Your ROOT_URL in app.ini is but you are visiting You should set ROOT_URL correctly, otherwise the web may not work correctly.

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This page describes the general file structure used by Recyclarr for its data. Many of these are platform-specific.

Application Data Directory

The application data directory is the root location for Recyclarr's files. With the exception of the main recyclarr.yml file, everything that Recyclarr reads or writes, by default, starts with this path.

Platform Location
Windows %APPDATA%\recyclarr
Linux ~/.config/recyclarr
MacOS ~/Library/Application Support/recyclarr

Default YAML Configuration File

The default YAML configuration file is named recyclarr.yml and it is always located in the application data directory (listed above, listed for your platform).

For backward compatibility, if the recyclarr.yml file is located adjacent to your recyclarr executable, that will be loaded first and a warning is printed to the console. In this scenario, even if a recyclarr.yml file exists in your application data directory, it will not be loaded!

The solution is to delete or move the recyclarr.yml sitting next to the executable.