#! /usr/bin/env python3
Sherlock : Find Usernames Across Social Networks Module
This module contains the main logic to search for usernames at social
networks .
import csv
import json
import os
import platform
import re
import sys
import random
from argparse import ArgumentParser , RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
from concurrent . futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from time import time
import requests
from colorama import Fore , Style , init
from requests_futures . sessions import FuturesSession
from torrequest import TorRequest
from load_proxies import load_proxies_from_csv , check_proxy_list
module_name = " Sherlock: Find Usernames Across Social Networks "
__version__ = " 0.8.8 "
amount = 0
global proxy_list
proxy_list = [ ]
class ElapsedFuturesSession ( FuturesSession ) :
Extends FutureSession to add a response time metric to each request .
This is taken ( almost ) directly from here : https : / / github . com / ross / requests - futures #working-in-the-background
def request ( self , method , url , hooks = { } , * args , * * kwargs ) :
start = time ( )
def timing ( r , * args , * * kwargs ) :
elapsed_sec = time ( ) - start
r . elapsed = round ( elapsed_sec * 1000 )
try :
if isinstance ( hooks [ ' response ' ] , ( list , tuple ) ) :
# needs to be first so we don't time other hooks execution
hooks [ ' response ' ] . insert ( 0 , timing )
else :
hooks [ ' response ' ] = [ timing , hooks [ ' response ' ] ]
except KeyError :
hooks [ ' response ' ] = timing
return super ( ElapsedFuturesSession , self ) . request ( method , url , hooks = hooks , * args , * * kwargs )
def print_info ( title , info ) :
print ( Style . BRIGHT + Fore . GREEN + " [ " +
Fore . YELLOW + " * " +
Fore . GREEN + f " ] { title } " +
Fore . WHITE + f " { info } " +
Fore . GREEN + " on: " )
def print_error ( err , errstr , var , verbose = False ) :
print ( Style . BRIGHT + Fore . WHITE + " [ " +
Fore . RED + " - " +
Fore . WHITE + " ] " +
Fore . RED + f " { errstr } " +
Fore . YELLOW + f " { err if verbose else var } " )
def format_response_time ( response_time , verbose ) :
return " [ {} ms] " . format ( response_time ) if verbose else " "
def print_found ( social_network , url , response_time , verbose = False ) :
print ( ( Style . BRIGHT + Fore . WHITE + " [ " +
Fore . GREEN + " + " +
Fore . WHITE + " ] " +
format_response_time ( response_time , verbose ) +
Fore . GREEN + f " { social_network } : " ) , url )
def print_not_found ( social_network , response_time , verbose = False ) :
print ( ( Style . BRIGHT + Fore . WHITE + " [ " +
Fore . RED + " - " +
Fore . WHITE + " ] " +
format_response_time ( response_time , verbose ) +
Fore . GREEN + f " { social_network } : " +
Fore . YELLOW + " Not Found! " ) )
def print_invalid ( social_network , msg ) :
""" Print invalid search result. """
print ( ( Style . BRIGHT + Fore . WHITE + " [ " +
Fore . RED + " - " +
Fore . WHITE + " ] " +
Fore . GREEN + f " { social_network } : " +
Fore . YELLOW + f " { msg } " ) )
def get_response ( request_future , error_type , social_network , verbose = False , retry_no = None ) :
global proxy_list
try :
rsp = request_future . result ( )
if rsp . status_code :
return rsp , error_type , rsp . elapsed
except requests . exceptions . HTTPError as errh :
print_error ( errh , " HTTP Error: " , social_network , verbose )
# In case our proxy fails, we retry with another proxy.
except requests . exceptions . ProxyError as errp :
if retry_no > 0 and len ( proxy_list ) > 0 :
#Selecting the new proxy.
new_proxy = random . choice ( proxy_list )
new_proxy = f ' { new_proxy . protocol } :// { new_proxy . ip } : { new_proxy . port } '
print ( f ' Retrying with { new_proxy } ' )
request_future . proxy = { ' http ' : new_proxy , ' https ' : new_proxy }
get_response ( request_future , error_type , social_network , verbose , retry_no = retry_no - 1 )
else :
print_error ( errp , " Proxy error: " , social_network , verbose )
except requests . exceptions . ConnectionError as errc :
print_error ( errc , " Error Connecting: " , social_network , verbose )
except requests . exceptions . Timeout as errt :
print_error ( errt , " Timeout Error: " , social_network , verbose )
except requests . exceptions . RequestException as err :
print_error ( err , " Unknown error: " , social_network , verbose )
return None , " " , - 1
def sherlock ( username , site_data , verbose = False , tor = False , unique_tor = False , proxy = None , print_found_only = False ) :
""" Run Sherlock Analysis.
Checks for existence of username on various social media sites .
Keyword Arguments :
username - - String indicating username that report
should be created against .
site_data - - Dictionary containing all of the site data .
verbose - - Boolean indicating whether to give verbose output .
tor - - Boolean indicating whether to use a tor circuit for the requests .
unique_tor - - Boolean indicating whether to use a new tor circuit for each request .
proxy - - String indicating the proxy URL
Return Value :
Dictionary containing results from report . Key of dictionary is the name
of the social network site , and the value is another dictionary with
the following keys :
url_main : URL of main site .
url_user : URL of user on site ( if account exists ) .
exists : String indicating results of test for account existence .
http_status : HTTP status code of query which checked for existence on
site .
response_text : Text that came back from request . May be None if
there was an HTTP error when checking for existence .
global amount
print_info ( " Checking username " , username )
# A user agent is needed because some sites don't
# return the correct information since they think that
# we are bots
headers = {
' User-Agent ' : ' Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.12; rv:55.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/55.0 '
# Allow 1 thread for each external service, so `len(site_data)` threads total
executor = ThreadPoolExecutor ( max_workers = len ( site_data ) )
# Create session based on request methodology
underlying_session = requests . session ( )
underlying_request = requests . Request ( )
if tor or unique_tor :
underlying_request = TorRequest ( )
underlying_session = underlying_request . session
# Create multi-threaded session for all requests. Use our custom FuturesSession that exposes response time
session = ElapsedFuturesSession (
executor = executor , session = underlying_session )
# Results from analysis of all sites
results_total = { }
# First create futures for all requests. This allows for the requests to run in parallel
for social_network , net_info in site_data . items ( ) :
# Results from analysis of this specific site
results_site = { }
# Record URL of main site
results_site [ ' url_main ' ] = net_info . get ( " urlMain " )
# Don't make request if username is invalid for the site
regex_check = net_info . get ( " regexCheck " )
if regex_check and re . search ( regex_check , username ) is None :
# No need to do the check at the site: this user name is not allowed.
print_invalid ( social_network , " Illegal Username Format For This Site! " )
results_site [ " exists " ] = " illegal "
results_site [ " url_user " ] = " "
results_site [ ' http_status ' ] = " "
results_site [ ' response_text ' ] = " "
results_site [ ' response_time_ms ' ] = " "
else :
# URL of user on site (if it exists)
url = net_info [ " url " ] . format ( username )
results_site [ " url_user " ] = url
url_probe = net_info . get ( " urlProbe " )
if url_probe is None :
#Probe URL is normal one seen by people out on the web.
url_probe = url
else :
#There is a special URL for probing existence separate
#from where the user profile normally can be found.
url_probe = url_probe . format ( username )
request_method = session . get
if social_network != " GitHub " :
# If only the status_code is needed don't download the body
if net_info [ " errorType " ] == ' status_code ' :
request_method = session . head
Change "response_url" detection strategy completely.
Previously, there was a problem with sites that redirect an attempt to view a non-existing username to the main site. For example, if you try to go to https://devrant.com/users/dfoxxxxxxxxx (a user name that does not exist), then we get a redirect to the https://devrant.com/ root of the site. But, the "response_url" checking algorithm was only looking for the configured error URL being included in the response. So, these sites always indicated that the username was not found.
Update the "response_url" detection method so that the request does not allow redirects. If we get a 200 response of some type, then the username has been found. However, if we get something like a 302, then we know that the username was not found as we are being redirected.
This whole method seems fragile, but I did exhaustively test all of the supported sites, and they all work. So, this change is clearly an improvement.
6 years ago
if net_info [ " errorType " ] == " response_url " :
# Site forwards request to a different URL if username not
# found. Disallow the redirect so we can capture the
# http status from the original URL request.
Change "response_url" detection strategy completely.
Previously, there was a problem with sites that redirect an attempt to view a non-existing username to the main site. For example, if you try to go to https://devrant.com/users/dfoxxxxxxxxx (a user name that does not exist), then we get a redirect to the https://devrant.com/ root of the site. But, the "response_url" checking algorithm was only looking for the configured error URL being included in the response. So, these sites always indicated that the username was not found.
Update the "response_url" detection method so that the request does not allow redirects. If we get a 200 response of some type, then the username has been found. However, if we get something like a 302, then we know that the username was not found as we are being redirected.
This whole method seems fragile, but I did exhaustively test all of the supported sites, and they all work. So, this change is clearly an improvement.
6 years ago
allow_redirects = False
else :
# Allow whatever redirect that the site wants to do.
# The final result of the request will be what is available.
Change "response_url" detection strategy completely.
Previously, there was a problem with sites that redirect an attempt to view a non-existing username to the main site. For example, if you try to go to https://devrant.com/users/dfoxxxxxxxxx (a user name that does not exist), then we get a redirect to the https://devrant.com/ root of the site. But, the "response_url" checking algorithm was only looking for the configured error URL being included in the response. So, these sites always indicated that the username was not found.
Update the "response_url" detection method so that the request does not allow redirects. If we get a 200 response of some type, then the username has been found. However, if we get something like a 302, then we know that the username was not found as we are being redirected.
This whole method seems fragile, but I did exhaustively test all of the supported sites, and they all work. So, this change is clearly an improvement.
6 years ago
allow_redirects = True
# This future starts running the request in a new thread, doesn't block the main thread
if proxy != None :
proxies = { " http " : proxy , " https " : proxy }
future = request_method ( url = url_probe , headers = headers ,
Change "response_url" detection strategy completely.
Previously, there was a problem with sites that redirect an attempt to view a non-existing username to the main site. For example, if you try to go to https://devrant.com/users/dfoxxxxxxxxx (a user name that does not exist), then we get a redirect to the https://devrant.com/ root of the site. But, the "response_url" checking algorithm was only looking for the configured error URL being included in the response. So, these sites always indicated that the username was not found.
Update the "response_url" detection method so that the request does not allow redirects. If we get a 200 response of some type, then the username has been found. However, if we get something like a 302, then we know that the username was not found as we are being redirected.
This whole method seems fragile, but I did exhaustively test all of the supported sites, and they all work. So, this change is clearly an improvement.
6 years ago
proxies = proxies ,
allow_redirects = allow_redirects
else :
future = request_method ( url = url_probe , headers = headers ,
Change "response_url" detection strategy completely.
Previously, there was a problem with sites that redirect an attempt to view a non-existing username to the main site. For example, if you try to go to https://devrant.com/users/dfoxxxxxxxxx (a user name that does not exist), then we get a redirect to the https://devrant.com/ root of the site. But, the "response_url" checking algorithm was only looking for the configured error URL being included in the response. So, these sites always indicated that the username was not found.
Update the "response_url" detection method so that the request does not allow redirects. If we get a 200 response of some type, then the username has been found. However, if we get something like a 302, then we know that the username was not found as we are being redirected.
This whole method seems fragile, but I did exhaustively test all of the supported sites, and they all work. So, this change is clearly an improvement.
6 years ago
allow_redirects = allow_redirects
# Store future in data for access later
net_info [ " request_future " ] = future
# Reset identify for tor (if needed)
if unique_tor :
underlying_request . reset_identity ( )
# Add this site's results into final dictionary with all of the other results.
results_total [ social_network ] = results_site
# Open the file containing account links
# Core logic: If tor requests, make them here. If multi-threaded requests, wait for responses
for social_network , net_info in site_data . items ( ) :
# Retrieve results again
results_site = results_total . get ( social_network )
# Retrieve other site information again
url = results_site . get ( " url_user " )
exists = results_site . get ( " exists " )
if exists is not None :
# We have already determined the user doesn't exist here
# Get the expected error type
error_type = net_info [ " errorType " ]
# Default data in case there are any failures in doing a request.
http_status = " ? "
response_text = " "
# Retrieve future and ensure it has finished
future = net_info [ " request_future " ]
r , error_type , response_time = get_response ( request_future = future ,
error_type = error_type ,
social_network = social_network ,
verbose = verbose ,
retry_no = 3 )
# Attempt to get request information
try :
http_status = r . status_code
except :
try :
response_text = r . text . encode ( r . encoding )
except :
if error_type == " message " :
error = net_info . get ( " errorMsg " )
# Checks if the error message is in the HTML
if not error in r . text :
print_found ( social_network , url , response_time , verbose )
exists = " yes "
amount = amount + 1
else :
if not print_found_only :
print_not_found ( social_network , response_time , verbose )
exists = " no "
elif error_type == " status_code " :
# Checks if the status code of the response is 2XX
if not r . status_code > = 300 or r . status_code < 200 :
print_found ( social_network , url , response_time , verbose )
exists = " yes "
amount = amount + 1
else :
if not print_found_only :
print_not_found ( social_network , response_time , verbose )
exists = " no "
elif error_type == " response_url " :
Change "response_url" detection strategy completely.
Previously, there was a problem with sites that redirect an attempt to view a non-existing username to the main site. For example, if you try to go to https://devrant.com/users/dfoxxxxxxxxx (a user name that does not exist), then we get a redirect to the https://devrant.com/ root of the site. But, the "response_url" checking algorithm was only looking for the configured error URL being included in the response. So, these sites always indicated that the username was not found.
Update the "response_url" detection method so that the request does not allow redirects. If we get a 200 response of some type, then the username has been found. However, if we get something like a 302, then we know that the username was not found as we are being redirected.
This whole method seems fragile, but I did exhaustively test all of the supported sites, and they all work. So, this change is clearly an improvement.
6 years ago
# For this detection method, we have turned off the redirect.
# So, there is no need to check the response URL: it will always
# match the request. Instead, we will ensure that the response
# code indicates that the request was successful (i.e. no 404, or
# forward to some odd redirect).
Use compound if statement rather than "if and"
This approach is a bit strange to read the first few time but has advantages in that it is easier to get right and faster to execute.
The interactions between `and`, `or`, `not`, and `()` can get confusing for new coders. For example, the code line 308 does not match the comment on 307 and I believe that in this case the comment correct and the code is wrong (for values < 200) because it is missing parens. I believe that __200 <= status_code < 300__ produces the correct results in a readable (semi-)intuitive code.
>>> for status_code in (-1, 1, 199, 200, 201, 299, 300, 301, 1000):
... print(not status_code >= 300 or status_code < 200,
... not (status_code >= 300 or status_code < 200),
... 200 <= status_code < 300)
True False False
True False False
True False False
True True True
True True True
True True True
False False False
False False False
False False False
6 years ago
if 200 < = r . status_code < 300 :
Change "response_url" detection strategy completely.
Previously, there was a problem with sites that redirect an attempt to view a non-existing username to the main site. For example, if you try to go to https://devrant.com/users/dfoxxxxxxxxx (a user name that does not exist), then we get a redirect to the https://devrant.com/ root of the site. But, the "response_url" checking algorithm was only looking for the configured error URL being included in the response. So, these sites always indicated that the username was not found.
Update the "response_url" detection method so that the request does not allow redirects. If we get a 200 response of some type, then the username has been found. However, if we get something like a 302, then we know that the username was not found as we are being redirected.
This whole method seems fragile, but I did exhaustively test all of the supported sites, and they all work. So, this change is clearly an improvement.
6 years ago
print_found ( social_network , url , response_time , verbose )
exists = " yes "
amount = amount + 1
else :
if not print_found_only :
print_not_found ( social_network , response_time , verbose )
exists = " no "
elif error_type == " " :
if not print_found_only :
print_invalid ( social_network , " Error! " )
exists = " error "
# Save exists flag
results_site [ ' exists ' ] = exists
# Save results from request
results_site [ ' http_status ' ] = http_status
results_site [ ' response_text ' ] = response_text
results_site [ ' response_time_ms ' ] = response_time
# Add this site's results into final dictionary with all of the other results.
results_total [ social_network ] = results_site
return results_total
def main ( ) :
# Colorama module's initialization.
init ( autoreset = True )
version_string = f " %(prog)s { __version__ } \n " + \
f " { requests . __description__ } : { requests . __version__ } \n " + \
f " Python: { platform . python_version ( ) } "
parser = ArgumentParser ( formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ,
description = f " { module_name } (Version { __version__ } ) "
parser . add_argument ( " --version " ,
action = " version " , version = version_string ,
help = " Display version information and dependencies. "
parser . add_argument ( " --verbose " , " -v " , " -d " , " --debug " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " verbose " , default = False ,
help = " Display extra debugging information and metrics. "
parser . add_argument ( " --rank " , " -r " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " rank " , default = False ,
help = " Present websites ordered by their Alexa.com global rank in popularity. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --folderoutput " , " -fo " , dest = " folderoutput " ,
help = " If using multiple usernames, the output of the results will be saved at this folder. "
parser . add_argument ( " --output " , " -o " , dest = " output " ,
help = " If using single username, the output of the result will be saved at this file. "
parser . add_argument ( " --tor " , " -t " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " tor " , default = False ,
help = " Make requests over Tor; increases runtime; requires Tor to be installed and in system path. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --unique-tor " , " -u " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " unique_tor " , default = False ,
help = " Make requests over Tor with new Tor circuit after each request; increases runtime; requires Tor to be installed and in system path. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --csv " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " csv " , default = False ,
help = " Create Comma-Separated Values (CSV) File. "
parser . add_argument ( " --site " ,
action = " append " , metavar = ' SITE_NAME ' ,
dest = " site_list " , default = None ,
help = " Limit analysis to just the listed sites. Add multiple options to specify more than one site. "
parser . add_argument ( " --proxy " , " -p " , metavar = ' PROXY_URL ' ,
action = " store " , dest = " proxy " , default = None ,
help = " Make requests over a proxy. e.g. socks5:// "
parser . add_argument ( " --json " , " -j " , metavar = " JSON_FILE " ,
dest = " json_file " , default = " data.json " ,
help = " Load data from a JSON file or an online, valid, JSON file. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --proxy_list " , " -pl " , metavar = ' PROXY_LIST ' ,
action = " store " , dest = " proxy_list " , default = None ,
help = " Make requests over a proxy randomly chosen from a list generated from a .csv file. "
parser . add_argument ( " --check_proxies " , " -cp " , metavar = ' CHECK_PROXY ' ,
action = " store " , dest = " check_prox " , default = None ,
help = " To be used with the ' --proxy_list ' parameter. "
" The script will check if the proxies supplied in the .csv file are working and anonymous. "
" Put 0 for no limit on successfully checked proxies, or another number to institute a limit. "
parser . add_argument ( " --print-found " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " print_found_only " , default = False ,
help = " Do not output sites where the username was not found. "
parser . add_argument ( " username " ,
nargs = ' + ' , metavar = ' USERNAMES ' ,
action = " store " ,
help = " One or more usernames to check with social networks. "
args = parser . parse_args ( )
# Argument check
# TODO regex check on args.proxy
if args . tor and ( args . proxy != None or args . proxy_list != None ) :
raise Exception ( " Tor and Proxy cannot be set in the meantime. " )
# Proxy argument check.
# Does not necessarily need to throw an error,
# since we could join the single proxy with the ones generated from the .csv,
# but it seems unnecessarily complex at this time.
if args . proxy != None and args . proxy_list != None :
raise Exception ( " A single proxy cannot be used along with proxy list. " )
# Make prompts
if args . proxy != None :
print ( " Using the proxy: " + args . proxy )
global proxy_list
if args . proxy_list != None :
print_info ( " Loading proxies from " , args . proxy_list )
proxy_list = load_proxies_from_csv ( args . proxy_list )
# Checking if proxies should be checked for anonymity.
if args . check_prox != None and args . proxy_list != None :
try :
limit = int ( args . check_prox )
if limit == 0 :
proxy_list = check_proxy_list ( proxy_list )
elif limit > 0 :
proxy_list = check_proxy_list ( proxy_list , limit )
else :
raise ValueError
except ValueError :
raise Exception ( " Prameter --check_proxies/-cp must be a positive intiger. " )
if args . tor or args . unique_tor :
print ( " Using Tor to make requests " )
print ( " Warning: some websites might refuse connecting over Tor, so note that using this option might increase connection errors. " )
# Check if both output methods are entered as input.
if args . output is not None and args . folderoutput is not None :
print ( " You can only use one of the output methods. " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
# Check validity for single username output.
if args . output is not None and len ( args . username ) != 1 :
print ( " You can only use --output with a single username " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
response_json_online = None
site_data_all = None
# Try to load json from website.
try :
response_json_online = requests . get ( url = args . json_file )
except requests . exceptions . MissingSchema : # In case the schema is wrong it's because it may not be a website
# Check if the response is appropriate.
if response_json_online is not None and response_json_online . status_code == 200 :
# Since we got data from a website, try to load json and exit if parsing fails.
try :
site_data_all = response_json_online . json ( )
except ValueError :
print ( " Invalid JSON from website! " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
data_file_path = os . path . join ( os . path . dirname (
os . path . realpath ( __file__ ) ) , args . json_file )
# This will be none if the request had a missing schema
if site_data_all is None :
# Check if the file exists otherwise exit.
if not os . path . exists ( data_file_path ) :
print ( " JSON file at doesn ' t exist. " )
print (
" If this is not a file but a website, make sure you have appended http:// or https://. " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
else :
raw = open ( data_file_path , " r " , encoding = " utf-8 " )
try :
site_data_all = json . load ( raw )
except :
print ( " Invalid JSON loaded from file. " )
if args . site_list is None :
# Not desired to look at a sub-set of sites
site_data = site_data_all
else :
# User desires to selectively run queries on a sub-set of the site list.
# Make sure that the sites are supported & build up pruned site database.
site_data = { }
site_missing = [ ]
for site in args . site_list :
for existing_site in site_data_all :
if site . lower ( ) == existing_site . lower ( ) :
site_data [ existing_site ] = site_data_all [ existing_site ]
if not site_data :
# Build up list of sites not supported for future error message.
site_missing . append ( f " ' { site } ' " )
if site_missing :
print (
f " Error: Desired sites not found: { ' , ' . join ( site_missing ) } . " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
if args . rank :
# Sort data by rank
site_dataCpy = dict ( site_data )
ranked_sites = sorted ( site_data , key = lambda k : ( " rank " not in k , site_data [ k ] . get ( " rank " , sys . maxsize ) ) )
site_data = { }
for site in ranked_sites :
site_data [ site ] = site_dataCpy . get ( site )
# Run report on all specified users.
for username in args . username :
print ( )
if args . output :
file = open ( args . output , " w " , encoding = " utf-8 " )
elif args . folderoutput : # In case we handle multiple usernames at a targetted folder.
# If the folder doesnt exist, create it first
if not os . path . isdir ( args . folderoutput ) :
os . mkdir ( args . folderoutput )
file = open ( os . path . join ( args . folderoutput ,
username + " .txt " ) , " w " , encoding = " utf-8 " )
else :
file = open ( username + " .txt " , " w " , encoding = " utf-8 " )
# We try to ad a random member of the 'proxy_list' var as the proxy of the request.
# If we can't access the list or it is empty, we proceed with args.proxy as the proxy.
try :
random_proxy = random . choice ( proxy_list )
proxy = f ' { random_proxy . protocol } :// { random_proxy . ip } : { random_proxy . port } '
except ( NameError , IndexError ) :
proxy = args . proxy
results = { }
results = sherlock ( username , site_data , verbose = args . verbose ,
tor = args . tor , unique_tor = args . unique_tor , proxy = args . proxy , print_found_only = args . print_found_only )
exists_counter = 0
for website_name in results :
dictionary = results [ website_name ]
if dictionary . get ( " exists " ) == " yes " :
exists_counter + = 1
file . write ( dictionary [ " url_user " ] + " \n " )
file . write ( " Total Websites : {} " . format ( exists_counter ) )
file . close ( )
if args . csv == True :
with open ( username + " .csv " , " w " , newline = ' ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as csv_report :
writer = csv . writer ( csv_report )
writer . writerow ( [ ' username ' ,
' name ' ,
' url_main ' ,
' url_user ' ,
' exists ' ,
' http_status ' ,
' response_time_ms '
for site in results :
writer . writerow ( [ username ,
site ,
results [ site ] [ ' url_main ' ] ,
results [ site ] [ ' url_user ' ] ,
results [ site ] [ ' exists ' ] ,
results [ site ] [ ' http_status ' ] ,
results [ site ] [ ' response_time_ms ' ]
if __name__ == " __main__ " :
main ( )