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Scrutiny supports many operating systems, CPU architectures and runtime environments. Unfortunately that makes it incredibly difficult to test. Thankfully the following users have been gracious enough to test/validate Scrutiny works on their system.

NOTE: If you're interested in volunteering to test Scrutiny beta builds on your system, please open an issue.

Architecture Name Binaries Docker
linux-amd64 -- @feroxy @rshxyz @TizzAmmazz
linux-arm-5 --
linux-arm-6 --
linux-arm-7 @Zorlin @martini1992
linux-arm64 @SiM22 @Zorlin @ViRb3 @agneevX @benamajin
freebsd-amd64 @BadCo-NZ @varunsridharan @martadinata666 @KenwoodFox @FingerlessGlov3s
macos-amd64 -- --
macos-arm64 -- --
windows-amd64 @gabrielv33 --
windows-arm64 -- --