Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

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# pfsense Install
This bascially follows the [Manual collector instructions]( and assumes you are running a hub and spoke deployment and already have the web app setup.
### Dependencies
SSH into pfsense, hit `8` for the shell and install the required dependencies.
pkg install smartmontools
Ensure smartmontools is v7+. This won't be a problem in pfsense 2.6.0+
### Directory Structure
Now let's create a directory structure to contain the Scrutiny collector binary.
mkdir -p /opt/scrutiny/bin
### Download Files
Next, we'll download the Scrutiny collector binary from the [latest Github release](
> NOTE: Ensure you have the latest version in the below command
fetch -o /opt/scrutiny/bin
### Prepare Scrutiny
Now that we have downloaded the required files, let's prepare the filesystem.
chmod +x /opt/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics-freebsd-amd64
### Start Scrutiny Collector, Populate Webapp
Next, we will manually trigger the collector, to populate the Scrutiny dashboard:
> NOTE: if you need to pass a config file to the scrutiny collector, you can provide it using the `--config` flag.
/opt/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics-freebsd-amd64 run --api-endpoint "http://localhost:8080"
> NOTE: change the IP address to that of your web app
### Schedule Collector with Cron
Finally you need to schedule the collector to run periodically.
Login to the pfsense webGUI and head to `Services/Cron` add an entry with the following details:
Minute: */15
Hour: *
Day of the Month: *
Month of the Year: *
Day of the Week: *
User: root
Command: /opt/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics-freebsd-amd64 run --api-endpoint "http://localhost:8080" >/dev/null 2>&1
> NOTE: `>/dev/null 2>&1` is used to stop cron confirmation emails being sent.