@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ from result import QueryResult
from notify import QueryNotifyPrint
from sites import SitesInformation
from colorama import init
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
module_name = " Sherlock: Find Usernames Across Social Networks "
__version__ = " 0.14.3 "
@ -91,10 +92,9 @@ class SherlockFuturesSession(FuturesSession):
# No response hook was already defined, so install it ourselves.
hooks [ " response " ] = [ response_time ]
return super ( SherlockFuturesSession , self ) . request ( method ,
url ,
hooks = hooks ,
* args , * * kwargs )
return super ( SherlockFuturesSession , self ) . request (
method , url , hooks = hooks , * args , * * kwargs
def get_response ( request_future , error_type , social_network ) :
@ -127,42 +127,43 @@ def get_response(request_future, error_type, social_network):
return response , error_context , exception_text
def interpolate_string ( object , username ) :
""" Insert a string into the string properties of an object recursively. """
if isinstance ( object , str ) :
return object . replace ( " {} " , username )
elif isinstance ( object , dict ) :
for key , value in object . items ( ) :
object [ key ] = interpolate_string ( value , username )
elif isinstance ( object , list ) :
for i in object :
object [ i ] = interpolate_string ( object [ i ] , username )
def interpolate_string ( input_object , username ) :
if isinstance ( input_object , str ) :
return input_object . replace ( " {} " , username )
elif isinstance ( input_object , dict ) :
return { k : interpolate_string ( v , username ) for k , v in input_object . items ( ) }
elif isinstance ( input_object , list ) :
return [ interpolate_string ( i , username ) for i in input_object ]
return input_object
return object
def CheckForParameter ( username ) :
''' checks if { ?} exists in the username
if exist it means that sherlock is looking for more multiple username '''
return ( " { ?} " in username )
def check_for_parameter ( username ) :
""" checks if { ?} exists in the username
if exist it means that sherlock is looking for more multiple username """
return " { ?} " in username
checksymbols = [ ]
checksymbols = [ " _ " , " - " , " . " ]
def MultipleU sernames( username ) :
''' replace the parameter with with symbols and return a list of usernames '''
def multiple_u sernames( username ) :
""" replace the parameter with with symbols and return a list of usernames """
allUsernames = [ ]
for i in checksymbols :
allUsernames . append ( username . replace ( " { ?} " , i ) )
return allUsernames
def sherlock ( username , site_data , query_notify ,
tor = False , unique_tor = False ,
proxy = None , timeout = 60 ) :
def sherlock (
username ,
site_data ,
query_notify ,
tor = False ,
unique_tor = False ,
proxy = None ,
timeout = 60 ,
) :
""" Run Sherlock Analysis.
Checks for existence of username on various social media sites .
@ -214,15 +215,15 @@ def sherlock(username, site_data, query_notify,
max_workers = len ( site_data )
# Create multi-threaded session for all requests.
session = SherlockFuturesSession ( max_workers = max_workers ,
session = underlying_session )
session = SherlockFuturesSession (
max_workers = max_workers , session = underlying_session
# Results from analysis of all sites
results_total = { }
# First create futures for all requests. This allows for the requests to run in parallel
for social_network , net_info in site_data . items ( ) :
# Results from analysis of this specific site
results_site = { " url_main " : net_info . get ( " urlMain " ) }
@ -245,10 +246,9 @@ def sherlock(username, site_data, query_notify,
regex_check = net_info . get ( " regexCheck " )
if regex_check and re . search ( regex_check , username ) is None :
# No need to do the check at the site: this username is not allowed.
results_site [ " status " ] = QueryResult ( username ,
social_network ,
url ,
QueryStatus . ILLEGAL )
results_site [ " status " ] = QueryResult (
username , social_network , url , QueryStatus . ILLEGAL
results_site [ " url_user " ] = " "
results_site [ " http_status " ] = " "
results_site [ " response_text " ] = " "
@ -309,17 +309,21 @@ def sherlock(username, site_data, query_notify,
# This future starts running the request in a new thread, doesn't block the main thread
if proxy is not None :
proxies = { " http " : proxy , " https " : proxy }
future = request ( url = url_probe , headers = headers ,
future = request (
url = url_probe ,
headers = headers ,
proxies = proxies ,
allow_redirects = allow_redirects ,
timeout = timeout ,
json = request_payload
json = request_payload ,
else :
future = request ( url = url_probe , headers = headers ,
future = request (
url = url_probe ,
headers = headers ,
allow_redirects = allow_redirects ,
timeout = timeout ,
json = request_payload
json = request_payload ,
# Store future in data for access later
@ -335,7 +339,6 @@ def sherlock(username, site_data, query_notify,
# Open the file containing account links
# Core logic: If tor requests, make them here. If multi-threaded requests, wait for responses
for social_network , net_info in site_data . items ( ) :
# Retrieve results again
results_site = results_total . get ( social_network )
@ -352,9 +355,9 @@ def sherlock(username, site_data, query_notify,
# Retrieve future and ensure it has finished
future = net_info [ " request_future " ]
r , error_text , exception_text = get_response ( request_future = future ,
error_type = error_type ,
social_network = social_network )
r , error_text , exception_text = get_response (
request_future = future , error_type = error_type , social_network = social_network
# Get response time for response of our request.
try :
@ -365,11 +368,11 @@ def sherlock(username, site_data, query_notify,
# Attempt to get request information
try :
http_status = r . status_code
except :
except Exception :
http_status = " ? "
try :
response_text = r . text . encode ( r . encoding or " UTF-8 " )
except :
except Exception :
response_text = " "
query_status = QueryStatus . UNKNOWN
@ -424,16 +427,19 @@ def sherlock(username, site_data, query_notify,
query_status = QueryStatus . AVAILABLE
else :
# It should be impossible to ever get here...
raise ValueError ( f " Unknown Error Type ' { error_type } ' for "
f " site ' { social_network } ' " )
raise ValueError (
f " Unknown Error Type ' { error_type } ' for " f " site ' { social_network } ' "
# Notify caller about results of query.
result = QueryResult ( username = username ,
result = QueryResult (
username = username ,
site_name = social_network ,
site_url_user = url ,
status = query_status ,
query_time = response_time ,
context = error_context )
context = error_context ,
query_notify . update ( result )
# Save status of request
@ -463,16 +469,13 @@ def timeout_check(value):
NOTE : Will raise an exception if the timeout in invalid .
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
try :
timeout = float ( value )
except :
raise ArgumentTypeError ( f " Timeout ' { value } ' must be a number. " )
if timeout < = 0 :
if value < = 0 :
raise ArgumentTypeError (
f " Timeout ' { value } ' must be greater than 0.0s. " )
return timeout
f " Invalid timeout value: { value } . Timeout must be a positive number. "
return float ( value )
def handler ( signal_received , frame ) :
@ -484,86 +487,159 @@ def handler(signal_received, frame):
def main ( ) :
version_string = f " %(prog)s { __version__ } \n " + \
f " { requests . __description__ } : { requests . __version__ } \n " + \
f " Python: { platform . python_version ( ) } "
parser = ArgumentParser ( formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ,
description = f " { module_name } (Version { __version__ } ) "
parser . add_argument ( " --version " ,
action = " version " , version = version_string ,
help = " Display version information and dependencies. "
parser . add_argument ( " --verbose " , " -v " , " -d " , " --debug " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " verbose " , default = False ,
help = " Display extra debugging information and metrics. "
parser . add_argument ( " --folderoutput " , " -fo " , dest = " folderoutput " ,
help = " If using multiple usernames, the output of the results will be saved to this folder. "
parser . add_argument ( " --output " , " -o " , dest = " output " ,
help = " If using single username, the output of the result will be saved to this file. "
parser . add_argument ( " --tor " , " -t " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " tor " , default = False ,
help = " Make requests over Tor; increases runtime; requires Tor to be installed and in system path. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --unique-tor " , " -u " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " unique_tor " , default = False ,
help = " Make requests over Tor with new Tor circuit after each request; increases runtime; requires Tor to be installed and in system path. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --csv " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " csv " , default = False ,
help = " Create Comma-Separated Values (CSV) File. "
parser . add_argument ( " --xlsx " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " xlsx " , default = False ,
help = " Create the standard file for the modern Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (xslx). "
parser . add_argument ( " --site " ,
action = " append " , metavar = " SITE_NAME " ,
dest = " site_list " , default = None ,
help = " Limit analysis to just the listed sites. Add multiple options to specify more than one site. "
parser . add_argument ( " --proxy " , " -p " , metavar = " PROXY_URL " ,
action = " store " , dest = " proxy " , default = None ,
help = " Make requests over a proxy. e.g. socks5:// "
parser . add_argument ( " --json " , " -j " , metavar = " JSON_FILE " ,
dest = " json_file " , default = None ,
help = " Load data from a JSON file or an online, valid, JSON file. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --timeout " ,
action = " store " , metavar = " TIMEOUT " ,
dest = " timeout " , type = timeout_check , default = 60 ,
help = " Time (in seconds) to wait for response to requests (Default: 60) "
parser . add_argument ( " --print-all " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " print_all " , default = False ,
help = " Output sites where the username was not found. "
parser . add_argument ( " --print-found " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " print_found " , default = True ,
help = " Output sites where the username was found (also if exported as file). "
parser . add_argument ( " --no-color " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " no_color " , default = False ,
help = " Don ' t color terminal output "
parser . add_argument ( " username " ,
nargs = " + " , metavar = " USERNAMES " ,
version_string = (
f " %(prog)s { __version__ } \n "
+ f " { requests . __description__ } : { requests . __version__ } \n "
+ f " Python: { platform . python_version ( ) } "
parser = ArgumentParser (
formatter_class = RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ,
description = f " { module_name } (Version { __version__ } ) " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --version " ,
action = " version " ,
version = version_string ,
help = " Display version information and dependencies. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --verbose " ,
" -v " ,
" -d " ,
" --debug " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " verbose " ,
default = False ,
help = " Display extra debugging information and metrics. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --folderoutput " ,
" -fo " ,
dest = " folderoutput " ,
help = " If using multiple usernames, the output of the results will be saved to this folder. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --output " ,
" -o " ,
dest = " output " ,
help = " If using single username, the output of the result will be saved to this file. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --tor " ,
" -t " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " tor " ,
default = False ,
help = " Make requests over Tor; increases runtime; requires Tor to be installed and in system path. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --unique-tor " ,
" -u " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " unique_tor " ,
default = False ,
help = " Make requests over Tor with new Tor circuit after each request; increases runtime; requires Tor to be installed and in system path. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --csv " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " csv " ,
default = False ,
help = " Create Comma-Separated Values (CSV) File. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --xlsx " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " xlsx " ,
default = False ,
help = " Create the standard file for the modern Microsoft Excel spreadsheet (xslx). " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --site " ,
action = " append " ,
metavar = " SITE_NAME " ,
dest = " site_list " ,
default = None ,
help = " Limit analysis to just the listed sites. Add multiple options to specify more than one site. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --proxy " ,
" -p " ,
metavar = " PROXY_URL " ,
action = " store " ,
dest = " proxy " ,
default = None ,
help = " Make requests over a proxy. e.g. socks5:// " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --json " ,
" -j " ,
metavar = " JSON_FILE " ,
dest = " json_file " ,
default = None ,
help = " Load data from a JSON file or an online, valid, JSON file. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --timeout " ,
action = " store " ,
metavar = " TIMEOUT " ,
dest = " timeout " ,
type = timeout_check ,
default = 60 ,
help = " Time (in seconds) to wait for response to requests (Default: 60) " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --print-all " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " print_all " ,
default = False ,
help = " Output sites where the username was not found. " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --print-found " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " print_found " ,
default = True ,
help = " Output sites where the username was found (also if exported as file). " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --no-color " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " no_color " ,
default = False ,
help = " Don ' t color terminal output " ,
parser . add_argument (
" username " ,
nargs = " + " ,
metavar = " USERNAMES " ,
action = " store " ,
help = " One or more usernames to check with social networks. Check similar usernames using { %% } (replace to ' _ ' , ' - ' , ' . ' ). "
help = " One or more usernames to check with social networks. Check similar usernames using { %% } (replace to ' _ ' , ' - ' , ' . ' ). " ,
parser . add_argument (
" --browse " ,
" -b " ,
action = " store_true " ,
dest = " browse " ,
default = False ,
help = " Browse to all results on default browser. " ,
parser . add_argument ( " --browse " , " -b " ,
action = " store_true " , dest = " browse " , default = False ,
help = " Browse to all results on default browser. " )
parser . add_argument ( " --local " , " -l " ,
action = " store_true " , default = False ,
help = " Force the use of the local data.json file. " )
parser . add_argument (
" --local " ,
" -l " ,
action = " store_true " ,
default = False ,
help = " Force the use of the local data.json file. " ,
parser . add_argument ( " --nsfw " ,
action = " store_true " , default = False ,
help = " Include checking of NSFW sites from default list. " )
parser . add_argument (
" --nsfw " ,
action = " store_true " ,
default = False ,
help = " Include checking of NSFW sites from default list. " ,
args = parser . parse_args ( )
@ -573,14 +649,17 @@ def main():
# Check for newer version of Sherlock. If it exists, let the user know about it
try :
r = requests . get (
" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sherlock-project/sherlock/master/sherlock/sherlock.py " )
" https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sherlock-project/sherlock/master/sherlock/sherlock.py "
remote_version = str ( re . findall ( ' __version__ = " (.*) " ' , r . text ) [ 0 ] )
local_version = __version__
if remote_version != local_version :
print ( " Update Available! \n " +
f " You are running version { local_version } . Version { remote_version } is available at https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock " )
print (
" Update Available! \n "
+ f " You are running version { local_version } . Version { remote_version } is available at https://github.com/sherlock-project/sherlock "
except Exception as error :
print ( f " A problem occurred while checking for an update: { error } " )
@ -598,7 +677,8 @@ def main():
print ( " Using Tor to make requests " )
print (
" Warning: some websites might refuse connecting over Tor, so note that using this option might increase connection errors. " )
" Warning: some websites might refuse connecting over Tor, so note that using this option might increase connection errors. "
if args . no_color :
# Disable color output.
@ -620,8 +700,9 @@ def main():
# Create object with all information about sites we are aware of.
try :
if args . local :
sites = SitesInformation ( os . path . join (
os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , " resources/data.json " ) )
sites = SitesInformation (
os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , " resources/data.json " )
else :
sites = SitesInformation ( args . json_file )
except Exception as error :
@ -654,35 +735,34 @@ def main():
site_missing . append ( f " ' { site } ' " )
if site_missing :
print (
f " Error: Desired sites not found: { ' , ' . join ( site_missing ) } . " )
print ( f " Error: Desired sites not found: { ' , ' . join ( site_missing ) } . " )
if not site_data :
sys . exit ( 1 )
# Create notify object for query results.
query_notify = QueryNotifyPrint ( result = None ,
verbose = args . verbose ,
print_all = args . print_all ,
browse = args . browse )
query_notify = QueryNotifyPrint (
result = None , verbose = args . verbose , print_all = args . print_all , browse = args . browse
# Run report on all specified users.
all_usernames = [ ]
for username in args . username :
if ( CheckForParameter ( username ) ) :
for name in MultipleU sernames( username ) :
if check_for_parameter ( username ) :
for name in multiple_u sernames( username ) :
all_usernames . append ( name )
else :
all_usernames . append ( username )
for username in all_usernames :
results = sherlock ( username ,
results = sherlock (
username ,
site_data ,
query_notify ,
tor = args . tor ,
unique_tor = args . unique_tor ,
proxy = args . proxy ,
timeout = args . timeout )
timeout = args . timeout ,
if args . output :
result_file = args . output
@ -701,8 +781,7 @@ def main():
if dictionary . get ( " status " ) . status == QueryStatus . CLAIMED :
exists_counter + = 1
file . write ( dictionary [ " url_user " ] + " \n " )
file . write (
f " Total Websites Username Detected On : { exists_counter } \n " )
file . write ( f " Total Websites Username Detected On : { exists_counter } \n " )
if args . csv :
result_file = f " { username } .csv "
@ -712,31 +791,39 @@ def main():
os . makedirs ( args . folderoutput , exist_ok = True )
result_file = os . path . join ( args . folderoutput , result_file )
with open ( result_file , " w " , newline = ' ' , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as csv_report :
with open ( result_file , " w " , newline = " " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as csv_report :
writer = csv . writer ( csv_report )
writer . writerow ( [ " username " ,
writer . writerow (
" username " ,
" name " ,
" url_main " ,
" url_user " ,
" exists " ,
" http_status " ,
" response_time_s "
" response_time_s " ,
for site in results :
if args . print_found and not args . print_all and results [ site ] [ " status " ] . status != QueryStatus . CLAIMED :
if (
args . print_found
and not args . print_all
and results [ site ] [ " status " ] . status != QueryStatus . CLAIMED
) :
response_time_s = results [ site ] [ " status " ] . query_time
if response_time_s is None :
response_time_s = " "
writer . writerow ( [ username ,
writer . writerow (
username ,
site ,
results [ site ] [ " url_main " ] ,
results [ site ] [ " url_user " ] ,
str ( results [ site ] [ " status " ] . status ) ,
results [ site ] [ " http_status " ] ,
response_time_s ,
if args . xlsx :
@ -749,7 +836,11 @@ def main():
response_time_s = [ ]
for site in results :
if args . print_found and not args . print_all and results [ site ] [ " status " ] . status != QueryStatus . CLAIMED :
if (
args . print_found
and not args . print_all
and results [ site ] [ " status " ] . status != QueryStatus . CLAIMED
) :
if response_time_s is None :
@ -763,8 +854,18 @@ def main():
exists . append ( str ( results [ site ] [ " status " ] . status ) )
http_status . append ( results [ site ] [ " http_status " ] )
DataFrame = pd . DataFrame ( { " username " : usernames , " name " : names , " url_main " : url_main , " url_user " : url_user , " exists " : exists , " http_status " : http_status , " response_time_s " : response_time_s } )
DataFrame . to_excel ( f ' { username } .xlsx ' , sheet_name = ' sheet1 ' , index = False )
DataFrame = pd . DataFrame (
" username " : usernames ,
" name " : names ,
" url_main " : url_main ,
" url_user " : url_user ,
" exists " : exists ,
" http_status " : http_status ,
" response_time_s " : response_time_s ,
DataFrame . to_excel ( f " { username } .xlsx " , sheet_name = " sheet1 " , index = False )
print ( )
query_notify . finish ( )