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# Contributing
First, thank you for your interest in contributing to Recyclarr! Below is a list of requirements
that everyone should follow.
1. To avoid wasting your time and effort, please ensure all ideas get discussed first. Visit [the
Ideas discussion board][ideas] and open a thread there. I ask that you do this to avoid the
potential of rejecting work already done in a pull request.
1. **For Markdown changes,** any and all changes must pass configured [markdownlint] rules (see the
`.markdownlint.json` files in this repository for project-specific adjustments to those rules).
1. **For C# changes,** code must conform to the project's style. My day to day coding is done in
Jetbrains Rider. If using that IDE, doing a simple [Code Cleanup] on modified source files should
be enough. Make sure to select the "Recyclarr Cleanup" profile when you do the code cleanup. If
you're using Visual Studio, I recommend the Resharper extension. For other editors, you are on
your own. Formatting rules are stored in `.editorconfig` and `Recyclarr.sln.DotSettings`.
[ideas]: https://github.com/recyclarr/recyclarr/discussions/categories/ideas
[markdownlint]: https://github.com/DavidAnson/markdownlint
[Code Cleanup]: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/rider/Code_Cleanup__Index.html
## Tooling Requirements
The following tools are required:
- .NET SDK 8.0 and tooling (e.g. dotnet CLI, which comes with the SDK)
- Powershell v5.1 or greater
- Docker CLI (Docker Desktop on Windows)
The following tools are *highly recommended* but not strictly required:
- Jetbrains Rider (IDE for editing C# code)
- Visual Studio Code (install workspace-recommended extensions as well)
Other required tooling can be installed via the `scripts/Install-Tooling.ps1` powershell script.
It's also a good idea to occasionally run this for upgrade purposes, too.
## Docker Development
For more convenient building & testing Docker locally, run the `docker/DockerRun.ps1` script, which
does the following:
1. Starts the `docker/debugging/docker-compose.yml` stack, which includes instances of Sonarr,
Radarr, and other services that Recyclarr can connect to for testing purposes.
1. Builds the official Recyclarr image using changes in your working copy, if any.
1. Runs the locally built Recyclarr docker image as a container in its own compose stack that can
talk to the application services started earlier.
The `Dockerfile` is configured to build Recyclarr as part of the image build process. By default, it
uses the `linux-musl-x64` runtime but you can configure additional architectures if needed, through
`docker buildx`.
You may also provide runtime arguments to the `docker/DockerRun.ps1` script to run it in manual mode
instead of cron mode. Example:
# Run `recyclarr radarr -h`:
.\BuildAndRun.ps1 radarr -h
## Conventional Commits
This project uses and enforces [Conventional Commits][commits]. The below official commit types are
- `build`: Update project files, settings, etc.
- `chore`: Anything not code related or that falls into other categories.
- `ci`: Changes to CI/CD scripts or configuration.
- `docs`: Updates to non-code documentation (markdown, readme, etc).
- `feat`: A new feature was implemented.
- `fix`: A defect or security issue was fixed.
- `perf`: Change in code related to improving performance.
- `refactor`: A code change that does not impact the observable functionality or shape of the apps.
- `revert`: Prefix to be used for commits made by the `git revert` command.
- `style`: A whitespace or code cleanup change in code.
- `test`: Updates to unit test code only.
## Release Process
Release numbering follows [Semantic Versioning][semver]. The [GitVersion] package is used in .NET
projects to automatically version the executable according to [Conventional Commits][commits] rules
in conjunction with semantic versioning.
The goal is to allow commit messages to drive the way the semantic version number is advanced during
development. When a feature is implemented, the corresponding commit results in the minor version
number component being advanced by 1. Similarly, the patch portion is advanced by 1 when a bugfix is
To make a release, follow these steps:
1. Run `scripts/Prepare-Release.ps1`. This will do the following:
1. Update the changelog for the release according to [Keep a Changelog][changelog] rules.
1. Commit the changelog updates.
1. Create a tag for the release (using GitVersion).
1. Use Git to push the new tag and commits on `master` upstream where the Github Workflows will take
The Github Workflows manage the release process after the push by doing the following:
1. Compile the .NET projects.
1. Create a [Github Release][release] with the .NET artifacts attached.
1. Build and publish a new Docker image to the [Github Container Registry][ghcr] and [Docker
1. Send a release notification to the `#related-announcements` channel in the official [TRaSH Guides
[semver]: https://semver.org/
[GitVersion]: https://gitversion.net/
[commits]: https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/
[changelog]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/
[release]: https://github.com/recyclarr/recyclarr/releases
[ghcr]: https://github.com/recyclarr/recyclarr/pkgs/container/recyclarr
[discord]: https://discord.com/invite/Vau8dZ3
[dockerhub]: https://hub.docker.com/r/recyclarr/recyclarr
## Update `.gitignore`
Execute the `scripts/Update-Gitignore.ps1` script using Powershell. The working directory *must* be
the root of the repo. This will pull the latest relevant `.gitignore` patterns from
[gitignore.io](https://gitignore.io) and commit them automatically to your current branch.
## Testing Discord Notifier
Use Postman to make an HTTP `GET` request to the following URL. Note that `v4.0.0` can be any
Copy the resulting response JSON to a file named `ci/notify/release.json`. In the `ci/notify`
directory, run these commands to generate the other files needed:
jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url' release.json > assets.txt
jq -r '.body' release.json > changelog.txt
Also be sure to grab a discord webhook URL to a personal test server of yours. Then run the command
below (using a Bash terminal)
python ./discord_notify.py \
--version v4.0.0 \
--repo recyclarr/recyclarr \
--webhook-url https://discord.com/api/webhooks/your_webhook_url \
--changelog ./changelog.txt \
--assets ./assets.txt