docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 \
-v `pwd`/config:/opt/scrutiny/config \
-v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro \
--cap-add SYS_RAWIO \
--device=/dev/sda \
--device=/dev/sdb \
-e DEBUG=true \
-e COLLECTOR_LOG_FILE=/tmp/collector.log \
-e SCRUTINY_LOG_FILE=/tmp/web.log \
-e COLLECTOR_LOG_FILE=/opt/scrutiny/config/collector.log \
-e SCRUTINY_LOG_FILE=/opt/scrutiny/config/web.log \
--name scrutiny \
# in another terminal trigger the collector
docker exec scrutiny scrutiny-collector-metrics run
# then use docker cp to copy the log files out of the container.
docker cp scrutiny:/tmp/collector.log collector.log
docker cp scrutiny:/tmp/web.log web.log
The log files will be available on your host in the `config` directory. Please attach them to this issue.