@ -155,6 +155,33 @@ class QueryNotifyPrint(QueryNotify):
Fore.GREEN + f"] {title}" +
Fore.WHITE + f" {message}" +
Fore.GREEN + " on:")
# An empty line between first line and the result(more clear output)
def finish(self, message="Results have been uploaded"):
"""Notify Start.
Will print the last line to the standard output.
Keyword Arguments:
self -- This object.
message -- The last phrase.
Return Value:
title = "Finish"
print('\r') # An empty line between last line of main output and last line(more clear output)
print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "[" +
Fore.YELLOW + "!" +
Fore.GREEN + f"] {title}" +
Fore.GREEN + ": " +
Fore.WHITE + f" {message}" )
# An empty line between first line and the result(more clear output)