- Create new SDR (no WEBDL) custom formats for Radarr and Sonarr
- Add new custom formats to the collection of custom formats tables and lists
- Tweak SDR description in custom formats lists
- Add French specific score to .json
- Replace hardcoded French score in guide to specific .json score
- Reformat French table
- Updated French translation of [Click to show/hide] button
- Removed unnecessaries' 0 scoring in tables
- Changed the WEb Scene custom format score to 1600
- Updated the comment about why WEB scene has an increased score for V3 and V4 guides, and that it factors in the lack of score boost for not including a streaming service
- Updated Sonarr V3 guide to reflect V4 guide HD streaming service scores, and current repack/proper scores
- Added a French Anime Tier 03 to better score some groups
- Moved existing groups to fitting tier
- Added `GundamGuy` and `OECUF` to Tier 02
- Added `Galactic`, `KushEnthusiast` and `TheFantastics` to Tier 03
- Deleted `KFR` and `Otaku-Attitude` from FanSub tier as their releases are no more available
- Fixe `Team-Arcedo` not recognising `Arcedo`
- Updated streaming service scores
- new UHD Streaming Boost and UHD Streaming Cut CFs to boost and cut streaming service scores at 4K
- Updated Sonarr CF page with new CFs
- New Sonarr guide sonarr-uhd-streaming-services.md section with new CF details
- Repack CFs re-scored for Radarr/Sonarr to allow compatibility with new streaming service CF scores