ensure DeviceStatus is a valid bit flag.
[docs] added running tests section to contribution guide.
make sure UI correctly treats scrutiny failures as failed.
Adding ability to specify host identifier (label), that is updated on every collector run.
Can be specified by `host-id` CLI or `COLLECTOR_HOST_ID` env var.
Created a config class, interface and associated tests.
Created a "TransformDetectedDrives" function, that will allow users to insert drives not detected by Smarctl --scan, ignore drives that they dont want, and override smartctl device type.
Added Upsert functionality when registering devices.
Replaced "github.com/jinzhu/gorm" with "gorm.io/gorm" (ORM location moved, was using incorrect lib url)
Removed machineid library.
Added functions (PopulateAttributeStatus) to ensure that NVME and SCSI drives set the status for SMART attributes.
Moved Status populating fucntion into the *Attribute files, so they are closer to the code they actually interact with.
Fix frontend to correctly display status, thresh and Ideal for NVMe and SCSI ddrives.
adding metadata for NVME and SCSI drives.
send back protocol specific metadata for displaying data in the UI for attributes.
UI - moved all metadata lookups into named functions (for better if/else logic)
show different columns if nvme or scsi.
adding a mocked class for Config.
Adding device type to Device struct. Will eventually be needed for raid drives.
adding End-to-end testing capabilties.
Added testdata json files for webserver requests.
Seperated Start code and Setup code in webapp so we can test.
renamed "smart_attributes" to "ata_attributes" - Backwards incomatible change.
Added front end device sorting (red, yellow, green)
show unknown icon/status if drive has no smart data yet.
Moved all attribute "getters" into the controller.
created a device-sort pipe.