You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

5.4 KiB


There are multiple ways to develop on the scrutiny codebase locally. The two most popular are:

  • Docker Development Container - only requires docker
  • Run Components Locally - requires smartmontools, golang & nodejs installed locally

Docker Development

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile . -t analogj/scrutiny
docker run -it --rm -p 8080:8080 \
-v /run/udev:/run/udev:ro \
--cap-add SYS_RAWIO \
--device=/dev/sda \
--device=/dev/sdb \
/scrutiny/bin/scrutiny-collector-metrics run

Local Development


The frontend is written in Angular. If you're working on the frontend and can use mocked data rather than a real backend, you can use

cd webapp/frontend
npm install
ng serve

However, if you need to also run the backend, and use real data, you'll need to run the following command:

cd webapp/frontend && ng build --watch --output-path=../../dist --deploy-url="/web/" --base-href="/web/" --prod

Note: if you do not add --prod flag, app will display mocked data for api calls.


If you're using the ng build command above to generate your frontend, you'll need to create a custom config file and override the web.src.frontend.path value.

# config file for local development. store as scrutiny.yaml
version: 1

    port: 8080
    # can also set absolute path here
    location: ./scrutiny.db
      path: ./dist
    retention_policy: false

  file: 'web.log' #absolute or relative paths allowed, eg. web.log
  level: DEBUG

Once you've created a config file, you can pass it to the scrutiny binary during startup.

go run webapp/backend/cmd/scrutiny/scrutiny.go start --config ./scrutiny.yaml

Now visit http://localhost:8080

If you'd like to populate the database with some test data, you can run the following commands:

NOTE: you may need to update the local_time key within the JSON file, any timestamps older than ~3 weeks will be automatically ignored (since the downsampling & retention policy takes effect at 2 weeks) This is done automatically by the webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/helper.go script

docker run -p 8086:8086 --rm influxdb:2.2

docker run --rm -p 8086:8086 \
      -e DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_PASSWORD=password12345 \
      -e DOCKER_INFLUXDB_INIT_ORG=scrutiny \

# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/web/testdata/register-devices-req.json localhost:8080/api/devices/register
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-ata.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264eb01d7/smart
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-ata-date.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264eb01d7/smart
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-ata-date2.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264eb01d7/smart
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-fail2.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264ec3183/smart
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-nvme.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5002538e40a22954/smart
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-scsi.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca252c859cc/smart
# curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/smart-scsi2.json localhost:8080/api/device/0x5000cca264ebc248/smart
go run webapp/backend/pkg/models/testdata/helper.go

curl localhost:8080/api/summary


brew install smartmontools
go run collector/cmd/collector-metrics/collector-metrics.go run --debug


If you need more verbose logs for debugging, you can use the following environmental variables:

  • DEBUG=true - enables debug level logging on both the collector and webapp
  • COLLECTOR_DEBUG=true - enables debug level logging on the collector
  • SCRUTINY_DEBUG=true - enables debug level logging on the webapp

In addition, you can instruct scrutiny to write its logs to a file using the following environmental variables:

  • COLLECTOR_LOG_FILE=/tmp/collector.log - write the collector logs to a file
  • SCRUTINY_LOG_FILE=/tmp/web.log - write the webapp logs to a file

Finally, you can copy the files from the scrutiny container to your host using the following command(s)

docker cp scrutiny:/tmp/collector.log collector.log
docker cp scrutiny:/tmp/web.log web.log

InfluxDB - Downsampling

Scrutiny will automatically configure downsampling scripts for ensuring the database size will not grow unbounded.

Bucket Name Description Retention Period Downsampling Frequency Max Number of Datapoints (per Disk)
scrutiny Main bucket, where all data is written 15 days 0 1 * * 0 7+7+1
scrutiny_weekly Weekly data, downsampled from scrutiny 9 weeks 30 1 1 * * 4+4+1
scrutiny_monthly Monthly data, downsampled from _weekly 25 months 0 2 1 1 * 12+12+1
scrutiny_yearly Yearly data, downsampled from _monthly forever never