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First, thank you for your interest in contributing to my project. Below is a list of requirements that everyone should follow.

  1. To avoid wasting your time and effort, please ensure all ideas get discussed first. Either visit the Ideas discussion board and open a thread there, or create a new issue. I ask that you do this to avoid the potential of rejecting work already done in a pull request.

  2. For Markdown changes, Any and all changes must pass configured markdownlint rules (see the .markdownlint.json files in this repository for project-specific adjustments to those rules).

  3. For C# changes, code must conform to the project's style. My day to day coding is done in Jetbrains Rider. If using that IDE, doing a simple Code Cleanup on modified source files should be enough. If you're using Visual Studio or some other editor, you are on your own. Formatting rules are stored in src/.editorconfig and src/TrashUpdater.sln.DotSettings.

Docker Development

The project's Dockerfile builds in two different mods: Development and production mode.

Production Build

This is the default build type for the image. Given a specific version number, it will grab the appropriate binary from the corresponding Github Release and install that into the image.

Development Build

This build allows you to make changes to Recyclarr and pull those into a local docker image build. This is especially useful if you want to test changes in Recyclarr before it is released, since the production mode of Recyclarr requires a Github release to pull from.

To enable development builds, specify the build argument BUILD_FROM_BRANCH. The workflow I use goes something like this:

  1. Create a branch to work out of: git checkout -b docker origin/master.

  2. Make some C# code changes, commit, and push to the remote repo.

  3. Build the docker image locally:

    docker compose build --no-cache --progress plain --build-arg BUILD_FROM_BRANCH=docker
  4. Execute it locally:

    docker compose run --rm recyclarr sonarr

Build Arguments

  • RELEASE_TAG (Default: latest)
    The git tag (e.g. v2.1.2) that represents the Github Release in the upstream repository to grab binaries from. May also use latest to represent the latest Github Release. Only used in Production builds.

  • TARGETPLATFORM (Default: empty)
    Required. Specifies the runtime architecture of the image and is used to pull the correct prebuilt binary from the specified Github Release. See the table in the Platform Support section for a list of valid values.

  • REPOSITORY (Default: recyclarr/recyclarr)
    The Github repository name (either user/repo or organization/repo format) used to grab the prebuilt release from (in Production builds) or to clone (in Development builds).

  • BUILD_FROM_BRANCH (Default: empty)
    If specified, Development build mode is enabled and the branch name specified here is used to compile Recyclarr and use its final binary in the resulting docker image.

Platform Support

Docker Platform Recyclarr Runtime
linux/arm/v7 linux-musl-arm
linux/arm64 linux-musl-arm64
linux/amd64 linux-musl-x64