| Exit Code (Isolated) | Binary | Problem Message |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | Bit 0 | Command line did not parse. |
| 2 | Bit 1 | Device open failed, or device did not return an IDENTIFY DEVICE structure. |
| 4 | Bit 2 | Some SMART command to the disk failed, or there was a checksum error in a SMART data structure (see В´-bВ´ option above). |
| 8 | Bit 3 | SMART status check returned “DISK FAILING". |
| 16 | Bit 4 | We found prefail Attributes <= threshold. |
| 32 | Bit 5 | SMART status check returned “DISK OK” but we found that some (usage or prefail) Attributes have been <= threshold at some time in the past. |
| 64 | Bit 6 | The device error log contains records of errors. |
| 128 | Bit 7 | The device self-test log contains records of errors. |
#### Standby/Sleeping Disks
Disks in Standby/Sleep can also cause `smartctl` to exit abnormally, usually with `exit code: 2`.