fix: Better change detection for CF specification fields

I've made some updates to Recyclarr's CF "field" handling for
specifications, specifically addressing the issues regarding processing
language specifications

Here's a quick rundown of how Recyclarr processes fields for a language
spec after this change:

When loading the following fields from the guide:

"fields": {
  "value": 8,
  "exceptLanguage": false

Recyclarr transforms it into the API-compatible format:

"fields": [
    "name": "value",
    "value": 8
    "name": "exceptLanguage",
    "value": false

Next, it retrieves CF data from the API. For instance, if the API

"fields": [
    "name": "value",
    "value": 10
    "name": "foo",
    "value": "bar"
    "name": "exceptLanguage",
    "value": true

Recyclarr compares the two sets of fields by matching the `name`
attributes from the guide to those from the API. Any fields present in
the API but absent in the guide are ignored. The values for matching
fields are then updated accordingly, and these changes are pushed back.
For this example:

- The field `value` is updated from `8` to `10`.
- The field `exceptLanguage` is updated from `false` to `true`.
- The field `foo` is ignored since there's no corresponding field in the
Robert Dailey 6 months ago
parent 2a2d0275ba
commit 59fab961bb

@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [Unreleased]
### Fixed
- Custom Formats: Smarter change detection logic for custom formats with language specifications,
which addresses the issue of some CFs constantly showing as updated during sync even if they
didn't change.
## [7.2.3] - 2024-09-03
### Changed

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ public class CustomFormatTransactionPhase(ILogger log, IServiceConfiguration con
CustomFormatData serviceCf,
CustomFormatTransactionData transactions)
if (!CustomFormatData.Comparer.Equals(guideCf, serviceCf))
if (guideCf != serviceCf)

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
namespace Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
#pragma warning disable CS8851
public static class HashCodeExtensions
public static int CalcHashCode<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source)
return source.Aggregate(new HashCode(), (hash, item) =>
return hash;

@ -1,32 +1,15 @@
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
using Recyclarr.Json;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashGuide.CustomFormat;
public record CustomFormatFieldData
public string Name { get; } = nameof(Value).ToCamelCase();
// CA1065: Do not raise exceptions in unexpected locations
// Justification: Due to complex equivalency logic, hash codes are not possible. Additionally, these types are not
// intended to be used as keys in Dictionary, HashSet, etc.
#pragma warning disable CA1065
public object? Value { get; init; }
public record CustomFormatSpecificationData
public string Name { get; init; } = "";
public string Implementation { get; init; } = "";
public bool Negate { get; init; }
public bool Required { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatFieldData> Fields { get; init; } = Array.Empty<CustomFormatFieldData>();
namespace Recyclarr.TrashGuide.CustomFormat;
public record CustomFormatData
public static CustomFormatDataEqualityComparer Comparer { get; } = new();
public string? Category { get; init; }
@ -46,4 +29,74 @@ public record CustomFormatData
public bool IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatSpecificationData> Specifications { get; init; } =
public virtual bool Equals(CustomFormatData? other)
if (other is null)
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
var specsEqual = Specifications
.FullOuterHashJoin(other.Specifications, x => x.Name, x => x.Name, _ => false, _ => false, (x, y) => x == y)
.All(x => x);
Id == other.Id &&
Name == other.Name &&
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming == other.IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming &&
public override int GetHashCode() => throw new NotImplementedException();
public record CustomFormatSpecificationData
public string Name { get; init; } = "";
public string Implementation { get; init; } = "";
public bool Negate { get; init; }
public bool Required { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatFieldData> Fields { get; init; } = Array.Empty<CustomFormatFieldData>();
public virtual bool Equals(CustomFormatSpecificationData? other)
if (other is null)
return false;
if (ReferenceEquals(this, other))
return true;
var fieldsEqual = Fields
.InnerHashJoin(other.Fields, x => x.Name, x => x.Name, (x, y) => x == y)
.All(x => x);
Name == other.Name &&
Implementation == other.Implementation &&
Negate == other.Negate &&
Required == other.Required &&
public override int GetHashCode() => throw new NotImplementedException();
public record CustomFormatFieldData
public string Name { get; init; } = "";
public object? Value { get; init; }

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
namespace Recyclarr.TrashGuide.CustomFormat;
public sealed class CustomFormatDataEqualityComparer : IEqualityComparer<CustomFormatData>
public bool Equals(CustomFormatData? x, CustomFormatData? y)
if (ReferenceEquals(x, y))
return true;
if (ReferenceEquals(x, null) || ReferenceEquals(y, null) || x.GetType() != y.GetType())
return false;
return x.Id.Equals(y.Id) &&
x.Name.Equals(y.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
x.IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming.Equals(y.IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming) &&
AllSpecificationsEqual(x.Specifications, y.Specifications);
private static bool AllSpecificationsEqual(
IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatSpecificationData> first,
IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatSpecificationData> second)
if (first.Count != second.Count)
return false;
return first
.FullOuterHashJoin(second, x => x.Name, x => x.Name, _ => false, _ => false, SpecificationEqual)
.All(x => x);
private static bool SpecificationEqual(CustomFormatSpecificationData a, CustomFormatSpecificationData b)
return a.Name.Equals(b.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
a.Implementation.Equals(b.Implementation, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
a.Negate.Equals(b.Negate) &&
a.Required.Equals(b.Required) &&
AllFieldsEqual(a.Fields, b.Fields);
private static bool AllFieldsEqual(
IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatFieldData> first,
IReadOnlyCollection<CustomFormatFieldData> second)
if (first.Count != second.Count)
return false;
return first
.FullOuterHashJoin(second, x => x.Name, x => x.Name, _ => false, _ => false, FieldEqual)
.All(x => x);
private static bool FieldEqual(CustomFormatFieldData a, CustomFormatFieldData b)
return a.Value?.Equals(b.Value) ?? false;
public int GetHashCode(CustomFormatData obj)
var hashCode = obj.TrashId.GetHashCode();
hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ obj.Id;
return hashCode;

@ -14,12 +14,27 @@ public class FieldsArrayJsonConverter : JsonConverter<object>
public override object Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
if (reader.TokenType is JsonTokenType.StartObject)
return reader.TokenType switch
return new[] {JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CustomFormatFieldData>(ref reader, options)!};
JsonTokenType.StartObject => ConvertObjectToArray(ref reader, options),
JsonTokenType.StartArray => JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CustomFormatFieldData[]>(ref reader, options)!,
_ => throw new JsonException("Unexpected token type for CF fields")
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CustomFormatFieldData[]>(ref reader, options)!;
private static CustomFormatFieldData[] ConvertObjectToArray(
ref Utf8JsonReader reader,
JsonSerializerOptions options)
var valueOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions(options);
valueOptions.Converters.Add(new NondeterministicValueConverter());
return JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, JsonElement>>(ref reader, options)!
.Select(x => new CustomFormatFieldData
Name = x.Key,
Value = x.Value.Deserialize<object>(valueOptions)
public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, object value, JsonSerializerOptions options)

@ -1,226 +1,35 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Recyclarr.TrashGuide.CustomFormat;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.CustomFormat.Models;
public class CustomFormatDataComparerTest
public void Custom_formats_equal()
var a = new CustomFormatData
Name = "EVO (no WEBDL)",
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false,
Specifications =
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "EVO",
Implementation = "ReleaseTitleSpecification",
Negate = false,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = "\\bEVO(TGX)?\\b"
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBDL",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = 7
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBRIP",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = 8
var a = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
var b = new CustomFormatData
Name = "EVO (no WEBDL)",
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false,
Specifications =
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "EVO",
Implementation = "ReleaseTitleSpecification",
Negate = false,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = "\\bEVO(TGX)?\\b"
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBDL",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = 7
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBRIP",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = 8
var b = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
a.Should().BeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.Using(CustomFormatData.Comparer));
a.Should().BeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
public void Custom_formats_not_equal_when_field_value_different()
var a = new CustomFormatData
Name = "EVO (no WEBDL)",
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false,
Specifications =
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "EVO",
Implementation = "ReleaseTitleSpecification",
Negate = false,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = "\\bEVO(TGX)?\\b"
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBDL",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = 7
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBRIP",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = 8
var a = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
var b = new CustomFormatData
Name = "EVO (no WEBDL)",
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false,
Specifications =
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "EVO",
Implementation = "ReleaseTitleSpecification",
Negate = false,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = "\\bEVO(TGX)?\\b"
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBDL",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Value = 10 // this is different
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
var b = CreateMockCustomFormatData() with
Name = "WEBRIP",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Specifications = a.Specifications.Select(spec => spec with
Value = 8
Name = spec.Name == "WEBRIP" ? "WEBRIP2" : spec.Name
var result = CustomFormatData.Comparer.Equals(a, b);
a.Should().NotBeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
@ -240,31 +49,25 @@ public class CustomFormatDataComparerTest
Category = "two"
var result = CustomFormatData.Comparer.Equals(a, b);
a.Should().BeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
public void Not_equal_when_right_is_null()
var a = new CustomFormatData();
var b = (CustomFormatData?) null;
CustomFormatData? b = null;
var result = CustomFormatData.Comparer.Equals(a, b);
a.Should().NotBeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
public void Not_equal_when_left_is_null()
var a = (CustomFormatData?) null;
CustomFormatData? a = null;
var b = new CustomFormatData();
var result = CustomFormatData.Comparer.Equals(a, b);
a.Should().NotBeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
@ -272,149 +75,167 @@ public class CustomFormatDataComparerTest
var a = new CustomFormatData();
var result = CustomFormatData.Comparer.Equals(a, a);
a.Should().BeEquivalentTo(a, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
public void Not_equal_when_different_spec_count()
var a = new CustomFormatData
var a = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
var b = a with
Name = "EVO (no WEBDL)",
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false,
Specifications =
new CustomFormatSpecificationData(),
new CustomFormatSpecificationData()
Specifications = a.Specifications.Concat([new CustomFormatSpecificationData()]).ToList()
var b = new CustomFormatData
a.Should().NotBeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
public void Not_equal_when_non_matching_spec_names()
Name = "EVO (no WEBDL)",
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false,
Specifications =
new CustomFormatSpecificationData(),
new CustomFormatSpecificationData(),
new CustomFormatSpecificationData()
var a = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
var result = CustomFormatData.Comparer.Equals(a, b);
var b = a with
Specifications = a.Specifications.Select(spec => spec with
Name = spec.Name == "WEBRIP" ? "WEBRIP2" : spec.Name
a.Should().NotBeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
public void Not_equal_when_non_matching_spec_names()
public void Not_equal_when_different_spec_names_and_values()
var a = new CustomFormatData
var a = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
var b = a with
Name = "EVO (no WEBDL)",
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false,
Specifications =
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Specifications = a.Specifications.Select(spec => spec with
Name = "EVO",
Implementation = "ReleaseTitleSpecification",
Negate = false,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Name = spec.Name == "WEBRIP" ? "UNIQUE_NAME" : spec.Name,
Fields = spec.Fields.Select(field => field with
Value = "\\bEVO(TGX)?\\b"
Value = field.Value is int ? 99 : "NEW_VALUE"
a.Should().NotBeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
public void Equal_when_different_field_counts_but_same_names_and_values()
Name = "WEBDL",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
var a = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
var b = a with
Value = 7
Specifications = a.Specifications.Select(spec => spec with
Fields = spec.Fields
.Concat([new CustomFormatFieldData {Name = "AdditionalField", Value = "ExtraValue"}])
a.Should().BeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
public void Equal_when_specifications_order_different()
Name = "WEBRIP",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
var a = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
var b = a with
Value = 8
Specifications = a.Specifications.Reverse().ToList()
a.Should().BeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
public void Equal_when_fields_order_different_for_each_specification()
var a = CreateMockCustomFormatData();
var b = a with
Specifications = a.Specifications.Select(spec => spec with
Fields = spec.Fields.Reverse().ToList()
var b = new CustomFormatData
a.Should().BeEquivalentTo(b, o => o.ComparingRecordsByValue());
public void Throws_exception_when_used_as_key_in_dictionary(Type type)
var act = () => new Dictionary<object, object?>().Add(Activator.CreateInstance(type)!, null);
public void Throws_exception_when_used_as_key_in_hash_set(Type type)
var act = () => new HashSet<object>().Add(Activator.CreateInstance(type)!);
private static CustomFormatData CreateMockCustomFormatData()
return new CustomFormatData
Name = "EVO (no WEBDL)",
IncludeCustomFormatWhenRenaming = false,
Specifications =
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Specifications = new List<CustomFormatSpecificationData>
Name = "EVO",
Implementation = "ReleaseTitleSpecification",
Negate = false,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Fields = new List<CustomFormatFieldData>
Value = "\\bEVO(TGX)?\\b"
new() {Name = "value", Value = @"\bEVO(TGX)?\b"},
new() {Name = "foo1", Value = "foo1"}
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBDL",
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Fields = new List<CustomFormatFieldData>
Value = 7
new() {Name = "value", Value = 7},
new() {Name = "foo2", Value = "foo2"}
new CustomFormatSpecificationData
Name = "WEBRIP2", // This name is different
Implementation = "SourceSpecification",
Name = "WEBRIP",
Implementation = "LanguageSpecification",
Negate = true,
Required = true,
Fields =
new CustomFormatFieldData
Fields = new List<CustomFormatFieldData>
Value = 8
new() {Name = "value", Value = 8},
new() {Name = "exceptLanguage", Value = false},
new() {Name = "foo3", Value = "foo3"}
var result = CustomFormatData.Comparer.Equals(a, b);

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.CustomFormat.Models;
public class FieldsArrayJsonConverterTest
public void Read_multiple_as_array()
public void Read_array_as_is()
const string json =
@ -42,26 +42,20 @@ public class FieldsArrayJsonConverterTest
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CustomFormatSpecificationData>(json, GlobalJsonSerializerSettings.Services);
new CustomFormatFieldData {Value = 25},
new CustomFormatFieldData {Value = 40}
new CustomFormatFieldData {Name = "min", Value = 25},
new CustomFormatFieldData {Name = "max", Value = 40}
public void Read_single_as_array()
public void Convert_key_value_pairs_to_array()
const string json =
"fields": {
"order": 0,
"name": "min",
"label": "Minimum Size",
"unit": "GB",
"helpText": "Release must be greater than this size",
"value": "25",
"type": "number",
"advanced": false
"value": 8,
"exceptLanguage": false
@ -69,7 +63,8 @@ public class FieldsArrayJsonConverterTest
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CustomFormatSpecificationData>(json, GlobalJsonSerializerSettings.Services);
new CustomFormatFieldData {Value = "25"}
new CustomFormatFieldData {Name = "value", Value = 8},
new CustomFormatFieldData {Name = "exceptLanguage", Value = false},
