@ -1,30 +1,16 @@
using System.Text ;
using CliFx ;
using CliFx ;
using CliFx.Attributes ;
using CliFx.Attributes ;
using CliFx.Exceptions ;
using CliFx.Exceptions ;
using CliFx.Infrastructure ;
using CliFx.Infrastructure ;
using Common.Networking ;
using Flurl.Http ;
using Flurl.Http.Configuration ;
using JetBrains.Annotations ;
using JetBrains.Annotations ;
using Newtonsoft.Json ;
using Recyclarr.Migration ;
using Serilog ;
using Serilog.Core ;
using Serilog.Events ;
using TrashLib.Config.Settings ;
using TrashLib.Extensions ;
using TrashLib.Repo ;
using YamlDotNet.Core ;
namespace Recyclarr.Command ;
namespace Recyclarr.Command ;
public abstract class ServiceCommand : ICommand , IServiceCommand
public abstract class ServiceCommand : ICommand , IServiceCommand
private readonly ILogger _log ;
private readonly IMigrationExecutor _migration ;
private readonly LoggingLevelSwitch _loggingLevelSwitch ;
private readonly ILogJanitor _logJanitor ;
private readonly ISettingsPersister _settingsPersister ;
private readonly ISettingsProvider _settingsProvider ;
private readonly IRepoUpdater _repoUpdater ;
[ CommandOption ( "preview" , 'p' , Description =
[ CommandOption ( "preview" , 'p' , Description =
"Only display the processed markdown results without making any API calls." ) ]
"Only display the processed markdown results without making any API calls." ) ]
@ -41,93 +27,52 @@ public abstract class ServiceCommand : ICommand, IServiceCommand
new List < string > { AppPaths . DefaultConfigPath } ;
new List < string > { AppPaths . DefaultConfigPath } ;
public abstract string CacheStoragePath { get ; }
public abstract string CacheStoragePath { get ; }
public abstract string Name { get ; }
protected ServiceCommand (
protected ServiceCommand ( IMigrationExecutor migration )
ILogger log ,
LoggingLevelSwitch loggingLevelSwitch ,
ILogJanitor logJanitor ,
ISettingsPersister settingsPersister ,
ISettingsProvider settingsProvider ,
IRepoUpdater repoUpdater )
_loggingLevelSwitch = loggingLevelSwitch ;
_migration = migration ;
_logJanitor = logJanitor ;
_settingsPersister = settingsPersister ;
_settingsProvider = settingsProvider ;
_repoUpdater = repoUpdater ;
_log = log ;
public async ValueTask ExecuteAsync ( IConsole console )
public async ValueTask ExecuteAsync ( IConsole console )
// Must happen first because everything can use the logger.
// Stuff that needs to happen pre-service-initialization goes here
_loggingLevelSwitch . MinimumLevel = Debug ? LogEventLevel . Debug : LogEventLevel . Information ;
// Has to happen right after logging because stuff below may use settings.
// Migrations are performed before we process command line arguments because we cannot instantiate any service
_settingsPersister . Load ( ) ;
// objects via the DI container before migration logic is performed. This is due to the fact that migration
// steps may alter important files and directories which those services may depend on.
PerformMigrations ( ) ;
SetupHttp ( ) ;
// Initialize command services and execute business logic (system environment changes should be done by this
_repoUpdater . UpdateRepo ( ) ;
// point)
await Process ( ) ;
await Process ( ) ;
catch ( YamlException e )
private void PerformMigrations ( )
var inner = e . InnerException ;
if ( inner = = null )
throw ;
_migration . PerformAllMigrationSteps ( ) ;
catch ( MigrationException e )
var msg = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
msg . AppendLine ( "Fatal exception during migration step. Details are below.\n" ) ;
msg . AppendLine ( $"Step That Failed: {e.OperationDescription}" ) ;
msg . AppendLine ( $"Failure Reason: {e.OriginalException.Message}" ) ;
_log . Error ( "Found Unrecognized YAML Property: {ErrorMsg}" , inner . Message ) ;
if ( e . Remediation . Any ( ) )
_log . Error ( "Please remove the property quoted in the above message from your YAML file" ) ;
throw new CommandException ( "Exiting due to invalid configuration" ) ;
catch ( Exception e ) when ( e is not CommandException )
_log . Error ( e , "Unrecoverable Exception" ) ;
msg . AppendLine ( "\nPossible remediation steps:" ) ;
ExitDueToFailure ( ) ;
foreach ( var remedy in e . Remediation )
_logJanitor . DeleteOldestLogFiles ( 20 ) ;
msg . AppendLine ( $" - {remedy}" ) ;
private void SetupHttp ( )
throw new CommandException ( msg . ToString ( ) ) ;
FlurlHttp . Configure ( settings = >
var jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
// This is important. If any DTOs are missing members, say, if Radarr or Sonarr adds one in a future
// version, this needs to fail to indicate that a software change is required. Otherwise, we lose
// state between when we request settings, and re-apply them again with a few properties modified.
MissingMemberHandling = MissingMemberHandling . Error ,
// This makes sure that null properties, such as maxSize and preferredSize in Radarr
// Quality Definitions, do not get written out to JSON request bodies.
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling . Ignore
} ;
settings . JsonSerializer = new NewtonsoftJsonSerializer ( jsonSettings ) ;
FlurlLogging . SetupLogging ( settings , _log ) ;
if ( ! _settingsProvider . Settings . EnableSslCertificateValidation )
_log . Warning (
"Security Risk: Certificate validation is being DISABLED because setting `enable_ssl_certificate_validation` is set to `false`" ) ;
settings . HttpClientFactory = new UntrustedCertClientFactory ( ) ;
} ) ;
protected abstract Task Process ( ) ;
protected abstract Task Process ( ) ;
protected static void ExitDueToFailure ( )
throw new CommandException ( "Exiting due to previous exception" ) ;