, error) {
var device models.Device
fmt.Println("GetDeviceDetails from GORM")
if err := sr.gormClient.WithContext(ctx).Where("wwn = ?", wwn).First(&device).Error; err != nil {
return models.Device{}, err
return device, nil
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) SaveSmartAttributes(ctx context.Context, wwn string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) (measurements.Smart, error) {
deviceSmartData := measurements.Smart{}
err := deviceSmartData.FromCollectorSmartInfo(wwn, collectorSmartData)
if err != nil {
sr.logger.Errorln("Could not process SMART metrics", err)
return measurements.Smart{}, err
tags, fields := deviceSmartData.Flatten()
p := influxdb2.NewPoint("smart",
// write point immediately
return deviceSmartData, sr.influxWriteApi.WritePoint(ctx, p)
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetSmartAttributeHistory(ctx context.Context, wwn string, startAt string, attributes []string) ([]measurements.Smart, error) {
// Get SMartResults from InfluxDB
fmt.Println("GetDeviceDetails from INFLUXDB")
//TODO: change the filter startrange to a real number.
// Get parser flux query result
queryStr := fmt.Sprintf(`
import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"
from(bucket: "%s")
|> range(start: -2y, stop: now())
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "smart" )
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["device_wwn"] == "%s" )
|> schema.fieldsAsCols()
|> group(columns: ["device_wwn"])
|> yield(name: "last")
smartResults := []measurements.Smart{}
result, err := sr.influxQueryApi.Query(ctx, queryStr)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("GetDeviceDetails NO EROR")
// Use Next() to iterate over query result lines
for result.Next() {
fmt.Println("GetDeviceDetails NEXT")
// Observe when there is new grouping key producing new table
if result.TableChanged() {
//fmt.Printf("table: %s\n", result.TableMetadata().String())
fmt.Printf("DECODINIG TABLE VALUES: %v", result.Record().Values())
smartData, err := measurements.NewSmartFromInfluxDB(result.Record().Values())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
smartResults = append(smartResults, *smartData)
if result.Err() != nil {
fmt.Printf("Query error: %s\n", result.Err().Error())
} else {
return nil, err
return smartResults, nil
//if err := device.SquashHistory(); err != nil {
// logger.Errorln("An error occurred while squashing device history", err)
// c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false})
// return
//if err := device.ApplyMetadataRules(); err != nil {
// logger.Errorln("An error occurred while applying scrutiny thresholds & rules", err)
// c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false})
// return
// Temperature Data
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) SaveSmartTemperature(ctx context.Context, wwn string, deviceProtocol string, collectorSmartData collector.SmartInfo) error {
if len(collectorSmartData.AtaSctTemperatureHistory.Table) > 0 {
for ndx, temp := range collectorSmartData.AtaSctTemperatureHistory.Table {
minutesOffset := collectorSmartData.AtaSctTemperatureHistory.LoggingIntervalMinutes * int64(ndx) * 60
smartTemp := measurements.SmartTemperature{
Date: time.Unix(collectorSmartData.LocalTime.TimeT-minutesOffset, 0),
Temp: temp,
tags, fields := smartTemp.Flatten()
tags["device_wwn"] = wwn
p := influxdb2.NewPoint("temp",
err := sr.influxWriteApi.WritePoint(ctx, p)
if err != nil {
return err
// also add the current temperature.
} else {
smartTemp := measurements.SmartTemperature{
Date: time.Unix(collectorSmartData.LocalTime.TimeT, 0),
Temp: collectorSmartData.Temperature.Current,
tags, fields := smartTemp.Flatten()
tags["device_wwn"] = wwn
p := influxdb2.NewPoint("temp",
return sr.influxWriteApi.WritePoint(ctx, p)
return nil
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetSmartTemperatureHistory(ctx context.Context) (map[string][]measurements.SmartTemperature, error) {
deviceTempHistory := map[string][]measurements.SmartTemperature{}
//TODO: change the query range to a variable.
queryStr := fmt.Sprintf(`
import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"
from(bucket: "%s")
|> range(start: -3y, stop: now())
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "temp" )
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "temp")
|> schema.fieldsAsCols()
|> group(columns: ["device_wwn"])
|> yield(name: "last")
result, err := sr.influxQueryApi.Query(ctx, queryStr)
if err == nil {
// Use Next() to iterate over query result lines
for result.Next() {
if deviceWWN, ok := result.Record().Values()["device_wwn"]; ok {
//check if deviceWWN has been seen and initialized already
if _, ok := deviceTempHistory[deviceWWN.(string)]; !ok {
deviceTempHistory[deviceWWN.(string)] = []measurements.SmartTemperature{}
currentTempHistory := deviceTempHistory[deviceWWN.(string)]
smartTemp := measurements.SmartTemperature{}
for key, val := range result.Record().Values() {
smartTemp.Inflate(key, val)
smartTemp.Date = result.Record().Values()["_time"].(time.Time)
currentTempHistory = append(currentTempHistory, smartTemp)
deviceTempHistory[deviceWWN.(string)] = currentTempHistory
if result.Err() != nil {
fmt.Printf("Query error: %s\n", result.Err().Error())
} else {
return nil, err
return deviceTempHistory, nil
// DeviceSummary
// get a map of all devices and associated SMART data
func (sr *scrutinyRepository) GetSummary(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*models.DeviceSummary, error) {
devices, err := sr.GetDevices(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
summaries := map[string]*models.DeviceSummary{}
for _, device := range devices {
summaries[device.WWN] = &models.DeviceSummary{Device: device}
// Get parser flux query result
queryStr := fmt.Sprintf(`
import "influxdata/influxdb/schema"
from(bucket: "%s")
|> range(start: -1y, stop: now())
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "smart" )
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "temp" or r["_field"] == "power_on_hours" or r["_field"] == "date")
|> schema.fieldsAsCols()
|> group(columns: ["device_wwn"])
|> yield(name: "last")
result, err := sr.influxQueryApi.Query(ctx, queryStr)
if err == nil {
// Use Next() to iterate over query result lines
for result.Next() {
// Observe when there is new grouping key producing new table
if result.TableChanged() {
//fmt.Printf("table: %s\n", result.TableMetadata().String())
// read result
//get summary data from Influxdb.
if deviceWWN, ok := result.Record().Values()["device_wwn"]; ok {
summaries[deviceWWN.(string)].SmartResults = &models.SmartSummary{
Temp: result.Record().Values()["temp"].(int64),
PowerOnHours: result.Record().Values()["power_on_hours"].(int64),
CollectorDate: result.Record().Values()["_time"].(time.Time),
if result.Err() != nil {
fmt.Printf("Query error: %s\n", result.Err().Error())
} else {
return nil, err
deviceTempHistory, err := sr.GetSmartTemperatureHistory(ctx)
if err != nil {
sr.logger.Printf("Error: %v", err)
for wwn, tempHistory := range deviceTempHistory {
summaries[wwn].TempHistory = tempHistory
return summaries, nil
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
package db
import (
type DeviceWrapper struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Errors []error `json:"errors"`
Data []Device `json:"data"`
const DeviceProtocolAta = "ATA"
const DeviceProtocolScsi = "SCSI"
const DeviceProtocolNvme = "NVMe"
type Device struct {
//GORM attributes, see:
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
WWN string `json:"wwn" gorm:"primary_key"`
HostId string `json:"host_id"`
DeviceName string `json:"device_name"`
Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer"`
ModelName string `json:"model_name"`
InterfaceType string `json:"interface_type"`
InterfaceSpeed string `json:"interface_speed"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"`
Firmware string `json:"firmware"`
RotationSpeed int `json:"rotational_speed"`
Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"`
FormFactor string `json:"form_factor"`
SmartSupport bool `json:"smart_support"`
DeviceProtocol string `json:"device_protocol"` //protocol determines which smart attribute types are available (ATA, NVMe, SCSI)
DeviceType string `json:"device_type"` //device type is used for querying with -d/t flag, should only be used by collector.
SmartResults []Smart `gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN" json:"smart_results"`
func (dv *Device) IsAta() bool {
return dv.DeviceProtocol == DeviceProtocolAta
func (dv *Device) IsScsi() bool {
return dv.DeviceProtocol == DeviceProtocolScsi
func (dv *Device) IsNvme() bool {
return dv.DeviceProtocol == DeviceProtocolNvme
//This method requires a device with an array of SmartResults.
//It will remove all SmartResults other than the first (the latest one)
//All removed SmartResults, will be processed, grouping SmartAtaAttribute by attribute_id
// and adding theme to an array called History.
func (dv *Device) SquashHistory() error {
if len(dv.SmartResults) <= 1 {
return nil //no ataHistory found. ignore
latestSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[0:1]
historicalSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[1:]
//re-assign the latest slice to the SmartResults field
dv.SmartResults = latestSmartResultSlice
//process the historical slice for ATA data
if len(dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes) > 0 {
ataHistory := map[int][]SmartAtaAttribute{}
for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice {
for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.AtaAttributes {
if _, ok := ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok {
ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartAtaAttribute{}
ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute)
//now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults
for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes {
if attributeHistory, ok := ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok {
dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory
//process the historical slice for Nvme data
if len(dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes) > 0 {
nvmeHistory := map[string][]SmartNvmeAttribute{}
for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice {
for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.NvmeAttributes {
if _, ok := nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok {
nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartNvmeAttribute{}
nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute)
//now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults
for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes {
if attributeHistory, ok := nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok {
dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory
//process the historical slice for Scsi data
if len(dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes) > 0 {
scsiHistory := map[string][]SmartScsiAttribute{}
for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice {
for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.ScsiAttributes {
if _, ok := scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok {
scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartScsiAttribute{}
scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute)
//now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults
for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes {
if attributeHistory, ok := scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok {
dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory
return nil
func (dv *Device) ApplyMetadataRules() error {
//embed metadata in the latest smart attributes object
if len(dv.SmartResults) > 0 {
for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes {
dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes[ndx] = attr
for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes {
dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes[ndx] = attr
for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes {
dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes[ndx] = attr
return nil
// This function is called every time the collector sends SMART data to the API.
// It can be used to update device data that can change over time.
func (dv *Device) UpdateFromCollectorSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) error {
dv.Firmware = info.FirmwareVersion
return nil
@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
package db
import "time"
type SelfTest struct {
//GORM attributes, see:
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
DeviceWWN string
Device Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN"` // use DeviceWWN as foreign key
Date time.Time
@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
package db
import (
const SmartWhenFailedFailingNow = "FAILING_NOW"
const SmartWhenFailedInThePast = "IN_THE_PAST"
const SmartStatusPassed = "passed"
const SmartStatusFailed = "failed"
type Smart struct {
DeviceWWN string `json:"device_wwn"`
Device Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:DeviceWWN"` // use DeviceWWN as foreign key
TestDate time.Time `json:"date"`
SmartStatus string `json:"smart_status"` // SmartStatusPassed or SmartStatusFailed
Temp int64 `json:"temp"`
PowerOnHours int64 `json:"power_on_hours"`
PowerCycleCount int64 `json:"power_cycle_count"`
AtaAttributes []SmartAtaAttribute `json:"ata_attributes" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"`
NvmeAttributes []SmartNvmeAttribute `json:"nvme_attributes" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"`
ScsiAttributes []SmartScsiAttribute `json:"scsi_attributes" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"`
//Parse Collector SMART data results and create Smart object (and associated SmartAtaAttribute entries)
func (sm *Smart) FromCollectorSmartInfo(wwn string, info collector.SmartInfo) error {
sm.DeviceWWN = wwn
sm.TestDate = time.Unix(info.LocalTime.TimeT, 0)
//smart metrics
sm.Temp = info.Temperature.Current
sm.PowerCycleCount = info.PowerCycleCount
sm.PowerOnHours = info.PowerOnTime.Hours
// process ATA/NVME/SCSI protocol data
if info.Device.Protocol == DeviceProtocolAta {
} else if info.Device.Protocol == DeviceProtocolNvme {
} else if info.Device.Protocol == DeviceProtocolScsi {
if info.SmartStatus.Passed {
sm.SmartStatus = SmartStatusPassed
} else {
sm.SmartStatus = SmartStatusFailed
return nil
//generate SmartAtaAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data.
func (sm *Smart) ProcessAtaSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) {
sm.AtaAttributes = []SmartAtaAttribute{}
for _, collectorAttr := range info.AtaSmartAttributes.Table {
attrModel := SmartAtaAttribute{
AttributeId: collectorAttr.ID,
Name: collectorAttr.Name,
Value: collectorAttr.Value,
Worst: collectorAttr.Worst,
Threshold: collectorAttr.Thresh,
RawValue: collectorAttr.Raw.Value,
RawString: collectorAttr.Raw.String,
WhenFailed: collectorAttr.WhenFailed,
//now that we've parsed the data from the smartctl response, lets match it against our metadata rules and add additional Scrutiny specific data.
if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[collectorAttr.ID]; ok {
attrModel.Name = smartMetadata.DisplayName
if smartMetadata.Transform != nil {
attrModel.TransformedValue = smartMetadata.Transform(attrModel.Value, attrModel.RawValue, attrModel.RawString)
sm.AtaAttributes = append(sm.AtaAttributes, attrModel)
//generate SmartNvmeAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data.
func (sm *Smart) ProcessNvmeSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) {
sm.NvmeAttributes = []SmartNvmeAttribute{
{AttributeId: "critical_warning", Name: "Critical Warning", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.CriticalWarning, Threshold: 0},
{AttributeId: "temperature", Name: "Temperature", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.Temperature, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "available_spare", Name: "Available Spare", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.AvailableSpare, Threshold: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.AvailableSpareThreshold},
{AttributeId: "percentage_used", Name: "Percentage Used", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PercentageUsed, Threshold: 100},
{AttributeId: "data_units_read", Name: "Data Units Read", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.DataUnitsRead, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "data_units_written", Name: "Data Units Written", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.DataUnitsWritten, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "host_reads", Name: "Host Reads", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.HostReads, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "host_writes", Name: "Host Writes", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.HostWrites, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "controller_busy_time", Name: "Controller Busy Time", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.ControllerBusyTime, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "power_cycles", Name: "Power Cycles", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PowerCycles, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "power_on_hours", Name: "Power on Hours", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PowerOnHours, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "unsafe_shutdowns", Name: "Unsafe Shutdowns", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.UnsafeShutdowns, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "media_errors", Name: "Media Errors", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.MediaErrors, Threshold: 0},
{AttributeId: "num_err_log_entries", Name: "Numb Err Log Entries", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.NumErrLogEntries, Threshold: 0},
{AttributeId: "warning_temp_time", Name: "Warning Temp Time", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.WarningTempTime, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "critical_comp_time", Name: "Critical CompTime", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.CriticalCompTime, Threshold: -1},
//generate SmartScsiAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data.
func (sm *Smart) ProcessScsiSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) {
sm.ScsiAttributes = []SmartScsiAttribute{
{AttributeId: "scsi_grown_defect_list", Name: "Grown Defect List", Value: info.ScsiGrownDefectList, Threshold: 0},
{AttributeId: "read.errors_corrected_by_eccfast", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "read.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "read.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites, Threshold: 0},
{AttributeId: "read.total_errors_corrected", Name: "Read Total Errors Corrected", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.TotalErrorsCorrected, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "read.correction_algorithm_invocations", Name: "Read Correction Algorithm Invocations", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "read.total_uncorrected_errors", Name: "Read Total Uncorrected Errors", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.TotalUncorrectedErrors, Threshold: 0},
{AttributeId: "write.errors_corrected_by_eccfast", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "write.errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "write.errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites, Threshold: 0},
{AttributeId: "write.total_errors_corrected", Name: "Write Total Errors Corrected", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.TotalErrorsCorrected, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "write.correction_algorithm_invocations", Name: "Write Correction Algorithm Invocations", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations, Threshold: -1},
{AttributeId: "write.total_uncorrected_errors", Name: "Write Total Uncorrected Errors", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.TotalUncorrectedErrors, Threshold: 0},
@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
package db
import (
const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed"
const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed"
const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn"
type SmartAtaAttribute struct {
SmartId int `json:"smart_id"`
Smart Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` // use SmartId as foreign key
AttributeId int `json:"attribute_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int `json:"value"`
Worst int `json:"worst"`
Threshold int `json:"thresh"`
RawValue int64 `json:"raw_value"`
RawString string `json:"raw_string"`
WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"`
TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"`
Status string `gorm:"-" json:"status,omitempty"`
StatusReason string `gorm:"-" json:"status_reason,omitempty"`
FailureRate float64 `gorm:"-" json:"failure_rate,omitempty"`
History []SmartAtaAttribute `gorm:"-" json:"history,omitempty"`
//populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata
func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() {
if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedFailingNow {
//this attribute has previously failed
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing manufacturer SMART threshold"
} else if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedInThePast {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
sa.StatusReason = "Attribute has previously failed manufacturer SMART threshold"
if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok {
//check if status is blank, set to "passed"
if len(sa.Status) == 0 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed
// compare the attribute (raw, normalized, transformed) value to observed thresholds, and update status if necessary
func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata metadata.AtaAttributeMetadata) {
//TODO: multiple rules
// try to predict the failure rates for observed thresholds that have 0 failure rate and error bars.
// - if the attribute is critical
// - the failure rate is over 10 - set to failed
// - the attribute does not match any threshold, set to warn
// - if the attribute is not critical
// - if failure rate is above 20 - set to failed
// - if failure rate is above 10 but below 20 - set to warn
//update the smart attribute status based on Observed thresholds.
var value int64
if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeNormalized {
value = int64(sa.Value)
} else if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeTransformed {
value = sa.TransformedValue
} else {
value = sa.RawValue
for _, obsThresh := range smartMetadata.ObservedThresholds {
//check if "value" is in this bucket
if ((obsThresh.Low == obsThresh.High) && value == obsThresh.Low) ||
(obsThresh.Low < value && value <= obsThresh.High) {
sa.FailureRate = obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate
if smartMetadata.Critical {
if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute is greater than 10%"
} else {
if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.20 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 20%"
} else if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 10%"
//we've found the correct bucket, we can drop out of this loop
// no bucket found
if smartMetadata.Critical {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
sa.StatusReason = "Could not determine Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute"
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
package db
import (
type SmartNvmeAttribute struct {
SmartId int `json:"smart_id"`
Smart Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` // use SmartId as foreign key
AttributeId string `json:"attribute_id"` //json string from smartctl
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int `json:"value"`
Threshold int `json:"thresh"`
TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"`
Status string `gorm:"-" json:"status,omitempty"`
StatusReason string `gorm:"-" json:"status_reason,omitempty"`
FailureRate float64 `gorm:"-" json:"failure_rate,omitempty"`
History []SmartNvmeAttribute `gorm:"-" json:"history,omitempty"`
//populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata
func (sa *SmartNvmeAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() {
//-1 is a special number meaning no threshold.
if sa.Threshold != -1 {
if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.NmveMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok {
//check what the ideal is. Ideal tells us if we our recorded value needs to be above, or below the threshold
if (smartMetadata.Ideal == "low" && sa.Value > sa.Threshold) ||
(smartMetadata.Ideal == "high" && sa.Value < sa.Threshold) {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing recommended SMART threshold"
//TODO: eventually figure out the critical_warning bits and determine correct error messages here.
//check if status is blank, set to "passed"
if len(sa.Status) == 0 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
package db
import (
type SmartScsiAttribute struct {
SmartId int `json:"smart_id"`
Smart Device `json:"-" gorm:"foreignkey:SmartId"` // use SmartId as foreign key
AttributeId string `json:"attribute_id"` //json string from smartctl
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int `json:"value"`
Threshold int `json:"thresh"`
TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"`
Status string `gorm:"-" json:"status,omitempty"`
StatusReason string `gorm:"-" json:"status_reason,omitempty"`
FailureRate float64 `gorm:"-" json:"failure_rate,omitempty"`
History []SmartScsiAttribute `gorm:"-" json:"history,omitempty"`
//populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata
func (sa *SmartScsiAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() {
//-1 is a special number meaning no threshold.
if sa.Threshold != -1 {
if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.NmveMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok {
//check what the ideal is. Ideal tells us if we our recorded value needs to be above, or below the threshold
if (smartMetadata.Ideal == "low" && sa.Value > sa.Threshold) ||
(smartMetadata.Ideal == "high" && sa.Value < sa.Threshold) {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing recommended SMART threshold"
//check if status is blank, set to "passed"
if len(sa.Status) == 0 {
sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed
@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
package db_test
import (
func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo(t *testing.T) {
smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-ata.json")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer smartDataFile.Close()
var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
smartMdl := db.Smart{}
err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
require.Equal(t, 18, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes))
//check that temperature was correctly parsed
for _, attr := range smartMdl.AtaAttributes {
if attr.AttributeId == 194 {
require.Equal(t, int64(163210330144), attr.RawValue)
require.Equal(t, int64(32), attr.TransformedValue)
func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Fail(t *testing.T) {
smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-fail.json")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer smartDataFile.Close()
var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
smartMdl := db.Smart{}
err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
require.Equal(t, "failed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes))
func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Fail2(t *testing.T) {
smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-fail2.json")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer smartDataFile.Close()
var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
smartMdl := db.Smart{}
err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
require.Equal(t, "failed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
require.Equal(t, 17, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes))
func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Nvme(t *testing.T) {
smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-nvme.json")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer smartDataFile.Close()
var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
smartMdl := db.Smart{}
err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 16, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 111303174, smartMdl.NvmeAttributes[6].Value)
require.Equal(t, 83170961, smartMdl.NvmeAttributes[7].Value)
func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Scsi(t *testing.T) {
smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-scsi.json")
require.NoError(t, err)
defer smartDataFile.Close()
var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
smartMdl := db.Smart{}
err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 13, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes))
require.Equal(t, 56, smartMdl.ScsiAttributes[0].Value)
require.Equal(t, 300357663, smartMdl.ScsiAttributes[4].Value) //total_errors_corrected
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package models
import (
type DeviceWrapper struct {
Success bool `json:"success"`
Errors []error `json:"errors"`
Data []Device `json:"data"`
type Device struct {
//GORM attributes, see:
CreatedAt time.Time
UpdatedAt time.Time
DeletedAt *time.Time
WWN string `json:"wwn" gorm:"primary_key"`
DeviceName string `json:"device_name"`
Manufacturer string `json:"manufacturer"`
ModelName string `json:"model_name"`
InterfaceType string `json:"interface_type"`
InterfaceSpeed string `json:"interface_speed"`
SerialNumber string `json:"serial_number"`
Firmware string `json:"firmware"`
RotationSpeed int `json:"rotational_speed"`
Capacity int64 `json:"capacity"`
FormFactor string `json:"form_factor"`
SmartSupport bool `json:"smart_support"`
DeviceProtocol string `json:"device_protocol"` //protocol determines which smart attribute types are available (ATA, NVMe, SCSI)
DeviceType string `json:"device_type"` //device type is used for querying with -d/t flag, should only be used by collector.
// User provided metadata
Label string `json:"label"`
HostId string `json:"host_id"`
// Data set by Scrutiny
DeviceStatus pkg.DeviceStatus `json:"device_status"`
func (dv *Device) IsAta() bool {
return dv.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolAta
func (dv *Device) IsScsi() bool {
return dv.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolScsi
func (dv *Device) IsNvme() bool {
return dv.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolNvme
////This method requires a device with an array of SmartResults.
////It will remove all SmartResults other than the first (the latest one)
////All removed SmartResults, will be processed, grouping SmartAtaAttribute by attribute_id
//// and adding theme to an array called History.
//func (dv *Device) SquashHistory() error {
// if len(dv.SmartResults) <= 1 {
// return nil //no ataHistory found. ignore
// }
// latestSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[0:1]
// historicalSmartResultSlice := dv.SmartResults[1:]
// //re-assign the latest slice to the SmartResults field
// dv.SmartResults = latestSmartResultSlice
// //process the historical slice for ATA data
// if len(dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes) > 0 {
// ataHistory := map[int][]SmartAtaAttribute{}
// for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice {
// for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.AtaAttributes {
// if _, ok := ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok {
// ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartAtaAttribute{}
// }
// ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute)
// }
// }
// //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults
// for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes {
// if attributeHistory, ok := ataHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok {
// dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory
// }
// }
// }
// //process the historical slice for Nvme data
// if len(dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes) > 0 {
// nvmeHistory := map[string][]SmartNvmeAttribute{}
// for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice {
// for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.NvmeAttributes {
// if _, ok := nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok {
// nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartNvmeAttribute{}
// }
// nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute)
// }
// }
// //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults
// for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes {
// if attributeHistory, ok := nvmeHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok {
// dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory
// }
// }
// }
// //process the historical slice for Scsi data
// if len(dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes) > 0 {
// scsiHistory := map[string][]SmartScsiAttribute{}
// for _, smartResult := range historicalSmartResultSlice {
// for _, smartAttribute := range smartResult.ScsiAttributes {
// if _, ok := scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; !ok {
// scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = []SmartScsiAttribute{}
// }
// scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId] = append(scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId], smartAttribute)
// }
// }
// //now assign the historical slices to the AtaAttributes in the latest SmartResults
// for sandx, smartAttribute := range dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes {
// if attributeHistory, ok := scsiHistory[smartAttribute.AttributeId]; ok {
// dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes[sandx].History = attributeHistory
// }
// }
// }
// return nil
//func (dv *Device) ApplyMetadataRules() error {
// //embed metadata in the latest smart attributes object
// if len(dv.SmartResults) > 0 {
// for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes {
// attr.PopulateAttributeStatus()
// dv.SmartResults[0].AtaAttributes[ndx] = attr
// }
// for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes {
// attr.PopulateAttributeStatus()
// dv.SmartResults[0].NvmeAttributes[ndx] = attr
// }
// for ndx, attr := range dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes {
// attr.PopulateAttributeStatus()
// dv.SmartResults[0].ScsiAttributes[ndx] = attr
// }
// }
// return nil
// This function is called every time the collector sends SMART data to the API.
// It can be used to update device data that can change over time.
func (dv *Device) UpdateFromCollectorSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) error {
dv.Firmware = info.FirmwareVersion
dv.DeviceProtocol = info.Device.Protocol
if !info.SmartStatus.Passed {
dv.DeviceStatus = pkg.Set(dv.DeviceStatus, pkg.DeviceStatusFailedSmart)
return nil
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
package models
import (
type DeviceSummary struct {
Device Device `json:"device"`
SmartResults *SmartSummary `json:"smart,omitempty"`
TempHistory []measurements.SmartTemperature `json:"temp_history,omitempty"`
type SmartSummary struct {
// Collector Summary Data
CollectorDate time.Time `json:"collector_date,omitempty"`
Temp int64 `json:"temp,omitempty"`
PowerOnHours int64 `json:"power_on_hours,omitempty"`
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
package measurements
import (
type Smart struct {
Date time.Time `json:"date"`
DeviceWWN string `json:"device_wwn"` //(tag)
DeviceProtocol string `json:"device_protocol"`
//Metrics (fields)
Temp int64 `json:"temp"`
PowerOnHours int64 `json:"power_on_hours"`
PowerCycleCount int64 `json:"power_cycle_count"`
//Attributes (fields)
Attributes map[string]SmartAttribute `json:"attrs"`
func (sm *Smart) Flatten() (tags map[string]string, fields map[string]interface{}) {
tags = map[string]string{
"device_wwn": sm.DeviceWWN,
"device_protocol": sm.DeviceProtocol,
fields = map[string]interface{}{
"temp": sm.Temp,
"power_on_hours": sm.PowerOnHours,
"power_cycle_count": sm.PowerCycleCount,
for _, attr := range sm.Attributes {
for attrKey, attrVal := range attr.Flatten() {
fields[attrKey] = attrVal
return tags, fields
func NewSmartFromInfluxDB(attrs map[string]interface{}) (*Smart, error) {
//go though the massive map returned from influxdb. If a key is associated with the Smart struct, assign it. If it starts with "attr.*" group it by attributeId, and pass to attribute inflate.
sm := Smart{
//required fields
Date: attrs["_time"].(time.Time),
DeviceWWN: attrs["device_wwn"].(string),
DeviceProtocol: attrs["device_protocol"].(string),
Attributes: map[string]SmartAttribute{},
log.Printf("Prefetched Smart: %v\n", sm)
//two steps (because we dont know the
for key, val := range attrs {
log.Printf("Found Attribute (%s = %v)\n", key, val)
switch key {
case "temp":
sm.Temp = val.(int64)
case "power_on_hours":
sm.PowerOnHours = val.(int64)
case "power_cycle_count":
sm.PowerCycleCount = val.(int64)
// this key is unknown.
if !strings.HasPrefix(key, "attr.") {
//this is a attribute, lets group it with its related "siblings", populating a SmartAttribute object
keyParts := strings.Split(key, ".")
attributeId := keyParts[1]
if _, ok := sm.Attributes[attributeId]; !ok {
// init the attribute group
if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolAta {
sm.Attributes[attributeId] = &SmartAtaAttribute{}
} else if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolNvme {
sm.Attributes[attributeId] = &SmartNvmeAttribute{}
} else if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolScsi {
sm.Attributes[attributeId] = &SmartScsiAttribute{}
} else {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Unknown Device Protocol: %s", sm.DeviceProtocol)
sm.Attributes[attributeId].Inflate(key, val)
log.Printf("########NUMBER OF ATTRIBUTES: %v", len(sm.Attributes))
log.Printf("########SMART: %v", sm)
//panic("ERROR HERE.")
//log.Printf("Sm.Attributes: %v", sm.Attributes)
//log.Printf("sm.Attributes[attributeId]: %v", sm.Attributes[attributeId])
return &sm, nil
//Parse Collector SMART data results and create Smart object (and associated SmartAtaAttribute entries)
func (sm *Smart) FromCollectorSmartInfo(wwn string, info collector.SmartInfo) error {
sm.DeviceWWN = wwn
sm.Date = time.Unix(info.LocalTime.TimeT, 0)
//smart metrics
sm.Temp = info.Temperature.Current
sm.PowerCycleCount = info.PowerCycleCount
sm.PowerOnHours = info.PowerOnTime.Hours
sm.DeviceProtocol = info.Device.Protocol
// process ATA/NVME/SCSI protocol data
sm.Attributes = map[string]SmartAttribute{}
if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolAta {
} else if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolNvme {
} else if sm.DeviceProtocol == pkg.DeviceProtocolScsi {
return nil
//generate SmartAtaAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data.
func (sm *Smart) ProcessAtaSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) {
for _, collectorAttr := range info.AtaSmartAttributes.Table {
attrModel := SmartAtaAttribute{
AttributeId: collectorAttr.ID,
Name: collectorAttr.Name,
Value: collectorAttr.Value,
Worst: collectorAttr.Worst,
Threshold: collectorAttr.Thresh,
RawValue: collectorAttr.Raw.Value,
RawString: collectorAttr.Raw.String,
WhenFailed: collectorAttr.WhenFailed,
//now that we've parsed the data from the smartctl response, lets match it against our metadata rules and add additional Scrutiny specific data.
if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[collectorAttr.ID]; ok {
attrModel.Name = smartMetadata.DisplayName
if smartMetadata.Transform != nil {
attrModel.TransformedValue = smartMetadata.Transform(attrModel.Value, attrModel.RawValue, attrModel.RawString)
sm.Attributes[string(collectorAttr.ID)] = &attrModel
//generate SmartNvmeAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data.
func (sm *Smart) ProcessNvmeSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) {
sm.Attributes = map[string]SmartAttribute{
"critical_warning": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "critical_warning", Name: "Critical Warning", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.CriticalWarning, Threshold: 0},
"temperature": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "temperature", Name: "Temperature", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.Temperature, Threshold: -1},
"available_spare": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "available_spare", Name: "Available Spare", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.AvailableSpare, Threshold: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.AvailableSpareThreshold},
"percentage_used": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "percentage_used", Name: "Percentage Used", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PercentageUsed, Threshold: 100},
"data_units_read": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "data_units_read", Name: "Data Units Read", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.DataUnitsRead, Threshold: -1},
"data_units_written": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "data_units_written", Name: "Data Units Written", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.DataUnitsWritten, Threshold: -1},
"host_reads": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "host_reads", Name: "Host Reads", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.HostReads, Threshold: -1},
"host_writes": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "host_writes", Name: "Host Writes", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.HostWrites, Threshold: -1},
"controller_busy_time": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "controller_busy_time", Name: "Controller Busy Time", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.ControllerBusyTime, Threshold: -1},
"power_cycles": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "power_cycles", Name: "Power Cycles", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PowerCycles, Threshold: -1},
"power_on_hours": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "power_on_hours", Name: "Power on Hours", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.PowerOnHours, Threshold: -1},
"unsafe_shutdowns": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "unsafe_shutdowns", Name: "Unsafe Shutdowns", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.UnsafeShutdowns, Threshold: -1},
"media_errors": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "media_errors", Name: "Media Errors", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.MediaErrors, Threshold: 0},
"num_err_log_entries": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "num_err_log_entries", Name: "Numb Err Log Entries", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.NumErrLogEntries, Threshold: 0},
"warning_temp_time": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "warning_temp_time", Name: "Warning Temp Time", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.WarningTempTime, Threshold: -1},
"critical_comp_time": &SmartNvmeAttribute{AttributeId: "critical_comp_time", Name: "Critical CompTime", Value: info.NvmeSmartHealthInformationLog.CriticalCompTime, Threshold: -1},
//generate SmartScsiAttribute entries from Scrutiny Collector Smart data.
func (sm *Smart) ProcessScsiSmartInfo(info collector.SmartInfo) {
sm.Attributes = map[string]SmartAttribute{
"scsi_grown_defect_list": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "scsi_grown_defect_list", Name: "Grown Defect List", Value: info.ScsiGrownDefectList, Threshold: 0},
"read_errors_corrected_by_eccfast": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_errors_corrected_by_eccfast", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast, Threshold: -1},
"read_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed, Threshold: -1},
"read_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", Name: "Read Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites, Threshold: 0},
"read_total_errors_corrected": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_total_errors_corrected", Name: "Read Total Errors Corrected", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.TotalErrorsCorrected, Threshold: -1},
"read_correction_algorithm_invocations": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_correction_algorithm_invocations", Name: "Read Correction Algorithm Invocations", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations, Threshold: -1},
"read_total_uncorrected_errors": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "read_total_uncorrected_errors", Name: "Read Total Uncorrected Errors", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Read.TotalUncorrectedErrors, Threshold: 0},
"write_errors_corrected_by_eccfast": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_errors_corrected_by_eccfast", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Fast", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByEccfast, Threshold: -1},
"write_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_errors_corrected_by_eccdelayed", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ECC Delayed", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByEccdelayed, Threshold: -1},
"write_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_errors_corrected_by_rereads_rewrites", Name: "Write Errors Corrected by ReReads/ReWrites", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.ErrorsCorrectedByRereadsRewrites, Threshold: 0},
"write_total_errors_corrected": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_total_errors_corrected", Name: "Write Total Errors Corrected", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.TotalErrorsCorrected, Threshold: -1},
"write_correction_algorithm_invocations": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_correction_algorithm_invocations", Name: "Write Correction Algorithm Invocations", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.CorrectionAlgorithmInvocations, Threshold: -1},
"write_total_uncorrected_errors": &SmartScsiAttribute{AttributeId: "write_total_uncorrected_errors", Name: "Write Total Uncorrected Errors", Value: info.ScsiErrorCounterLog.Write.TotalUncorrectedErrors, Threshold: 0},
@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
package measurements
import (
const SmartAttributeStatusPassed = "passed"
const SmartAttributeStatusFailed = "failed"
const SmartAttributeStatusWarning = "warn"
type SmartAtaAttribute struct {
AttributeId int `json:"attribute_id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int64 `json:"value"`
Threshold int64 `json:"thresh"`
Worst int64 `json:"worst"`
RawValue int64 `json:"raw_value"`
RawString string `json:"raw_string"`
WhenFailed string `json:"when_failed"`
//Generated data
TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"`
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
StatusReason string `json:"status_reason,omitempty"`
FailureRate float64 `json:"failure_rate,omitempty"`
func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) Flatten() map[string]interface{} {
idString := strconv.Itoa(sa.AttributeId)
return map[string]interface{}{
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.attribute_id", idString): idString,
fmt.Sprintf("", idString): sa.Name,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.value", idString): sa.Value,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.worst", idString): sa.Worst,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.thresh", idString): sa.Threshold,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.raw_value", idString): sa.RawValue,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.raw_string", idString): sa.RawString,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.when_failed", idString): sa.WhenFailed,
func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) Inflate(key string, val interface{}) {
if val == nil {
keyParts := strings.Split(key, ".")
switch keyParts[2] {
case "attribute_id":
attrId, err := strconv.Atoi(val.(string))
if err == nil {
sa.AttributeId = attrId
case "name":
sa.Name = val.(string)
case "value":
sa.Value = val.(int64)
case "worst":
sa.Worst = val.(int64)
case "thresh":
sa.Threshold = val.(int64)
case "raw_value":
sa.RawValue = val.(int64)
case "raw_string":
sa.RawString = val.(string)
case "when_failed":
sa.WhenFailed = val.(string)
////populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata
//func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() {
// if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedFailingNow {
// //this attribute has previously failed
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
// sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing manufacturer SMART threshold"
// } else if strings.ToUpper(sa.WhenFailed) == SmartWhenFailedInThePast {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
// sa.StatusReason = "Attribute has previously failed manufacturer SMART threshold"
// }
// if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.AtaMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok {
// sa.MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata)
// }
// //check if status is blank, set to "passed"
// if len(sa.Status) == 0 {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed
// }
//// compare the attribute (raw, normalized, transformed) value to observed thresholds, and update status if necessary
//func (sa *SmartAtaAttribute) MetadataObservedThresholdStatus(smartMetadata metadata.AtaAttributeMetadata) {
// //TODO: multiple rules
// // try to predict the failure rates for observed thresholds that have 0 failure rate and error bars.
// // - if the attribute is critical
// // - the failure rate is over 10 - set to failed
// // - the attribute does not match any threshold, set to warn
// // - if the attribute is not critical
// // - if failure rate is above 20 - set to failed
// // - if failure rate is above 10 but below 20 - set to warn
// //update the smart attribute status based on Observed thresholds.
// var value int64
// if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeNormalized {
// value = int64(sa.Value)
// } else if smartMetadata.DisplayType == metadata.AtaSmartAttributeDisplayTypeTransformed {
// value = sa.TransformedValue
// } else {
// value = sa.RawValue
// }
// for _, obsThresh := range smartMetadata.ObservedThresholds {
// //check if "value" is in this bucket
// if ((obsThresh.Low == obsThresh.High) && value == obsThresh.Low) ||
// (obsThresh.Low < value && value <= obsThresh.High) {
// sa.FailureRate = obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate
// if smartMetadata.Critical {
// if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
// sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute is greater than 10%"
// }
// } else {
// if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.20 {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
// sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 20%"
// } else if obsThresh.AnnualFailureRate >= 0.10 {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
// sa.StatusReason = "Observed Failure Rate for Attribute is greater than 10%"
// }
// }
// //we've found the correct bucket, we can drop out of this loop
// return
// }
// }
// // no bucket found
// if smartMetadata.Critical {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusWarning
// sa.StatusReason = "Could not determine Observed Failure Rate for Critical Attribute"
// }
// return
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package measurements
type SmartAttribute interface {
Flatten() (fields map[string]interface{})
Inflate(key string, val interface{})
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
package measurements
import (
type SmartNvmeAttribute struct {
AttributeId string `json:"attribute_id"` //json string from smartctl
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int64 `json:"value"`
Threshold int64 `json:"thresh"`
TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"`
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
StatusReason string `json:"status_reason,omitempty"`
FailureRate float64 `json:"failure_rate,omitempty"`
func (sa *SmartNvmeAttribute) Flatten() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.attribute_id", sa.AttributeId): sa.AttributeId,
fmt.Sprintf("", sa.AttributeId): sa.Name,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.value", sa.AttributeId): sa.Value,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.thresh", sa.AttributeId): sa.Threshold,
func (sa *SmartNvmeAttribute) Inflate(key string, val interface{}) {
if val == nil {
keyParts := strings.Split(key, ".")
switch keyParts[2] {
case "attribute_id":
sa.AttributeId = val.(string)
case "name":
sa.Name = val.(string)
case "value":
sa.Value = val.(int64)
case "thresh":
sa.Threshold = val.(int64)
////populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata
//func (sa *SmartNvmeAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() {
// //-1 is a special number meaning no threshold.
// if sa.Threshold != -1 {
// if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.NmveMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok {
// //check what the ideal is. Ideal tells us if we our recorded value needs to be above, or below the threshold
// if (smartMetadata.Ideal == "low" && sa.Value > sa.Threshold) ||
// (smartMetadata.Ideal == "high" && sa.Value < sa.Threshold) {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
// sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing recommended SMART threshold"
// }
// }
// }
// //TODO: eventually figure out the critical_warning bits and determine correct error messages here.
// //check if status is blank, set to "passed"
// if len(sa.Status) == 0 {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed
// }
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
package measurements
import (
type SmartScsiAttribute struct {
AttributeId string `json:"attribute_id"` //json string from smartctl
Name string `json:"name"`
Value int64 `json:"value"`
Threshold int64 `json:"thresh"`
TransformedValue int64 `json:"transformed_value"`
Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`
StatusReason string `json:"status_reason,omitempty"`
FailureRate float64 `json:"failure_rate,omitempty"`
func (sa *SmartScsiAttribute) Flatten() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.attribute_id", sa.AttributeId): sa.AttributeId,
fmt.Sprintf("", sa.AttributeId): sa.Name,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.value", sa.AttributeId): sa.Value,
fmt.Sprintf("attr.%s.thresh", sa.AttributeId): sa.Threshold,
func (sa *SmartScsiAttribute) Inflate(key string, val interface{}) {
if val == nil {
keyParts := strings.Split(key, ".")
switch keyParts[2] {
case "attribute_id":
sa.AttributeId = val.(string)
case "name":
sa.Name = val.(string)
case "value":
sa.Value = val.(int64)
case "thresh":
sa.Threshold = val.(int64)
////populate attribute status, using SMART Thresholds & Observed Metadata
//func (sa *SmartScsiAttribute) PopulateAttributeStatus() {
// //-1 is a special number meaning no threshold.
// if sa.Threshold != -1 {
// if smartMetadata, ok := metadata.NmveMetadata[sa.AttributeId]; ok {
// //check what the ideal is. Ideal tells us if we our recorded value needs to be above, or below the threshold
// if (smartMetadata.Ideal == "low" && sa.Value > sa.Threshold) ||
// (smartMetadata.Ideal == "high" && sa.Value < sa.Threshold) {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusFailed
// sa.StatusReason = "Attribute is failing recommended SMART threshold"
// }
// }
// }
// //check if status is blank, set to "passed"
// if len(sa.Status) == 0 {
// sa.Status = SmartAttributeStatusPassed
// }
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package measurements
import (
type SmartTemperature struct {
Date time.Time `json:"date"`
Temp int64 `json:"temp"`
func (st *SmartTemperature) Flatten() (tags map[string]string, fields map[string]interface{}) {
fields = map[string]interface{}{
"temp": st.Temp,
tags = map[string]string{}
return tags, fields
func (st *SmartTemperature) Inflate(key string, val interface{}) {
if val == nil {
if key == "temp" {
st.Temp = val.(int64)
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
package measurements_test
//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo(t *testing.T) {
// //setup
// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-ata.json")
// require.NoError(t, err)
// defer smartDataFile.Close()
// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// //test
// smartMdl := db.Smart{}
// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
// //assert
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
// require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
// require.Equal(t, 18, len(smartMdl.Attributes))
// //check that temperature was correctly parsed
// for _, attr := range smartMdl.Attributes {
// if attr.AttributeId == 194 {
// require.Equal(t, int64(163210330144), attr.RawValue)
// require.Equal(t, int64(32), attr.TransformedValue)
// }
// }
//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Fail(t *testing.T) {
// //setup
// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-fail.json")
// require.NoError(t, err)
// defer smartDataFile.Close()
// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// //test
// smartMdl := db.Smart{}
// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
// //assert
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
// require.Equal(t, "failed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes))
// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes))
// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes))
//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Fail2(t *testing.T) {
// //setup
// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-fail2.json")
// require.NoError(t, err)
// defer smartDataFile.Close()
// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// //test
// smartMdl := db.Smart{}
// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
// //assert
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
// require.Equal(t, "failed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
// require.Equal(t, 17, len(smartMdl.Attributes))
//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Nvme(t *testing.T) {
// //setup
// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-nvme.json")
// require.NoError(t, err)
// defer smartDataFile.Close()
// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// //test
// smartMdl := db.Smart{}
// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
// //assert
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
// require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes))
// require.Equal(t, 16, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes))
// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes))
// require.Equal(t, 111303174, smartMdl.NvmeAttributes[6].Value)
// require.Equal(t, 83170961, smartMdl.NvmeAttributes[7].Value)
//func TestFromCollectorSmartInfo_Scsi(t *testing.T) {
// //setup
// smartDataFile, err := os.Open("../testdata/smart-scsi.json")
// require.NoError(t, err)
// defer smartDataFile.Close()
// var smartJson collector.SmartInfo
// smartDataBytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(smartDataFile)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// err = json.Unmarshal(smartDataBytes, &smartJson)
// require.NoError(t, err)
// //test
// smartMdl := db.Smart{}
// err = smartMdl.FromCollectorSmartInfo("WWN-test", smartJson)
// //assert
// require.NoError(t, err)
// require.Equal(t, "WWN-test", smartMdl.DeviceWWN)
// require.Equal(t, "passed", smartMdl.SmartStatus)
// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.AtaAttributes))
// require.Equal(t, 0, len(smartMdl.NvmeAttributes))
// require.Equal(t, 13, len(smartMdl.ScsiAttributes))
// require.Equal(t, 56, smartMdl.ScsiAttributes[0].Value)
// require.Equal(t, 300357663, smartMdl.ScsiAttributes[4].Value) //total_errors_corrected
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package models
// Temperature Format
// Date Format
// Device History window
@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
"json_format_version": [
"smartctl": {
"version": [
"svn_revision": "4883",
"platform_info": "x86_64-linux-4.19.128-flatcar",
"build_info": "(local build)",
"argv": [
"exit_status": 0
"device": {
"name": "/dev/sdb",
"info_name": "/dev/sdb [SAT]",
"type": "sat",
"protocol": "ATA"
"model_name": "WDC WD140EDFZ-11A0VA0",
"serial_number": "9RK1XXXX",
"wwn": {
"naa": 5,
"oui": 3274,
"id": 10283057623
"firmware_version": "81.00A81",
"user_capacity": {
"blocks": 27344764928,
"bytes": 14000519643136
"logical_block_size": 512,
"physical_block_size": 4096,
"rotation_rate": 5400,
"form_factor": {
"ata_value": 2,
"name": "3.5 inches"
"in_smartctl_database": false,
"ata_version": {
"string": "ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4",
"major_value": 1020,
"minor_value": 41
"sata_version": {
"string": "SATA 3.2",
"value": 255
"interface_speed": {
"max": {
"sata_value": 14,
"string": "6.0 Gb/s",
"units_per_second": 60,
"bits_per_unit": 100000000
"current": {
"sata_value": 3,
"string": "6.0 Gb/s",
"units_per_second": 60,
"bits_per_unit": 100000000
"local_time": {
"time_t": 1611419146,
"asctime": "Sun Jun 30 00:03:30 2021 UTC"
"smart_status": {
"passed": true
"ata_smart_data": {
"offline_data_collection": {
"status": {
"value": 130,
"string": "was completed without error",
"passed": true
"completion_seconds": 101
"self_test": {
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "in progress, 10% remaining",
"remaining_percent": 10
"polling_minutes": {
"short": 2,
"extended": 1479
"capabilities": {
"values": [
"exec_offline_immediate_supported": true,
"offline_is_aborted_upon_new_cmd": false,
"offline_surface_scan_supported": true,
"self_tests_supported": true,
"conveyance_self_test_supported": false,
"selective_self_test_supported": true,
"attribute_autosave_enabled": true,
"error_logging_supported": true,
"gp_logging_supported": true
"ata_sct_capabilities": {
"value": 61,
"error_recovery_control_supported": true,
"feature_control_supported": true,
"data_table_supported": true
"ata_smart_attributes": {
"revision": 16,
"table": [
"id": 1,
"name": "Raw_Read_Error_Rate",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 11,
"string": "PO-R-- ",
"prefailure": true,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": true,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 2,
"name": "Throughput_Performance",
"value": 135,
"worst": 135,
"thresh": 54,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 4,
"string": "--S--- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": false,
"performance": true,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 108,
"string": "108"
"id": 3,
"name": "Spin_Up_Time",
"value": 81,
"worst": 81,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 7,
"string": "POS--- ",
"prefailure": true,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": true,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 30089675132,
"string": "380 (Average 380)"
"id": 4,
"name": "Start_Stop_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 18,
"string": "-O--C- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 9,
"string": "9"
"id": 5,
"name": "Reallocated_Sector_Ct",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 51,
"string": "PO--CK ",
"prefailure": true,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 7,
"name": "Seek_Error_Rate",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 10,
"string": "-O-R-- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": true,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 8,
"name": "Seek_Time_Performance",
"value": 133,
"worst": 133,
"thresh": 20,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 4,
"string": "--S--- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": false,
"performance": true,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 18,
"string": "18"
"id": 9,
"name": "Power_On_Hours",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 18,
"string": "-O--C- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 1730,
"string": "1730"
"id": 10,
"name": "Spin_Retry_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 1,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 18,
"string": "-O--C- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 12,
"name": "Power_Cycle_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 50,
"string": "-O--CK ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 9,
"string": "9"
"id": 22,
"name": "Unknown_Attribute",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 25,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 35,
"string": "PO---K ",
"prefailure": true,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 100,
"string": "100"
"id": 192,
"name": "Power-Off_Retract_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 50,
"string": "-O--CK ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 329,
"string": "329"
"id": 193,
"name": "Load_Cycle_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 18,
"string": "-O--C- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 329,
"string": "329"
"id": 194,
"name": "Temperature_Celsius",
"value": 51,
"worst": 51,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 2,
"string": "-O---- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 163210330144,
"string": "32 (Min/Max 24/38)"
"id": 196,
"name": "Reallocated_Event_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 50,
"string": "-O--CK ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": true,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 197,
"name": "Current_Pending_Sector",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 34,
"string": "-O---K ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": false,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": true
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 198,
"name": "Offline_Uncorrectable",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 8,
"string": "---R-- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": false,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": true,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"id": 199,
"name": "UDMA_CRC_Error_Count",
"value": 100,
"worst": 100,
"thresh": 0,
"when_failed": "",
"flags": {
"value": 10,
"string": "-O-R-- ",
"prefailure": false,
"updated_online": true,
"performance": false,
"error_rate": true,
"event_count": false,
"auto_keep": false
"raw": {
"value": 0,
"string": "0"
"power_on_time": {
"hours": 1730
"power_cycle_count": 9,
"temperature": {
"current": 32
"ata_smart_error_log": {
"summary": {
"revision": 1,
"count": 0
"ata_smart_self_test_log": {
"standard": {
"revision": 1,
"table": [
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1708
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1684
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1661
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1636
"type": {
"value": 2,
"string": "Extended offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1624
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1541
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1517
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1493
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1469
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1445
"type": {
"value": 2,
"string": "Extended offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1439
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1373
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1349
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1325
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1301
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1277
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1253
"type": {
"value": 2,
"string": "Extended offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1252
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1205
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1181
"type": {
"value": 1,
"string": "Short offline"
"status": {
"value": 0,
"string": "Completed without error",
"passed": true
"lifetime_hours": 1157
"count": 21,
"error_count_total": 0,
"error_count_outdated": 0
"ata_smart_selective_self_test_log": {
"revision": 1,
"table": [
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"lba_min": 0,
"lba_max": 0,
"status": {
"value": 241,
"string": "Not_testing"
"flags": {
"value": 0,
"remainder_scan_enabled": false
"power_up_scan_resume_minutes": 0
@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
package handler
import (
dbModels ""
func GetDevicesSummary(c *gin.Context) {
db := c.MustGet("DB").(*gorm.DB)
logger := c.MustGet("LOGGER").(logrus.FieldLogger)
devices := []dbModels.Device{}
deviceRepo := c.MustGet("DEVICE_REPOSITORY").(database.DeviceRepo)
//We need the last x (for now all) Smart objects for each Device, so that we can graph Temperature
//We also need the last
if err := db.Preload("SmartResults", func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Order("smarts.created_at DESC") //OLD: .Limit(devicesCount)
Find(&devices).Error; err != nil {
logger.Errorln("Could not get device summary from DB", err)
summary, err := deviceRepo.GetSummary(c)
if err != nil {
logger.Errorln("An error occurred while retrieving device summary", err)
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"success": false})
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"success": true,
"data": devices,
"data": map[string]interface{}{
"summary": summary,
//"temperature": tem
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package middleware
import (
func RepositoryMiddleware(appConfig config.Interface, globalLogger logrus.FieldLogger) gin.HandlerFunc {
deviceRepo, err := database.NewScrutinyRepository(appConfig, globalLogger)
if err != nil {
//TODO: determine where we can call defer deviceRepo.Close()
return func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Set("DEVICE_REPOSITORY", deviceRepo)
@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
package middleware
import (
func DatabaseMiddleware(appConfig config.Interface, globalLogger logrus.FieldLogger) gin.HandlerFunc {
//var database *gorm.DB
fmt.Printf("Trying to connect to database stored: %s\n", appConfig.GetString("web.database.location"))
database, err := gorm.Open(sqlite.Open(appConfig.GetString("web.database.location")), &gorm.Config{
//TODO: figure out how to log database queries again.
//Logger: logger
if err != nil {
panic("Failed to connect to database!")
//TODO: detrmine where we can call defer database.Close()
return func(c *gin.Context) {
c.Set("DB", database)
// GormLogger is a custom logger for Gorm, making it use logrus.
type GormLogger struct{ Logger logrus.FieldLogger }
// Print handles log events from Gorm for the custom logger.
func (gl *GormLogger) Print(v ...interface{}) {
switch v[0] {
case "sql":
"module": "gorm",
"type": "sql",
"rows": v[5],
"src_ref": v[1],
"values": v[4],
case "log":
gl.Logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{"module": "gorm", "type": "log"}).Print(v[2])
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in new issue