You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1222 lines
99 KiB

"components.AirDateBadge.airedrelative": "Aired {relativeTime}",
"components.AirDateBadge.airsrelative": "Airing {relativeTime}",
"components.AppDataWarning.dockerVolumeMissingDescription": "The <code>{appDataPath}</code> volume mount was not configured properly. All data will be cleared when the container is stopped or restarted.",
"components.CollectionDetails.numberofmovies": "{count} Movies",
"components.CollectionDetails.overview": "Overview",
"components.CollectionDetails.requestcollection": "Request Collection",
"components.CollectionDetails.requestcollection4k": "Request Collection in 4K",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.addSlider": "Add Slider",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.addcustomslider": "Create Custom Slider",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.addfail": "Failed to create new slider.",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.addsuccess": "Created new slider and saved discover customization settings.",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.editSlider": "Edit Slider",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.editfail": "Failed to edit slider.",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.editsuccess": "Edited slider and saved discover customization settings.",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.needresults": "You need to have at least 1 result.",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.nooptions": "No results.",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.providetmdbgenreid": "Provide a TMDB Genre ID",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.providetmdbkeywordid": "Provide a TMDB Keyword ID",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.providetmdbnetwork": "Provide TMDB Network ID",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.providetmdbsearch": "Provide a search query",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.providetmdbstudio": "Provide TMDB Studio ID",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.searchGenres": "Search genres…",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.searchKeywords": "Search keywords…",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.searchStudios": "Search studios…",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.slidernameplaceholder": "Slider Name",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.starttyping": "Starting typing to search.",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.validationDatarequired": "You must provide a data value.",
"components.Discover.CreateSlider.validationTitlerequired": "You must provide a title.",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovieGenre.genreMovies": "{genre} Movies",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovieKeyword.keywordMovies": "{keywordTitle} Movies",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovieLanguage.languageMovies": "{language} Movies",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.activefilters": "{count, plural, one {# Active Filter} other {# Active Filters}}",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.discovermovies": "Movies",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.sortPopularityAsc": "Popularity Ascending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.sortPopularityDesc": "Popularity Descending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.sortReleaseDateAsc": "Release Date Ascending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.sortReleaseDateDesc": "Release Date Descending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.sortTitleAsc": "Title (A-Z) Ascending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.sortTitleDesc": "Title (Z-A) Descending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.sortTmdbRatingAsc": "TMDB Rating Ascending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverMovies.sortTmdbRatingDesc": "TMDB Rating Descending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverNetwork.networkSeries": "{network} Series",
"components.Discover.DiscoverSliderEdit.deletefail": "Failed to delete slider.",
"components.Discover.DiscoverSliderEdit.deletesuccess": "Sucessfully deleted slider.",
"components.Discover.DiscoverSliderEdit.enable": "Toggle Visibility",
"components.Discover.DiscoverSliderEdit.remove": "Remove",
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"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.activefilters": "{count, plural, one {# Active Filter} other {# Active Filters}}",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.discovertv": "Series",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.sortFirstAirDateAsc": "First Air Date Ascending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.sortFirstAirDateDesc": "First Air Date Descending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.sortPopularityAsc": "Popularity Ascending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.sortPopularityDesc": "Popularity Descending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.sortTitleAsc": "Title (A-Z) Ascending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.sortTitleDesc": "Title (Z-A) Descending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.sortTmdbRatingAsc": "TMDB Rating Ascending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTv.sortTmdbRatingDesc": "TMDB Rating Descending",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTvGenre.genreSeries": "{genre} Series",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTvKeyword.keywordSeries": "{keywordTitle} Series",
"components.Discover.DiscoverTvLanguage.languageSeries": "{language} Series",
"components.Discover.DiscoverWatchlist.discoverwatchlist": "Your Plex Watchlist",
"components.Discover.DiscoverWatchlist.watchlist": "Plex Watchlist",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.activefilters": "{count, plural, one {# Active Filter} other {# Active Filters}}",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.clearfilters": "Clear Active Filters",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.filters": "Filters",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.firstAirDate": "First Air Date",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.from": "From",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.genres": "Genres",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.keywords": "Keywords",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.originalLanguage": "Original Language",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.ratingText": "Ratings between {minValue} and {maxValue}",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.releaseDate": "Release Date",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.runtime": "Runtime",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.runtimeText": "{minValue}-{maxValue} minute runtime",
"": "Studio",
"components.Discover.FilterSlideover.tmdbuserscore": "TMDB User Score",
"": "To",
"components.Discover.MovieGenreList.moviegenres": "Movie Genres",
"components.Discover.MovieGenreSlider.moviegenres": "Movie Genres",
"components.Discover.NetworkSlider.networks": "Networks",
"components.Discover.PlexWatchlistSlider.emptywatchlist": "Media added to your <PlexWatchlistSupportLink>Plex Watchlist</PlexWatchlistSupportLink> will appear here.",
"components.Discover.PlexWatchlistSlider.plexwatchlist": "Your Plex Watchlist",
"components.Discover.RecentlyAddedSlider.recentlyAdded": "Recently Added",
"components.Discover.StudioSlider.studios": "Studios",
"components.Discover.TvGenreList.seriesgenres": "Series Genres",
"components.Discover.TvGenreSlider.tvgenres": "Series Genres",
"components.Discover.createnewslider": "Create New Slider",
"components.Discover.customizediscover": "Customize Discover",
"": "Discover",
"components.Discover.emptywatchlist": "Media added to your <PlexWatchlistSupportLink>Plex Watchlist</PlexWatchlistSupportLink> will appear here.",
"components.Discover.moviegenres": "Movie Genres",
"components.Discover.networks": "Networks",
"components.Discover.plexwatchlist": "Your Plex Watchlist",
"components.Discover.popularmovies": "Popular Movies",
"components.Discover.populartv": "Popular Series",
"components.Discover.recentlyAdded": "Recently Added",
"components.Discover.recentrequests": "Recent Requests",
"components.Discover.resetfailed": "Something went wrong resetting the discover customization settings.",
"components.Discover.resetsuccess": "Sucessfully reset discover customization settings.",
"components.Discover.resettodefault": "Reset to Default",
"components.Discover.resetwarning": "Reset all sliders to default. This will also delete any custom sliders!",
"components.Discover.stopediting": "Stop Editing",
"components.Discover.studios": "Studios",
"components.Discover.tmdbmoviegenre": "TMDB Movie Genre",
"components.Discover.tmdbmoviekeyword": "TMDB Movie Keyword",
"components.Discover.tmdbnetwork": "TMDB Network",
"components.Discover.tmdbsearch": "TMDB Search",
"components.Discover.tmdbstudio": "TMDB Studio",
"components.Discover.tmdbtvgenre": "TMDB Series Genre",
"components.Discover.tmdbtvkeyword": "TMDB Series Keyword",
"components.Discover.trending": "Trending",
"components.Discover.tvgenres": "Series Genres",
"components.Discover.upcoming": "Upcoming Movies",
"components.Discover.upcomingmovies": "Upcoming Movies",
"components.Discover.upcomingtv": "Upcoming Series",
"components.Discover.updatefailed": "Something went wrong updating the discover customization settings.",
"components.Discover.updatesuccess": "Updated discover customization settings.",
"components.DownloadBlock.estimatedtime": "Estimated {time}",
"components.DownloadBlock.formattedTitle": "{title}: Season {seasonNumber} Episode {episodeNumber}",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueComment.areyousuredelete": "Are you sure you want to delete this comment?",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueComment.delete": "Delete Comment",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueComment.edit": "Edit Comment",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueComment.postedby": "Posted {relativeTime} by {username}",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueComment.postedbyedited": "Posted {relativeTime} by {username} (Edited)",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueComment.validationComment": "You must enter a message",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueDescription.deleteissue": "Delete Issue",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueDescription.description": "Description",
"components.IssueDetails.IssueDescription.edit": "Edit Description",
"components.IssueDetails.allepisodes": "All Episodes",
"components.IssueDetails.allseasons": "All Seasons",
"components.IssueDetails.closeissue": "Close Issue",
"components.IssueDetails.closeissueandcomment": "Close with Comment",
"components.IssueDetails.commentplaceholder": "Add a comment…",
"components.IssueDetails.comments": "Comments",
"components.IssueDetails.deleteissue": "Delete Issue",
"components.IssueDetails.deleteissueconfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this issue?",
"components.IssueDetails.episode": "Episode {episodeNumber}",
"components.IssueDetails.issuepagetitle": "Issue",
"components.IssueDetails.issuetype": "Type",
"components.IssueDetails.lastupdated": "Last Updated",
"components.IssueDetails.leavecomment": "Comment",
"components.IssueDetails.nocomments": "No comments.",
"components.IssueDetails.openedby": "#{issueId} opened {relativeTime} by {username}",
"components.IssueDetails.openin4karr": "Open in 4K {arr}",
"components.IssueDetails.openinarr": "Open in {arr}",
"components.IssueDetails.play4konplex": "Play in 4K on Plex",
"components.IssueDetails.playonplex": "Play on Plex",
"components.IssueDetails.problemepisode": "Affected Episode",
"components.IssueDetails.problemseason": "Affected Season",
"components.IssueDetails.reopenissue": "Reopen Issue",
"components.IssueDetails.reopenissueandcomment": "Reopen with Comment",
"components.IssueDetails.season": "Season {seasonNumber}",
"components.IssueDetails.toasteditdescriptionfailed": "Something went wrong while editing the issue description.",
"components.IssueDetails.toasteditdescriptionsuccess": "Issue description edited successfully!",
"components.IssueDetails.toastissuedeleted": "Issue deleted successfully!",
"components.IssueDetails.toastissuedeletefailed": "Something went wrong while deleting the issue.",
"components.IssueDetails.toaststatusupdated": "Issue status updated successfully!",
"components.IssueDetails.toaststatusupdatefailed": "Something went wrong while updating the issue status.",
"components.IssueDetails.unknownissuetype": "Unknown",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.episodes": "{episodeCount, plural, one {Episode} other {Episodes}}",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.issuestatus": "Status",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.issuetype": "Type",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.opened": "Opened",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.openeduserdate": "{date} by {user}",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.problemepisode": "Affected Episode",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.seasons": "{seasonCount, plural, one {Season} other {Seasons}}",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.unknownissuetype": "Unknown",
"components.IssueList.IssueItem.viewissue": "View Issue",
"components.IssueList.issues": "Issues",
"components.IssueList.showallissues": "Show All Issues",
"components.IssueList.sortAdded": "Most Recent",
"components.IssueList.sortModified": "Last Modified",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.allepisodes": "All Episodes",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.allseasons": "All Seasons",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.episode": "Episode {episodeNumber}",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.extras": "Extras",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.problemepisode": "Affected Episode",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.problemseason": "Affected Season",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.providedetail": "Please provide a detailed explanation of the issue you encountered.",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.reportissue": "Report an Issue",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.season": "Season {seasonNumber}",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.submitissue": "Submit Issue",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.toastFailedCreate": "Something went wrong while submitting the issue.",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.toastSuccessCreate": "Issue report for <strong>{title}</strong> submitted successfully!",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.toastviewissue": "View Issue",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.validationMessageRequired": "You must provide a description",
"components.IssueModal.CreateIssueModal.whatswrong": "What's wrong?",
"components.IssueModal.issueAudio": "Audio",
"components.IssueModal.issueOther": "Other",
"components.IssueModal.issueSubtitles": "Subtitle",
"components.IssueModal.issueVideo": "Video",
"components.LanguageSelector.languageServerDefault": "Default ({language})",
"components.LanguageSelector.originalLanguageDefault": "All Languages",
"components.Layout.LanguagePicker.displaylanguage": "Display Language",
"components.Layout.SearchInput.searchPlaceholder": "Search Movies & TV",
"components.Layout.Sidebar.browsemovies": "Movies",
"components.Layout.Sidebar.browsetv": "Series",
"components.Layout.Sidebar.dashboard": "Discover",
"components.Layout.Sidebar.issues": "Issues",
"components.Layout.Sidebar.requests": "Requests",
"components.Layout.Sidebar.settings": "Settings",
"components.Layout.Sidebar.users": "Users",
"components.Layout.UserDropdown.MiniQuotaDisplay.movierequests": "Movie Requests",
"components.Layout.UserDropdown.MiniQuotaDisplay.seriesrequests": "Series Requests",
"components.Layout.UserDropdown.myprofile": "Profile",
"components.Layout.UserDropdown.requests": "Requests",
"components.Layout.UserDropdown.settings": "Settings",
"components.Layout.UserDropdown.signout": "Sign Out",
"components.Layout.VersionStatus.commitsbehind": "{commitsBehind} {commitsBehind, plural, one {commit} other {commits}} behind",
"components.Layout.VersionStatus.outofdate": "Out of Date",
"components.Layout.VersionStatus.streamdevelop": "Overseerr Develop",
"components.Layout.VersionStatus.streamstable": "Overseerr Stable",
"": "Email Address",
"components.Login.forgotpassword": "Forgot Password?",
"components.Login.loginerror": "Something went wrong while trying to sign in.",
"components.Login.password": "Password",
"components.Login.signin": "Sign In",
"components.Login.signingin": "Signing In…",
"components.Login.signinheader": "Sign in to continue",
"components.Login.signinwithoverseerr": "Use your {applicationTitle} account",
"components.Login.signinwithplex": "Use your Plex account",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#841) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.4% (631 of 641 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (645 of 645 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (641 of 641 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (641 of 641 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.6% (604 of 645 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.6% (604 of 645 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.6% (600 of 641 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.4% (599 of 641 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (641 of 641 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (633 of 633 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 13.1% (84 of 641 strings) Co-authored-by: Artem <> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Co-authored-by: Artem <>
4 years ago
"components.Login.validationemailrequired": "You must provide a valid email address",
"components.Login.validationpasswordrequired": "You must provide a password",
"components.ManageSlideOver.alltime": "All Time",
"components.ManageSlideOver.downloadstatus": "Downloads",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalAdvanced": "Advanced",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalClearMedia": "Clear Data",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalClearMediaWarning": "* This will irreversibly remove all data for this {mediaType}, including any requests. If this item exists in your Plex library, the media information will be recreated during the next scan.",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalIssues": "Open Issues",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalMedia": "Media",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalMedia4k": "4K Media",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalNoRequests": "No requests.",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalRequests": "Requests",
"components.ManageSlideOver.manageModalTitle": "Manage {mediaType}",
"components.ManageSlideOver.mark4kavailable": "Mark as Available in 4K",
"components.ManageSlideOver.markallseasons4kavailable": "Mark All Seasons as Available in 4K",
"components.ManageSlideOver.markallseasonsavailable": "Mark All Seasons as Available",
"components.ManageSlideOver.markavailable": "Mark as Available",
"": "movie",
"components.ManageSlideOver.openarr": "Open in {arr}",
"components.ManageSlideOver.openarr4k": "Open in 4K {arr}",
"components.ManageSlideOver.opentautulli": "Open in Tautulli",
"components.ManageSlideOver.pastdays": "Past {days, number} Days",
"components.ManageSlideOver.playedby": "Played By",
"components.ManageSlideOver.plays": "<strong>{playCount, number}</strong> {playCount, plural, one {play} other {plays}}",
"components.ManageSlideOver.tvshow": "series",
"components.MediaSlider.ShowMoreCard.seemore": "See More",
"components.MovieDetails.MovieCast.fullcast": "Full Cast",
"components.MovieDetails.MovieCrew.fullcrew": "Full Crew",
"components.MovieDetails.budget": "Budget",
"components.MovieDetails.cast": "Cast",
"components.MovieDetails.digitalrelease": "Digital Release",
"components.MovieDetails.managemovie": "Manage Movie",
"components.MovieDetails.mark4kavailable": "Mark as Available in 4K",
"components.MovieDetails.markavailable": "Mark as Available",
"components.MovieDetails.originallanguage": "Original Language",
"components.MovieDetails.originaltitle": "Original Title",
"components.MovieDetails.overview": "Overview",
"components.MovieDetails.overviewunavailable": "Overview unavailable.",
"components.MovieDetails.physicalrelease": "Physical Release",
"components.MovieDetails.play4konplex": "Play in 4K on Plex",
"components.MovieDetails.playonplex": "Play on Plex",
"components.MovieDetails.productioncountries": "Production {countryCount, plural, one {Country} other {Countries}}",
"components.MovieDetails.recommendations": "Recommendations",
"components.MovieDetails.releasedate": "{releaseCount, plural, one {Release Date} other {Release Dates}}",
"components.MovieDetails.reportissue": "Report an Issue",
"components.MovieDetails.revenue": "Revenue",
"components.MovieDetails.rtaudiencescore": "Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score",
"components.MovieDetails.rtcriticsscore": "Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer",
"components.MovieDetails.runtime": "{minutes} minutes",
"components.MovieDetails.showless": "Show Less",
"components.MovieDetails.showmore": "Show More",
"components.MovieDetails.similar": "Similar Titles",
"components.MovieDetails.streamingproviders": "Currently Streaming On",
"": "{studioCount, plural, one {Studio} other {Studios}}",
"components.MovieDetails.theatricalrelease": "Theatrical Release",
"components.MovieDetails.tmdbuserscore": "TMDB User Score",
"components.MovieDetails.viewfullcrew": "View Full Crew",
"components.MovieDetails.watchtrailer": "Watch Trailer",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.adminissuecommentDescription": "Get notified when other users comment on issues.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.adminissuereopenedDescription": "Get notified when issues are reopened by other users.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.adminissueresolvedDescription": "Get notified when issues are resolved by other users.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.issuecomment": "Issue Comment",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.issuecommentDescription": "Send notifications when issues receive new comments.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.issuecreated": "Issue Reported",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.issuecreatedDescription": "Send notifications when issues are reported.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.issuereopened": "Issue Reopened",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.issuereopenedDescription": "Send notifications when issues are reopened.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.issueresolved": "Issue Resolved",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.issueresolvedDescription": "Send notifications when issues are resolved.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaAutoApproved": "Request Automatically Approved",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaAutoApprovedDescription": "Send notifications when users submit new media requests which are automatically approved.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaapproved": "Request Approved",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaapprovedDescription": "Send notifications when media requests are manually approved.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaautorequested": "Request Automatically Submitted",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaautorequestedDescription": "Get notified when new media requests are automatically submitted for items on your Plex Watchlist.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaavailable": "Request Available",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediaavailableDescription": "Send notifications when media requests become available.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediadeclined": "Request Declined",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediadeclinedDescription": "Send notifications when media requests are declined.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediafailed": "Request Processing Failed",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediafailedDescription": "Send notifications when media requests fail to be added to Radarr or Sonarr.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediarequested": "Request Pending Approval",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.mediarequestedDescription": "Send notifications when users submit new media requests which require approval.",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.notificationTypes": "Notification Types",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.userissuecommentDescription": "Get notified when issues you reported receive new comments.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.userissuecreatedDescription": "Get notified when other users report issues.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.userissuereopenedDescription": "Get notified when issues you reported are reopened.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.userissueresolvedDescription": "Get notified when issues you reported are resolved.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.usermediaAutoApprovedDescription": "Get notified when other users submit new media requests which are automatically approved.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.usermediaapprovedDescription": "Get notified when your media requests are approved.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.usermediaavailableDescription": "Get notified when your media requests become available.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.usermediadeclinedDescription": "Get notified when your media requests are declined.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.usermediafailedDescription": "Get notified when media requests fail to be added to Radarr or Sonarr.",
"components.NotificationTypeSelector.usermediarequestedDescription": "Get notified when other users submit new media requests which require approval.",
"components.PermissionEdit.admin": "Admin",
"components.PermissionEdit.adminDescription": "Full administrator access. Bypasses all other permission checks.",
"components.PermissionEdit.advancedrequest": "Advanced Requests",
"components.PermissionEdit.advancedrequestDescription": "Grant permission to modify advanced media request options.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapprove": "Auto-Approve",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapprove4k": "Auto-Approve 4K",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapprove4kDescription": "Grant automatic approval for all 4K media requests.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapprove4kMovies": "Auto-Approve 4K Movies",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapprove4kMoviesDescription": "Grant automatic approval for 4K movie requests.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapprove4kSeries": "Auto-Approve 4K Series",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapprove4kSeriesDescription": "Grant automatic approval for 4K series requests.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapproveDescription": "Grant automatic approval for all non-4K media requests.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapproveMovies": "Auto-Approve Movies",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapproveMoviesDescription": "Grant automatic approval for non-4K movie requests.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapproveSeries": "Auto-Approve Series",
"components.PermissionEdit.autoapproveSeriesDescription": "Grant automatic approval for non-4K series requests.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autorequest": "Auto-Request",
"components.PermissionEdit.autorequestDescription": "Grant permission to automatically submit requests for non-4K media via Plex Watchlist.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autorequestMovies": "Auto-Request Movies",
"components.PermissionEdit.autorequestMoviesDescription": "Grant permission to automatically submit requests for non-4K movies via Plex Watchlist.",
"components.PermissionEdit.autorequestSeries": "Auto-Request Series",
"components.PermissionEdit.autorequestSeriesDescription": "Grant permission to automatically submit requests for non-4K series via Plex Watchlist.",
"components.PermissionEdit.createissues": "Report Issues",
"components.PermissionEdit.createissuesDescription": "Grant permission to report media issues.",
"components.PermissionEdit.manageissues": "Manage Issues",
"components.PermissionEdit.manageissuesDescription": "Grant permission to manage media issues.",
"components.PermissionEdit.managerequests": "Manage Requests",
"components.PermissionEdit.managerequestsDescription": "Grant permission to manage media requests. All requests made by a user with this permission will be automatically approved.",
"components.PermissionEdit.request": "Request",
"components.PermissionEdit.request4k": "Request 4K",
"components.PermissionEdit.request4kDescription": "Grant permission to submit requests for 4K media.",
"components.PermissionEdit.request4kMovies": "Request 4K Movies",
"components.PermissionEdit.request4kMoviesDescription": "Grant permission to submit requests for 4K movies.",
"components.PermissionEdit.request4kTv": "Request 4K Series",
"components.PermissionEdit.request4kTvDescription": "Grant permission to submit requests for 4K series.",
"components.PermissionEdit.requestDescription": "Grant permission to submit requests for non-4K media.",
"components.PermissionEdit.requestMovies": "Request Movies",
"components.PermissionEdit.requestMoviesDescription": "Grant permission to submit requests for non-4K movies.",
"components.PermissionEdit.requestTv": "Request Series",
"components.PermissionEdit.requestTvDescription": "Grant permission to submit requests for non-4K series.",
"components.PermissionEdit.users": "Manage Users",
"components.PermissionEdit.usersDescription": "Grant permission to manage users. Users with this permission cannot modify users with or grant the Admin privilege.",
"components.PermissionEdit.viewissues": "View Issues",
"components.PermissionEdit.viewissuesDescription": "Grant permission to view media issues reported by other users.",
"components.PermissionEdit.viewrecent": "View Recently Added",
"components.PermissionEdit.viewrecentDescription": "Grant permission to view the list of recently added media.",
"components.PermissionEdit.viewrequests": "View Requests",
"components.PermissionEdit.viewrequestsDescription": "Grant permission to view media requests submitted by other users.",
"components.PermissionEdit.viewwatchlists": "View Plex Watchlists",
"components.PermissionEdit.viewwatchlistsDescription": "Grant permission to view other users' Plex Watchlists.",
"components.PersonDetails.alsoknownas": "Also Known As: {names}",
"components.PersonDetails.appearsin": "Appearances",
"components.PersonDetails.ascharacter": "as {character}",
"components.PersonDetails.birthdate": "Born {birthdate}",
"components.PersonDetails.crewmember": "Crew",
"components.PersonDetails.lifespan": "{birthdate} {deathdate}",
"components.PlexLoginButton.signingin": "Signing In…",
"components.PlexLoginButton.signinwithplex": "Sign In",
"components.QuotaSelector.days": "{count, plural, one {day} other {days}}",
"components.QuotaSelector.movieRequests": "{quotaLimit} <quotaUnits>{movies} per {quotaDays} {days}</quotaUnits>",
"components.QuotaSelector.movies": "{count, plural, one {movie} other {movies}}",
"components.QuotaSelector.seasons": "{count, plural, one {season} other {seasons}}",
"components.QuotaSelector.tvRequests": "{quotaLimit} <quotaUnits>{seasons} per {quotaDays} {days}</quotaUnits>",
"components.QuotaSelector.unlimited": "Unlimited",
"components.RegionSelector.regionDefault": "All Regions",
"components.RegionSelector.regionServerDefault": "Default ({region})",
"components.RequestBlock.approve": "Approve Request",
"components.RequestBlock.decline": "Decline Request",
"components.RequestBlock.delete": "Delete Request",
"components.RequestBlock.edit": "Edit Request",
"components.RequestBlock.languageprofile": "Language Profile",
"components.RequestBlock.lastmodifiedby": "Last Modified By",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#853) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.2% (643 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.1% (642 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.9% (634 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.8% (626 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.8% (626 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.3% (616 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 91.3% (610 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 90.1% (602 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.1% (562 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 66.8% (441 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.5% (657 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 48.1% (318 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: zsmbrvr <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (646 of 646 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (646 of 646 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 97.7% (653 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 82.5% (545 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Jakob Ankarhem <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (661 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.0% (647 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.1% (662 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: zsmbrvr <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: Jakob Ankarhem <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"components.RequestBlock.profilechanged": "Quality Profile",
"components.RequestBlock.requestdate": "Request Date",
"components.RequestBlock.requestedby": "Requested By",
"components.RequestBlock.requestoverrides": "Request Overrides",
"components.RequestBlock.rootfolder": "Root Folder",
"components.RequestBlock.seasons": "{seasonCount, plural, one {Season} other {Seasons}}",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#853) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.2% (643 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.1% (642 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.9% (634 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.8% (626 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.8% (626 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.3% (616 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 91.3% (610 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 90.1% (602 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.1% (562 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 66.8% (441 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.5% (657 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 48.1% (318 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: zsmbrvr <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (646 of 646 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (646 of 646 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 97.7% (653 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 82.5% (545 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Jakob Ankarhem <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (661 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.0% (647 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.1% (662 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: zsmbrvr <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: Jakob Ankarhem <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"components.RequestBlock.server": "Destination Server",
"components.RequestButton.approve4krequests": "Approve {requestCount, plural, one {4K Request} other {{requestCount} 4K Requests}}",
"components.RequestButton.approverequest": "Approve Request",
"components.RequestButton.approverequest4k": "Approve 4K Request",
"components.RequestButton.approverequests": "Approve {requestCount, plural, one {Request} other {{requestCount} Requests}}",
"components.RequestButton.decline4krequests": "Decline {requestCount, plural, one {4K Request} other {{requestCount} 4K Requests}}",
"components.RequestButton.declinerequest": "Decline Request",
"components.RequestButton.declinerequest4k": "Decline 4K Request",
"components.RequestButton.declinerequests": "Decline {requestCount, plural, one {Request} other {{requestCount} Requests}}",
"components.RequestButton.requestmore": "Request More",
"components.RequestButton.requestmore4k": "Request More in 4K",
"components.RequestButton.viewrequest": "View Request",
"components.RequestButton.viewrequest4k": "View 4K Request",
"components.RequestCard.approverequest": "Approve Request",
"components.RequestCard.cancelrequest": "Cancel Request",
"components.RequestCard.declinerequest": "Decline Request",
"components.RequestCard.deleterequest": "Delete Request",
"components.RequestCard.editrequest": "Edit Request",
"components.RequestCard.failedretry": "Something went wrong while retrying the request.",
"components.RequestCard.mediaerror": "{mediaType} Not Found",
"components.RequestCard.seasons": "{seasonCount, plural, one {Season} other {Seasons}}",
"components.RequestCard.tmdbid": "TMDB ID",
"components.RequestCard.tvdbid": "TheTVDB ID",
"components.RequestCard.unknowntitle": "Unknown Title",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.cancelRequest": "Cancel Request",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.deleterequest": "Delete Request",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.editrequest": "Edit Request",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.failedretry": "Something went wrong while retrying the request.",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.mediaerror": "{mediaType} Not Found",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.modified": "Modified",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.modifieduserdate": "{date} by {user}",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.requested": "Requested",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.requesteddate": "Requested",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.seasons": "{seasonCount, plural, one {Season} other {Seasons}}",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.tmdbid": "TMDB ID",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.tvdbid": "TheTVDB ID",
"components.RequestList.RequestItem.unknowntitle": "Unknown Title",
"components.RequestList.requests": "Requests",
"components.RequestList.showallrequests": "Show All Requests",
"components.RequestList.sortAdded": "Most Recent",
"components.RequestList.sortModified": "Last Modified",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.advancedoptions": "Advanced",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.animenote": "* This series is an anime.",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.default": "{name} (Default)",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.destinationserver": "Destination Server",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.folder": "{path} ({space})",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.languageprofile": "Language Profile",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.notagoptions": "No tags.",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.qualityprofile": "Quality Profile",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.requestas": "Request As",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.rootfolder": "Root Folder",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.selecttags": "Select tags",
"components.RequestModal.AdvancedRequester.tags": "Tags",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.allowedRequests": "You are allowed to request <strong>{limit}</strong> {type} every <strong>{days}</strong> days.",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.allowedRequestsUser": "This user is allowed to request <strong>{limit}</strong> {type} every <strong>{days}</strong> days.",
"": "movie",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.movielimit": "{limit, plural, one {movie} other {movies}}",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.notenoughseasonrequests": "Not enough season requests remaining",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.quotaLink": "You can view a summary of your request limits on your <ProfileLink>profile page</ProfileLink>.",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.quotaLinkUser": "You can view a summary of this user's request limits on their <ProfileLink>profile page</ProfileLink>.",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.requestsremaining": "{remaining, plural, =0 {No} other {<strong>#</strong>}} {type} {remaining, plural, one {request} other {requests}} remaining",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.requiredquota": "You need to have at least <strong>{seasons}</strong> {seasons, plural, one {season request} other {season requests}} remaining in order to submit a request for this series.",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.requiredquotaUser": "This user needs to have at least <strong>{seasons}</strong> {seasons, plural, one {season request} other {season requests}} remaining in order to submit a request for this series.",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.season": "season",
"components.RequestModal.QuotaDisplay.seasonlimit": "{limit, plural, one {season} other {seasons}}",
"components.RequestModal.SearchByNameModal.nomatches": "We were unable to find a match for this series.",
"components.RequestModal.SearchByNameModal.notvdbiddescription": "We were unable to automatically match this series. Please select the correct match below.",
"components.RequestModal.alreadyrequested": "Already Requested",
"components.RequestModal.approve": "Approve Request",
"components.RequestModal.autoapproval": "Automatic Approval",
"components.RequestModal.cancel": "Cancel Request",
"components.RequestModal.edit": "Edit Request",
"components.RequestModal.errorediting": "Something went wrong while editing the request.",
"components.RequestModal.extras": "Extras",
"components.RequestModal.numberofepisodes": "# of Episodes",
"components.RequestModal.pending4krequest": "Pending 4K Request",
"components.RequestModal.pendingapproval": "Your request is pending approval.",
"components.RequestModal.pendingrequest": "Pending Request",
"components.RequestModal.requestApproved": "Request for <strong>{title}</strong> approved!",
"components.RequestModal.requestCancel": "Request for <strong>{title}</strong> canceled.",
"components.RequestModal.requestSuccess": "<strong>{title}</strong> requested successfully!",
"components.RequestModal.requestadmin": "This request will be approved automatically.",
"components.RequestModal.requestcancelled": "Request for <strong>{title}</strong> canceled.",
"components.RequestModal.requestcollection4ktitle": "Request Collection in 4K",
"components.RequestModal.requestcollectiontitle": "Request Collection",
"components.RequestModal.requestedited": "Request for <strong>{title}</strong> edited successfully!",
"components.RequestModal.requesterror": "Something went wrong while submitting the request.",
"components.RequestModal.requestfrom": "{username}'s request is pending approval.",
"components.RequestModal.requestmovie4ktitle": "Request Movie in 4K",
"components.RequestModal.requestmovies": "Request {count} {count, plural, one {Movie} other {Movies}}",
"components.RequestModal.requestmovies4k": "Request {count} {count, plural, one {Movie} other {Movies}} in 4K",
"components.RequestModal.requestmovietitle": "Request Movie",
"components.RequestModal.requestseasons": "Request {seasonCount} {seasonCount, plural, one {Season} other {Seasons}}",
"components.RequestModal.requestseasons4k": "Request {seasonCount} {seasonCount, plural, one {Season} other {Seasons}} in 4K",
"components.RequestModal.requestseries4ktitle": "Request Series in 4K",
"components.RequestModal.requestseriestitle": "Request Series",
"components.RequestModal.season": "Season",
"components.RequestModal.seasonnumber": "Season {number}",
"components.RequestModal.selectmovies": "Select Movie(s)",
"components.RequestModal.selectseason": "Select Season(s)",
"components.ResetPassword.confirmpassword": "Confirm Password",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#853) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.2% (643 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.1% (642 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.9% (634 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.8% (626 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.8% (626 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.3% (616 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 91.3% (610 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 90.1% (602 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.1% (562 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 66.8% (441 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.5% (657 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 48.1% (318 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: zsmbrvr <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (646 of 646 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (646 of 646 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 97.7% (653 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 82.5% (545 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Jakob Ankarhem <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (661 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.0% (647 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.1% (662 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: zsmbrvr <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: Jakob Ankarhem <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"": "Email Address",
"components.ResetPassword.emailresetlink": "Email Recovery Link",
"components.ResetPassword.gobacklogin": "Return to Sign-In Page",
"components.ResetPassword.password": "Password",
"components.ResetPassword.passwordreset": "Password Reset",
"components.ResetPassword.requestresetlinksuccessmessage": "A password reset link will be sent to the provided email address if it is associated with a valid user.",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#853) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.2% (643 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.1% (642 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.9% (634 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.8% (626 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.8% (626 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.3% (616 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 91.3% (610 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 90.1% (602 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 84.1% (562 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 66.8% (441 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (666 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.5% (657 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 48.1% (318 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: zsmbrvr <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (646 of 646 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.9% (653 of 660 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (646 of 646 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 97.7% (653 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 82.5% (545 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Jakob Ankarhem <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.9% (661 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.0% (647 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.1% (662 of 668 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (660 of 660 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: K. Herbert <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: zsmbrvr <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: Jakob Ankarhem <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"components.ResetPassword.resetpassword": "Reset your password",
"components.ResetPassword.resetpasswordsuccessmessage": "Password reset successfully!",
"components.ResetPassword.validationemailrequired": "You must provide a valid email address",
"components.ResetPassword.validationpasswordmatch": "Passwords must match",
"components.ResetPassword.validationpasswordminchars": "Password is too short; should be a minimum of 8 characters",
"components.ResetPassword.validationpasswordrequired": "You must provide a password",
"": "Search",
"components.Search.searchresults": "Search Results",
"components.Selector.nooptions": "No results.",
"components.Selector.searchGenres": "Select genres…",
"components.Selector.searchKeywords": "Search keywords…",
"components.Selector.searchStudios": "Search studios…",
"components.Selector.starttyping": "Starting typing to search.",
feat(notif): add Gotify agent (#2196) * feat(notifications): adds gotify notifications adds new settings screen for gotify notifications including url, token and types settings fix #2183 * feat(notif): add Gotify agent addresses PR comments, runs i18n:extract fix #2183 * reword validationTokenRequired change wording to indicate presence, not validity Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> * feat(notifications): gotify notifications fix applies changes from #2077 in which Yup validation was failing for types fix #2183 * feat(notifications): adds gotify notifications adds new settings screen for gotify notifications including url, token and types settings fix #2183 * feat(notif): add Gotify agent addresses PR comments, runs i18n:extract fix #2183 * reword validationTokenRequired change wording to indicate presence, not validity Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> * feat(notifications): gotify notifications fix applies changes from #2077 in which Yup validation was failing for types fix #2183 * feat(notifications): incorporate issue feature into gotify notifications * feat(notifications): adds gotify notifications adds new settings screen for gotify notifications including url, token and types settings fix #2183 * feat(notif): add Gotify agent addresses PR comments, runs i18n:extract fix #2183 * reword validationTokenRequired change wording to indicate presence, not validity Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> * feat: add missing ts field include notifyAdmin in test notification endpoint * feat: apply formatting/line break items add addition line break before conditional, change ordering of notifyAdmin/notifyUser in test endpoint * feat: remove duplicated endpoints during rebase, notification endpoints were duplicated upon rebasing. remove duplicate routes * feat: correct linting quirks * feat: formatting improvements * feat(gotify): refactor axios post to leverage 'getNotificationPayload' Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <>
3 years ago
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.agentenabled": "Enable Agent",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.gotifysettingsfailed": "Gotify notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.gotifysettingssaved": "Gotify notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.toastGotifyTestFailed": "Gotify test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.toastGotifyTestSending": "Sending Gotify test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.toastGotifyTestSuccess": "Gotify test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.token": "Application Token",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.url": "Server URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.validationTokenRequired": "You must provide an application token",
feat(notif): add Gotify agent (#2196) * feat(notifications): adds gotify notifications adds new settings screen for gotify notifications including url, token and types settings fix #2183 * feat(notif): add Gotify agent addresses PR comments, runs i18n:extract fix #2183 * reword validationTokenRequired change wording to indicate presence, not validity Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> * feat(notifications): gotify notifications fix applies changes from #2077 in which Yup validation was failing for types fix #2183 * feat(notifications): adds gotify notifications adds new settings screen for gotify notifications including url, token and types settings fix #2183 * feat(notif): add Gotify agent addresses PR comments, runs i18n:extract fix #2183 * reword validationTokenRequired change wording to indicate presence, not validity Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> * feat(notifications): gotify notifications fix applies changes from #2077 in which Yup validation was failing for types fix #2183 * feat(notifications): incorporate issue feature into gotify notifications * feat(notifications): adds gotify notifications adds new settings screen for gotify notifications including url, token and types settings fix #2183 * feat(notif): add Gotify agent addresses PR comments, runs i18n:extract fix #2183 * reword validationTokenRequired change wording to indicate presence, not validity Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> * feat: add missing ts field include notifyAdmin in test notification endpoint * feat: apply formatting/line break items add addition line break before conditional, change ordering of notifyAdmin/notifyUser in test endpoint * feat: remove duplicated endpoints during rebase, notification endpoints were duplicated upon rebasing. remove duplicate routes * feat: correct linting quirks * feat: formatting improvements * feat(gotify): refactor axios post to leverage 'getNotificationPayload' Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <>
3 years ago
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.validationTypes": "You must select at least one notification type",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.validationUrlRequired": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsGotify.validationUrlTrailingSlash": "URL must not end in a trailing slash",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.agentenabled": "Enable Agent",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.profileName": "Profile Name",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.profileNameTip": "Only required if not using the <code>default</code> profile",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.settingsFailed": "LunaSea notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.settingsSaved": "LunaSea notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.toastLunaSeaTestFailed": "LunaSea test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.toastLunaSeaTestSending": "Sending LunaSea test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.toastLunaSeaTestSuccess": "LunaSea test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.validationTypes": "You must select at least one notification type",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.validationWebhookUrl": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.webhookUrl": "Webhook URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsLunaSea.webhookUrlTip": "Your user- or device-based <LunaSeaLink>notification webhook URL</LunaSeaLink>",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.accessToken": "Access Token",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.accessTokenTip": "Create a token from your <PushbulletSettingsLink>Account Settings</PushbulletSettingsLink>",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.agentEnabled": "Enable Agent",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.channelTag": "Channel Tag",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.pushbulletSettingsFailed": "Pushbullet notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.pushbulletSettingsSaved": "Pushbullet notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.toastPushbulletTestFailed": "Pushbullet test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.toastPushbulletTestSending": "Sending Pushbullet test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.toastPushbulletTestSuccess": "Pushbullet test notification sent!",
Translations update from Weblate (#912) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 93.8% (698 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 94.5% (697 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (681 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.8% (680 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.7% (668 of 670 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: NGVICIOUS <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (742 of 742 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 99.8% (743 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 98.7% (728 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (681 of 681 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (745 of 745 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (744 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (743 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (744 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (736 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (736 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (737 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (681 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.3% (670 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.0% (668 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 97.9% (667 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (670 of 670 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (668 of 668 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (742 of 742 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.8% (743 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (744 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.8% (736 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (737 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (681 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (673 of 673 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (670 of 670 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 97.4% (726 of 745 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 97.0% (722 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 97.0% (722 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.5% (718 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.2% (716 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 95.9% (712 of 742 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 95.1% (701 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 95.1% (701 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.1% (655 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 95.8% (653 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.4% (646 of 670 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 96.4% (644 of 668 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (745 of 745 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 95.0% (707 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 90.5% (667 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (681 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (681 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 98.5% (671 of 681 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 41.2% (281 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 37.4% (255 of 681 strings) Co-authored-by: Artem <> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (744 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (737 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (737 of 737 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 59.4% (405 of 681 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (742 of 742 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (744 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.3% (739 of 744 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.8% (736 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (737 of 737 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (681 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.5% (671 of 681 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (670 of 670 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: NGVICIOUS <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: Artem <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <>
4 years ago
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.validationAccessTokenRequired": "You must provide an access token",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushbullet.validationTypes": "You must select at least one notification type",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.accessToken": "Application API Token",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.accessTokenTip": "<ApplicationRegistrationLink>Register an application</ApplicationRegistrationLink> for use with Overseerr",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.agentenabled": "Enable Agent",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.pushoversettingsfailed": "Pushover notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.pushoversettingssaved": "Pushover notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.toastPushoverTestFailed": "Pushover test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.toastPushoverTestSending": "Sending Pushover test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.toastPushoverTestSuccess": "Pushover test notification sent!",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.userToken": "User or Group Key",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.userTokenTip": "Your 30-character <UsersGroupsLink>user or group identifier</UsersGroupsLink>",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.validationAccessTokenRequired": "You must provide a valid application token",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.validationTypes": "You must select at least one notification type",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsPushover.validationUserTokenRequired": "You must provide a valid user or group key",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.agentenabled": "Enable Agent",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.slacksettingsfailed": "Slack notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.slacksettingssaved": "Slack notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.toastSlackTestFailed": "Slack test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.toastSlackTestSending": "Sending Slack test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.toastSlackTestSuccess": "Slack test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.validationTypes": "You must select at least one notification type",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.validationWebhookUrl": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.webhookUrl": "Webhook URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsSlack.webhookUrlTip": "Create an <WebhookLink>Incoming Webhook</WebhookLink> integration",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebPush.agentenabled": "Enable Agent",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebPush.httpsRequirement": "In order to receive web push notifications, Overseerr must be served over HTTPS.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebPush.toastWebPushTestFailed": "Web push test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebPush.toastWebPushTestSending": "Sending web push test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebPush.toastWebPushTestSuccess": "Web push test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebPush.webpushsettingsfailed": "Web push notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebPush.webpushsettingssaved": "Web push notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.agentenabled": "Enable Agent",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.authheader": "Authorization Header",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.customJson": "JSON Payload",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.resetPayload": "Reset to Default",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.resetPayloadSuccess": "JSON payload reset successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.templatevariablehelp": "Template Variable Help",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.toastWebhookTestFailed": "Webhook test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.toastWebhookTestSending": "Sending webhook test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.toastWebhookTestSuccess": "Webhook test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.validationJsonPayloadRequired": "You must provide a valid JSON payload",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.validationTypes": "You must select at least one notification type",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.validationWebhookUrl": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.webhookUrl": "Webhook URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.webhooksettingsfailed": "Webhook notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.NotificationsWebhook.webhooksettingssaved": "Webhook notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.agentenabled": "Enable Agent",
"components.Settings.Notifications.allowselfsigned": "Allow Self-Signed Certificates",
"components.Settings.Notifications.authPass": "SMTP Password",
"components.Settings.Notifications.authUser": "SMTP Username",
"components.Settings.Notifications.botAPI": "Bot Authorization Token",
"components.Settings.Notifications.botApiTip": "<CreateBotLink>Create a bot</CreateBotLink> for use with Overseerr",
"components.Settings.Notifications.botAvatarUrl": "Bot Avatar URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.botUsername": "Bot Username",
"components.Settings.Notifications.botUsernameTip": "Allow users to also start a chat with your bot and configure their own notifications",
"components.Settings.Notifications.chatId": "Chat ID",
"components.Settings.Notifications.chatIdTip": "Start a chat with your bot, add <GetIdBotLink>@get_id_bot</GetIdBotLink>, and issue the <code>/my_id</code> command",
"components.Settings.Notifications.discordsettingsfailed": "Discord notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.discordsettingssaved": "Discord notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.emailsender": "Sender Address",
"components.Settings.Notifications.emailsettingsfailed": "Email notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.emailsettingssaved": "Email notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.enableMentions": "Enable Mentions",
"components.Settings.Notifications.encryption": "Encryption Method",
"components.Settings.Notifications.encryptionDefault": "Use STARTTLS if available",
"components.Settings.Notifications.encryptionImplicitTls": "Use Implicit TLS",
"components.Settings.Notifications.encryptionNone": "None",
"components.Settings.Notifications.encryptionOpportunisticTls": "Always use STARTTLS",
"components.Settings.Notifications.encryptionTip": "In most cases, Implicit TLS uses port 465 and STARTTLS uses port 587",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.Settings.Notifications.pgpPassword": "PGP Password",
"components.Settings.Notifications.pgpPasswordTip": "Sign encrypted email messages using <OpenPgpLink>OpenPGP</OpenPgpLink>",
"components.Settings.Notifications.pgpPrivateKey": "PGP Private Key",
"components.Settings.Notifications.pgpPrivateKeyTip": "Sign encrypted email messages using <OpenPgpLink>OpenPGP</OpenPgpLink>",
"components.Settings.Notifications.sendSilently": "Send Silently",
"components.Settings.Notifications.sendSilentlyTip": "Send notifications with no sound",
"components.Settings.Notifications.senderName": "Sender Name",
"components.Settings.Notifications.smtpHost": "SMTP Host",
"components.Settings.Notifications.smtpPort": "SMTP Port",
"components.Settings.Notifications.telegramsettingsfailed": "Telegram notification settings failed to save.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.telegramsettingssaved": "Telegram notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastDiscordTestFailed": "Discord test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastDiscordTestSending": "Sending Discord test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastDiscordTestSuccess": "Discord test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastEmailTestFailed": "Email test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastEmailTestSending": "Sending email test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastEmailTestSuccess": "Email test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastTelegramTestFailed": "Telegram test notification failed to send.",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastTelegramTestSending": "Sending Telegram test notification…",
"components.Settings.Notifications.toastTelegramTestSuccess": "Telegram test notification sent!",
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationBotAPIRequired": "You must provide a bot authorization token",
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationChatIdRequired": "You must provide a valid chat ID",
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationEmail": "You must provide a valid email address",
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationPgpPassword": "You must provide a PGP password",
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationPgpPrivateKey": "You must provide a valid PGP private key",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationSmtpHostRequired": "You must provide a valid hostname or IP address",
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationSmtpPortRequired": "You must provide a valid port number",
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationTypes": "You must select at least one notification type",
"components.Settings.Notifications.validationUrl": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.webhookUrl": "Webhook URL",
"components.Settings.Notifications.webhookUrlTip": "Create a <DiscordWebhookLink>webhook integration</DiscordWebhookLink> in your server",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.add": "Add Server",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.announced": "Announced",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.apiKey": "API Key",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.baseUrl": "URL Base",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.create4kradarr": "Add New 4K Radarr Server",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#791) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 52.0% (322 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 28.4% (176 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 26.9% (167 of 619 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Mo Pi <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.3% (594 of 623 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 88.1% (535 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 88.1% (535 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Zazou89 <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 91.1% (569 of 624 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 91.1% (564 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 88.0% (545 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 90.9% (552 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 90.7% (551 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 67.5% (418 of 619 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.3% (597 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 97.2% (602 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: Mo Pi <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Zazou89 <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.createradarr": "Add New Radarr Server",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.default4kserver": "Default 4K Server",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.defaultserver": "Default Server",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.edit4kradarr": "Edit 4K Radarr Server",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.editradarr": "Edit Radarr Server",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.enableSearch": "Enable Automatic Search",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.externalUrl": "External URL",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.hostname": "Hostname or IP Address",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.inCinemas": "In Cinemas",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.loadingTags": "Loading tags…",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.loadingprofiles": "Loading quality profiles…",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.loadingrootfolders": "Loading root folders…",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.minimumAvailability": "Minimum Availability",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.notagoptions": "No tags.",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.port": "Port",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.qualityprofile": "Quality Profile",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.released": "Released",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.rootfolder": "Root Folder",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.selectMinimumAvailability": "Select minimum availability",
feat(lang): Translations update from Weblate (#604) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (472 of 472 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (513 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.1% (485 of 489 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: NGVICIOUS <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.5% (497 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.5% (484 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 58.9% (302 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 56.2% (288 of 512 strings) feat(lang): added translation using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Co-authored-by: Doris Houng <> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: sct <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 96.9% (474 of 489 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: sebstrgg <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 96.6% (496 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 88.6% (454 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 92.8% (454 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (531 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Shutruk <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (531 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (513 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (513 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (510 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (533 of 533 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (531 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.8% (530 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (513 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 19.1% (87 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: David <> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: NGVICIOUS <> Co-authored-by: Doris Houng <> Co-authored-by: sct <> Co-authored-by: sebstrgg <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: Shutruk <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Co-authored-by: David <>
4 years ago
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.selectQualityProfile": "Select quality profile",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.selectRootFolder": "Select root folder",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.selecttags": "Select tags",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.server4k": "4K Server",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.servername": "Server Name",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.ssl": "Use SSL",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.syncEnabled": "Enable Scan",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.tags": "Tags",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.testFirstQualityProfiles": "Test connection to load quality profiles",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.testFirstRootFolders": "Test connection to load root folders",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.testFirstTags": "Test connection to load tags",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.toastRadarrTestFailure": "Failed to connect to Radarr.",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.toastRadarrTestSuccess": "Radarr connection established successfully!",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationApiKeyRequired": "You must provide an API key",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationApplicationUrl": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationApplicationUrlTrailingSlash": "URL must not end in a trailing slash",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationBaseUrlLeadingSlash": "URL base must have a leading slash",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationBaseUrlTrailingSlash": "URL base must not end in a trailing slash",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationHostnameRequired": "You must provide a valid hostname or IP address",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationMinimumAvailabilityRequired": "You must select a minimum availability",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationNameRequired": "You must provide a server name",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationPortRequired": "You must provide a valid port number",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationProfileRequired": "You must select a quality profile",
"components.Settings.RadarrModal.validationRootFolderRequired": "You must select a root folder",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.Releases.currentversion": "Current",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.Releases.latestversion": "Latest",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.Releases.releasedataMissing": "Release data is currently unavailable.",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.Releases.releases": "Releases",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.Releases.versionChangelog": "{version} Changelog",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.Releases.viewchangelog": "View Changelog",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.Releases.viewongithub": "View on GitHub",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.about": "About",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.appDataPath": "Data Directory",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.betawarning": "This is BETA software. Features may be broken and/or unstable. Please report any issues on GitHub!",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.documentation": "Documentation",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.gettingsupport": "Getting Support",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.githubdiscussions": "GitHub Discussions",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.helppaycoffee": "Help Pay for Coffee",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.outofdate": "Out of Date",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.overseerrinformation": "About Overseerr",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.preferredmethod": "Preferred",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.runningDevelop": "You are running the <code>develop</code> branch of Overseerr, which is only recommended for those contributing to development or assisting with bleeding-edge testing.",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.supportoverseerr": "Support Overseerr",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.timezone": "Time Zone",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.totalmedia": "Total Media",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.totalrequests": "Total Requests",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.uptodate": "Up to Date",
"components.Settings.SettingsAbout.version": "Version",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cache": "Cache",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cacheDescription": "Overseerr caches requests to external API endpoints to optimize performance and avoid making unnecessary API calls.",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cacheflushed": "{cachename} cache flushed.",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cachehits": "Hits",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cachekeys": "Total Keys",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cacheksize": "Key Size",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cachemisses": "Misses",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cachename": "Cache Name",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.cachevsize": "Value Size",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.canceljob": "Cancel Job",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.command": "Command",
"": "Download Sync",
"": "Download Sync Reset",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.editJobSchedule": "Modify Job",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.editJobScheduleCurrent": "Current Frequency",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.editJobSchedulePrompt": "New Frequency",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.editJobScheduleSelectorHours": "Every {jobScheduleHours, plural, one {hour} other {{jobScheduleHours} hours}}",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.editJobScheduleSelectorMinutes": "Every {jobScheduleMinutes, plural, one {minute} other {{jobScheduleMinutes} minutes}}",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.flushcache": "Flush Cache",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.image-cache-cleanup": "Image Cache Cleanup",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.imagecache": "Image Cache",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.imagecacheDescription": "When enabled in settings, Overseerr will proxy and cache images from pre-configured external sources. Cached images are saved into your config folder. You can find the files in <code>{appDataPath}/cache/images</code>.",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.imagecachecount": "Images Cached",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.imagecachesize": "Total Cache Size",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.jobScheduleEditFailed": "Something went wrong while saving the job.",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.jobScheduleEditSaved": "Job edited successfully!",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.jobcancelled": "{jobname} canceled.",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.jobname": "Job Name",
"": "Jobs",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.jobsDescription": "Overseerr performs certain maintenance tasks as regularly-scheduled jobs, but they can also be manually triggered below. Manually running a job will not alter its schedule.",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.jobsandcache": "Jobs & Cache",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.jobstarted": "{jobname} started.",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.jobtype": "Type",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.nextexecution": "Next Execution",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.plex-full-scan": "Plex Full Library Scan",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.plex-recently-added-scan": "Plex Recently Added Scan",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.plex-watchlist-sync": "Plex Watchlist Sync",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.process": "Process",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.radarr-scan": "Radarr Scan",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.runnow": "Run Now",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.sonarr-scan": "Sonarr Scan",
"components.Settings.SettingsJobsCache.unknownJob": "Unknown Job",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.copiedLogMessage": "Copied log message to clipboard.",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.copyToClipboard": "Copy to Clipboard",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.extraData": "Additional Data",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.filterDebug": "Debug",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.filterError": "Error",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.filterInfo": "Info",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.filterWarn": "Warning",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.label": "Label",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.level": "Severity",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.logDetails": "Log Details",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.logs": "Logs",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.logsDescription": "You can also view these logs directly via <code>stdout</code>, or in <code>{appDataPath}/logs/overseerr.log</code>.",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.message": "Message",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.pauseLogs": "Pause",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.resumeLogs": "Resume",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.showall": "Show All Logs",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.time": "Timestamp",
"components.Settings.SettingsLogs.viewdetails": "View Details",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.apikey": "API Key",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.applicationTitle": "Application Title",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.applicationurl": "Application URL",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.cacheImages": "Enable Image Caching",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.cacheImagesTip": "Cache externally sourced images (requires a significant amount of disk space)",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.csrfProtection": "Enable CSRF Protection",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.csrfProtectionHoverTip": "Do NOT enable this setting unless you understand what you are doing!",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.csrfProtectionTip": "Set external API access to read-only (requires HTTPS)",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.general": "General",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.generalsettings": "General Settings",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.generalsettingsDescription": "Configure global and default settings for Overseerr.",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.hideAvailable": "Hide Available Media",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.locale": "Display Language",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.originallanguage": "Discover Language",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.originallanguageTip": "Filter content by original language",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.partialRequestsEnabled": "Allow Partial Series Requests",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.region": "Discover Region",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.regionTip": "Filter content by regional availability",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.toastApiKeyFailure": "Something went wrong while generating a new API key.",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.toastApiKeySuccess": "New API key generated successfully!",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.toastSettingsFailure": "Something went wrong while saving settings.",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.toastSettingsSuccess": "Settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.trustProxy": "Enable Proxy Support",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.trustProxyTip": "Allow Overseerr to correctly register client IP addresses behind a proxy",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.validationApplicationTitle": "You must provide an application title",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.validationApplicationUrl": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.SettingsMain.validationApplicationUrlTrailingSlash": "URL must not end in a trailing slash",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.defaultPermissions": "Default Permissions",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.defaultPermissionsTip": "Initial permissions assigned to new users",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.localLogin": "Enable Local Sign-In",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.localLoginTip": "Allow users to sign in using their email address and password, instead of Plex OAuth",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.movieRequestLimitLabel": "Global Movie Request Limit",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.newPlexLogin": "Enable New Plex Sign-In",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.newPlexLoginTip": "Allow Plex users to sign in without first being imported",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.toastSettingsFailure": "Something went wrong while saving settings.",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.toastSettingsSuccess": "User settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.tvRequestLimitLabel": "Global Series Request Limit",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.userSettings": "User Settings",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.userSettingsDescription": "Configure global and default user settings.",
"components.Settings.SettingsUsers.users": "Users",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.add": "Add Server",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.animeTags": "Anime Tags",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.animelanguageprofile": "Anime Language Profile",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.animequalityprofile": "Anime Quality Profile",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.animerootfolder": "Anime Root Folder",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.apiKey": "API Key",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.baseUrl": "URL Base",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.create4ksonarr": "Add New 4K Sonarr Server",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#791) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 52.0% (322 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 28.4% (176 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 26.9% (167 of 619 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Mo Pi <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.3% (594 of 623 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 88.1% (535 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 88.1% (535 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Zazou89 <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 91.1% (569 of 624 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 91.1% (564 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 88.0% (545 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 90.9% (552 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 90.7% (551 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 67.5% (418 of 619 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.3% (597 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 97.2% (602 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: Mo Pi <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Zazou89 <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.createsonarr": "Add New Sonarr Server",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.default4kserver": "Default 4K Server",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.defaultserver": "Default Server",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.edit4ksonarr": "Edit 4K Sonarr Server",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.editsonarr": "Edit Sonarr Server",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.enableSearch": "Enable Automatic Search",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.externalUrl": "External URL",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.hostname": "Hostname or IP Address",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.languageprofile": "Language Profile",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.loadingTags": "Loading tags…",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.loadinglanguageprofiles": "Loading language profiles…",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.loadingprofiles": "Loading quality profiles…",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.loadingrootfolders": "Loading root folders…",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.notagoptions": "No tags.",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.port": "Port",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.qualityprofile": "Quality Profile",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.rootfolder": "Root Folder",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.seasonfolders": "Season Folders",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.selectLanguageProfile": "Select language profile",
feat(lang): Translations update from Weblate (#604) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (472 of 472 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (513 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 99.1% (485 of 489 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: NGVICIOUS <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.5% (497 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 94.5% (484 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 58.9% (302 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 56.2% (288 of 512 strings) feat(lang): added translation using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Co-authored-by: Doris Houng <> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: sct <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Swedish) Currently translated at 96.9% (474 of 489 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: sebstrgg <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 96.6% (496 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 88.6% (454 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 92.8% (454 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (531 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Shutruk <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (531 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (513 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (513 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 99.6% (510 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (533 of 533 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (531 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.8% (530 of 531 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (513 of 513 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (489 of 489 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (454 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 19.1% (87 of 454 strings) Co-authored-by: David <> Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (512 of 512 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: NGVICIOUS <> Co-authored-by: Doris Houng <> Co-authored-by: sct <> Co-authored-by: sebstrgg <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: Shutruk <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Co-authored-by: David <>
4 years ago
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.selectQualityProfile": "Select quality profile",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.selectRootFolder": "Select root folder",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.selecttags": "Select tags",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.server4k": "4K Server",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.servername": "Server Name",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.ssl": "Use SSL",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.syncEnabled": "Enable Scan",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.tags": "Tags",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.testFirstLanguageProfiles": "Test connection to load language profiles",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.testFirstQualityProfiles": "Test connection to load quality profiles",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.testFirstRootFolders": "Test connection to load root folders",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.testFirstTags": "Test connection to load tags",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.toastSonarrTestFailure": "Failed to connect to Sonarr.",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.toastSonarrTestSuccess": "Sonarr connection established successfully!",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationApiKeyRequired": "You must provide an API key",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationApplicationUrl": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationApplicationUrlTrailingSlash": "URL must not end in a trailing slash",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationBaseUrlLeadingSlash": "Base URL must have a leading slash",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationBaseUrlTrailingSlash": "Base URL must not end in a trailing slash",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationHostnameRequired": "You must provide a valid hostname or IP address",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationLanguageProfileRequired": "You must select a language profile",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationNameRequired": "You must provide a server name",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationPortRequired": "You must provide a valid port number",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationProfileRequired": "You must select a quality profile",
"components.Settings.SonarrModal.validationRootFolderRequired": "You must select a root folder",
"components.Settings.activeProfile": "Active Profile",
"components.Settings.addradarr": "Add Radarr Server",
"components.Settings.address": "Address",
"components.Settings.addsonarr": "Add Sonarr Server",
"components.Settings.advancedTooltip": "Incorrectly configuring this setting may result in broken functionality",
"components.Settings.cancelscan": "Cancel Scan",
"components.Settings.copied": "Copied API key to clipboard.",
"components.Settings.currentlibrary": "Current Library: {name}",
"components.Settings.default": "Default",
"components.Settings.default4k": "Default 4K",
"components.Settings.deleteServer": "Delete {serverType} Server",
"components.Settings.deleteserverconfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this server?",
"": "Email",
"components.Settings.enablessl": "Use SSL",
"components.Settings.experimentalTooltip": "Enabling this setting may result in unexpected application behavior",
"components.Settings.externalUrl": "External URL",
"components.Settings.hostname": "Hostname or IP Address",
"components.Settings.is4k": "4K",
"components.Settings.librariesRemaining": "Libraries Remaining: {count}",
"components.Settings.manualscan": "Manual Library Scan",
"components.Settings.manualscanDescription": "Normally, this will only be run once every 24 hours. Overseerr will check your Plex server's recently added more aggressively. If this is your first time configuring Plex, a one-time full manual library scan is recommended!",
"components.Settings.mediaTypeMovie": "movie",
"components.Settings.mediaTypeSeries": "series",
"components.Settings.menuAbout": "About",
"components.Settings.menuGeneralSettings": "General",
"components.Settings.menuJobs": "Jobs & Cache",
"components.Settings.menuLogs": "Logs",
"components.Settings.menuNotifications": "Notifications",
"components.Settings.menuPlexSettings": "Plex",
"components.Settings.menuServices": "Services",
"components.Settings.menuUsers": "Users",
"components.Settings.noDefault4kServer": "A 4K {serverType} server must be marked as default in order to enable users to submit 4K {mediaType} requests.",
"components.Settings.noDefaultNon4kServer": "If you only have a single {serverType} server for both non-4K and 4K content (or if you only download 4K content), your {serverType} server should <strong>NOT</strong> be designated as a 4K server.",
"components.Settings.noDefaultServer": "At least one {serverType} server must be marked as default in order for {mediaType} requests to be processed.",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.Settings.notificationAgentSettingsDescription": "Configure and enable notification agents.",
"components.Settings.notifications": "Notifications",
"components.Settings.notificationsettings": "Notification Settings",
"components.Settings.notrunning": "Not Running",
"components.Settings.plex": "Plex",
"components.Settings.plexlibraries": "Plex Libraries",
"components.Settings.plexlibrariesDescription": "The libraries Overseerr scans for titles. Set up and save your Plex connection settings, then click the button below if no libraries are listed.",
"components.Settings.plexsettings": "Plex Settings",
"components.Settings.plexsettingsDescription": "Configure the settings for your Plex server. Overseerr scans your Plex libraries to determine content availability.",
"components.Settings.port": "Port",
"components.Settings.radarrsettings": "Radarr Settings",
"components.Settings.restartrequiredTooltip": "Overseerr must be restarted for changes to this setting to take effect",
"components.Settings.scan": "Sync Libraries",
"components.Settings.scanning": "Syncing…",
"components.Settings.serverLocal": "local",
"components.Settings.serverRemote": "remote",
"components.Settings.serverSecure": "secure",
"components.Settings.serverpreset": "Server",
"components.Settings.serverpresetLoad": "Press the button to load available servers",
"components.Settings.serverpresetManualMessage": "Manual configuration",
"components.Settings.serverpresetRefreshing": "Retrieving servers…",
"components.Settings.serviceSettingsDescription": "Configure your {serverType} server(s) below. You can connect multiple {serverType} servers, but only two of them can be marked as defaults (one non-4K and one 4K). Administrators are able to override the server used to process new requests prior to approval.",
"": "Services",
"components.Settings.settingUpPlexDescription": "To set up Plex, you can either enter the details manually or select a server retrieved from <RegisterPlexTVLink></RegisterPlexTVLink>. Press the button to the right of the dropdown to fetch the list of available servers.",
"components.Settings.sonarrsettings": "Sonarr Settings",
"components.Settings.ssl": "SSL",
"components.Settings.startscan": "Start Scan",
"components.Settings.tautulliApiKey": "API Key",
"components.Settings.tautulliSettings": "Tautulli Settings",
"components.Settings.tautulliSettingsDescription": "Optionally configure the settings for your Tautulli server. Overseerr fetches watch history data for your Plex media from Tautulli.",
"components.Settings.toastPlexConnecting": "Attempting to connect to Plex…",
"components.Settings.toastPlexConnectingFailure": "Failed to connect to Plex.",
"components.Settings.toastPlexConnectingSuccess": "Plex connection established successfully!",
"components.Settings.toastPlexRefresh": "Retrieving server list from Plex…",
"components.Settings.toastPlexRefreshFailure": "Failed to retrieve Plex server list.",
"components.Settings.toastPlexRefreshSuccess": "Plex server list retrieved successfully!",
"components.Settings.toastTautulliSettingsFailure": "Something went wrong while saving Tautulli settings.",
"components.Settings.toastTautulliSettingsSuccess": "Tautulli settings saved successfully!",
"components.Settings.urlBase": "URL Base",
"components.Settings.validationApiKey": "You must provide an API key",
"components.Settings.validationHostnameRequired": "You must provide a valid hostname or IP address",
"components.Settings.validationPortRequired": "You must provide a valid port number",
"components.Settings.validationUrl": "You must provide a valid URL",
"components.Settings.validationUrlBaseLeadingSlash": "URL base must have a leading slash",
"components.Settings.validationUrlBaseTrailingSlash": "URL base must not end in a trailing slash",
"components.Settings.validationUrlTrailingSlash": "URL must not end in a trailing slash",
"components.Settings.webAppUrl": "<WebAppLink>Web App</WebAppLink> URL",
"components.Settings.webAppUrlTip": "Optionally direct users to the web app on your server instead of the \"hosted\" web app",
"components.Settings.webhook": "Webhook",
"components.Settings.webpush": "Web Push",
"components.Setup.configureplex": "Configure Plex",
"components.Setup.configureservices": "Configure Services",
"components.Setup.continue": "Continue",
"components.Setup.finish": "Finish Setup",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#400) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 96.5% (338 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Serbian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) feat(lang): added translation using Weblate (Serbian) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Shagon94 <> Co-authored-by: sct <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 62.8% (220 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Spanish) Currently translated at 93.7% (328 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 96.2% (337 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 95.7% (335 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Russian) Currently translated at 23.4% (82 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (348 of 350 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Japanese) Currently translated at 99.4% (348 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: T'ai <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (350 of 350 strings) Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: Simone Chiavaccini <> Co-authored-by: Shagon94 <> Co-authored-by: sct <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: T'ai <>
4 years ago
"components.Setup.finishing": "Finishing…",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#819) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (631 of 631 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (630 of 630 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 99.6% (628 of 630 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (624 of 624 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (632 of 632 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.7% (622 of 630 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (624 of 624 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.5% (593 of 634 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.3% (589 of 631 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.4% (589 of 630 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.3% (578 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.3% (578 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.4% (577 of 624 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (632 of 632 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.8% (631 of 632 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (630 of 630 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (624 of 624 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"components.Setup.loginwithplex": "Sign in with Plex",
"components.Setup.scanbackground": "Scanning will run in the background. You can continue the setup process in the meantime.",
"components.Setup.setup": "Setup",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#819) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (631 of 631 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (630 of 630 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 99.6% (628 of 630 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (624 of 624 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (634 of 634 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (632 of 632 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 98.7% (622 of 630 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 99.8% (625 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (624 of 624 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.5% (593 of 634 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.3% (589 of 631 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 93.4% (589 of 630 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.3% (578 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.3% (578 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 92.4% (577 of 624 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (632 of 632 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 99.8% (631 of 632 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (630 of 630 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (626 of 626 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (624 of 624 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"components.Setup.signinMessage": "Get started by signing in with your Plex account",
"components.Setup.tip": "Tip",
"components.Setup.welcome": "Welcome to Overseerr",
"components.StatusBadge.managemedia": "Manage {mediaType}",
"components.StatusBadge.openinarr": "Open in {arr}",
"components.StatusBadge.playonplex": "Play on Plex",
"components.StatusBadge.seasonepisodenumber": "S{seasonNumber}E{episodeNumber}",
"components.StatusBadge.status": "{status}",
"components.StatusBadge.status4k": "4K {status}",
"components.StatusChecker.appUpdated": "{applicationTitle} Updated",
"components.StatusChecker.appUpdatedDescription": "Please click the button below to reload the application.",
"components.StatusChecker.reloadApp": "Reload {applicationTitle}",
"components.StatusChecker.restartRequired": "Server Restart Required",
"components.StatusChecker.restartRequiredDescription": "Please restart the server to apply the updated settings.",
"components.TitleCard.cleardata": "Clear Data",
"components.TitleCard.mediaerror": "{mediaType} Not Found",
"components.TitleCard.tmdbid": "TMDB ID",
"components.TitleCard.tvdbid": "TheTVDB ID",
"components.TvDetails.Season.noepisodes": "Episode list unavailable.",
"components.TvDetails.Season.somethingwentwrong": "Something went wrong while retrieving season data.",
"components.TvDetails.TvCast.fullseriescast": "Full Series Cast",
"components.TvDetails.TvCrew.fullseriescrew": "Full Series Crew",
"components.TvDetails.anime": "Anime",
"components.TvDetails.cast": "Cast",
"components.TvDetails.episodeCount": "{episodeCount, plural, one {# Episode} other {# Episodes}}",
"components.TvDetails.episodeRuntime": "Episode Runtime",
"components.TvDetails.episodeRuntimeMinutes": "{runtime} minutes",
"components.TvDetails.firstAirDate": "First Air Date",
"components.TvDetails.manageseries": "Manage Series",
"": "{networkCount, plural, one {Network} other {Networks}}",
"components.TvDetails.nextAirDate": "Next Air Date",
"components.TvDetails.originallanguage": "Original Language",
"components.TvDetails.originaltitle": "Original Title",
"components.TvDetails.overview": "Overview",
"components.TvDetails.overviewunavailable": "Overview unavailable.",
"components.TvDetails.play4konplex": "Play in 4K on Plex",
"components.TvDetails.playonplex": "Play on Plex",
"components.TvDetails.productioncountries": "Production {countryCount, plural, one {Country} other {Countries}}",
"components.TvDetails.recommendations": "Recommendations",
"components.TvDetails.reportissue": "Report an Issue",
"components.TvDetails.rtaudiencescore": "Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score",
"components.TvDetails.rtcriticsscore": "Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer",
"components.TvDetails.seasonnumber": "Season {seasonNumber}",
"components.TvDetails.seasons": "{seasonCount, plural, one {# Season} other {# Seasons}}",
"components.TvDetails.seasonstitle": "Seasons",
"components.TvDetails.showtype": "Series Type",
"components.TvDetails.similar": "Similar Series",
"components.TvDetails.status4k": "4K {status}",
"components.TvDetails.streamingproviders": "Currently Streaming On",
"components.TvDetails.tmdbuserscore": "TMDB User Score",
"components.TvDetails.viewfullcrew": "View Full Crew",
"components.TvDetails.watchtrailer": "Watch Trailer",
"components.UserList.accounttype": "Type",
"components.UserList.admin": "Admin",
"components.UserList.autogeneratepassword": "Automatically Generate Password",
"components.UserList.autogeneratepasswordTip": "Email a server-generated password to the user",
"components.UserList.bulkedit": "Bulk Edit",
"components.UserList.create": "Create",
"components.UserList.created": "Joined",
"components.UserList.createlocaluser": "Create Local User",
feat(lang): translations update from Weblate (#791) * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (English) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 52.0% (322 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 28.4% (176 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Hungarian) Currently translated at 26.9% (167 of 619 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Mo Pi <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Portugal)) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 95.3% (594 of 623 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil)) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 88.1% (535 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (French) Currently translated at 88.1% (535 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Zazou89 <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 91.1% (569 of 624 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 91.1% (564 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 88.0% (545 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 90.9% (552 of 607 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Chinese (Traditional)) Currently translated at 90.7% (551 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Italian) Currently translated at 67.5% (418 of 619 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 100.0% (619 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (German) Currently translated at 98.3% (597 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend * feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 97.2% (602 of 619 strings) feat(lang): translated using Weblate (Dutch) Currently translated at 100.0% (607 of 607 strings) Co-authored-by: Hosted Weblate <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <> Translate-URL: Translation: Overseerr/Overseerr Frontend Co-authored-by: TheCatLady <> Co-authored-by: Mo Pi <> Co-authored-by: Marcos <> Co-authored-by: Tijuco <> Co-authored-by: J. Lavoie <> Co-authored-by: Zazou89 <> Co-authored-by: Paul Hagedorn <> Co-authored-by: Kobe <>
4 years ago
"components.UserList.creating": "Creating…",
"components.UserList.deleteconfirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this user? All of their request data will be permanently removed.",
"components.UserList.deleteuser": "Delete User",
"components.UserList.displayName": "Display Name",
"components.UserList.edituser": "Edit User Permissions",
"": "Email Address",
"components.UserList.importedfromplex": "<strong>{userCount}</strong> Plex {userCount, plural, one {user} other {users}} imported successfully!",
"components.UserList.importfromplex": "Import Plex Users",
"components.UserList.importfromplexerror": "Something went wrong while importing Plex users.",
"components.UserList.localLoginDisabled": "The <strong>Enable Local Sign-In</strong> setting is currently disabled.",
"components.UserList.localuser": "Local User",
"components.UserList.newplexsigninenabled": "The <strong>Enable New Plex Sign-In</strong> setting is currently enabled. Plex users with library access do not need to be imported in order to sign in.",
"components.UserList.nouserstoimport": "There are no Plex users to import.",
"components.UserList.owner": "Owner",
"components.UserList.password": "Password",
"components.UserList.passwordinfodescription": "Configure an application URL and enable email notifications to allow automatic password generation.",
"components.UserList.plexuser": "Plex User",
"components.UserList.role": "Role",
"components.UserList.sortCreated": "Join Date",
"components.UserList.sortDisplayName": "Display Name",
"components.UserList.sortRequests": "Request Count",
"components.UserList.totalrequests": "Requests",
"components.UserList.user": "User",
"components.UserList.usercreatedfailed": "Something went wrong while creating the user.",
"components.UserList.usercreatedfailedexisting": "The provided email address is already in use by another user.",
"components.UserList.usercreatedsuccess": "User created successfully!",
"components.UserList.userdeleted": "User deleted successfully!",
"components.UserList.userdeleteerror": "Something went wrong while deleting the user.",
"components.UserList.userfail": "Something went wrong while saving user permissions.",
"components.UserList.userlist": "User List",
"components.UserList.users": "Users",
"components.UserList.userssaved": "User permissions saved successfully!",
"components.UserList.validationEmail": "You must provide a valid email address",
"components.UserList.validationpasswordminchars": "Password is too short; should be a minimum of 8 characters",
"components.UserProfile.ProfileHeader.joindate": "Joined {joindate}",
"components.UserProfile.ProfileHeader.profile": "View Profile",
"components.UserProfile.ProfileHeader.settings": "Edit Settings",
"components.UserProfile.ProfileHeader.userid": "User ID: {userid}",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.accounttype": "Account Type",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.admin": "Admin",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.applanguage": "Display Language",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.discordId": "Discord User ID",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.discordIdTip": "The <FindDiscordIdLink>multi-digit ID number</FindDiscordIdLink> associated with your Discord user account",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.displayName": "Display Name",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.enableOverride": "Override Global Limit",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.general": "General",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.generalsettings": "General Settings",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.languageDefault": "Default ({language})",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.localuser": "Local User",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.movierequestlimit": "Movie Request Limit",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.originallanguage": "Discover Language",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.originallanguageTip": "Filter content by original language",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.owner": "Owner",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.plexuser": "Plex User",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.plexwatchlistsyncmovies": "Auto-Request Movies",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.plexwatchlistsyncmoviestip": "Automatically request movies on your <PlexWatchlistSupportLink>Plex Watchlist</PlexWatchlistSupportLink>",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.plexwatchlistsyncseries": "Auto-Request Series",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.plexwatchlistsyncseriestip": "Automatically request series on your <PlexWatchlistSupportLink>Plex Watchlist</PlexWatchlistSupportLink>",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.region": "Discover Region",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.regionTip": "Filter content by regional availability",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.role": "Role",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.seriesrequestlimit": "Series Request Limit",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.toastSettingsFailure": "Something went wrong while saving settings.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.toastSettingsSuccess": "Settings saved successfully!",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.user": "User",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserGeneralSettings.validationDiscordId": "You must provide a valid Discord user ID",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.discordId": "User ID",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.discordIdTip": "The <FindDiscordIdLink>multi-digit ID number</FindDiscordIdLink> associated with your user account",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.discordsettingsfailed": "Discord notification settings failed to save.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.discordsettingssaved": "Discord notification settings saved successfully!",
"": "Email",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.emailsettingsfailed": "Email notification settings failed to save.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.emailsettingssaved": "Email notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.notifications": "Notifications",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.notificationsettings": "Notification Settings",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pgpPublicKey": "PGP Public Key",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pgpPublicKeyTip": "Encrypt email messages using <OpenPgpLink>OpenPGP</OpenPgpLink>",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushbulletAccessToken": "Access Token",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushbulletAccessTokenTip": "Create a token from your <PushbulletSettingsLink>Account Settings</PushbulletSettingsLink>",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushbulletsettingsfailed": "Pushbullet notification settings failed to save.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushbulletsettingssaved": "Pushbullet notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushoverApplicationToken": "Application API Token",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushoverApplicationTokenTip": "<ApplicationRegistrationLink>Register an application</ApplicationRegistrationLink> for use with {applicationTitle}",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushoverUserKey": "User or Group Key",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushoverUserKeyTip": "Your 30-character <UsersGroupsLink>user or group identifier</UsersGroupsLink>",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushoversettingsfailed": "Pushover notification settings failed to save.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.pushoversettingssaved": "Pushover notification settings saved successfully!",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.sendSilently": "Send Silently",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.sendSilentlyDescription": "Send notifications with no sound",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.telegramChatId": "Chat ID",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.telegramChatIdTipLong": "<TelegramBotLink>Start a chat</TelegramBotLink>, add <GetIdBotLink>@get_id_bot</GetIdBotLink>, and issue the <code>/my_id</code> command",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.telegramsettingsfailed": "Telegram notification settings failed to save.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.telegramsettingssaved": "Telegram notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.validationDiscordId": "You must provide a valid user ID",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.validationPgpPublicKey": "You must provide a valid PGP public key",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.validationPushbulletAccessToken": "You must provide an access token",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.validationPushoverApplicationToken": "You must provide a valid application token",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.validationPushoverUserKey": "You must provide a valid user or group key",
feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents (#1172) * refactor(ui): add tabs to user notification settings * feat(notif): allow users to enable/disable specific agents * fix(ui): only enforce required fields when agent is enabled * fix(ui): hide unavailable notification agents * feat(notif): mention admin users for admin Discord notifications * fix(ui): modify styling of PGP key textareas to suit expected input * fix(notif): mention all admins when there are multiple and fix rebase error * fix: add missing form values, and fix Yup validation * refactor: reduce repeated logic/code in email notif agent * refactor: move 'Notification Types' label into NotificationTypeSelector component * fix(email): correct inconsistencies in email template formatting * refactor: use bitfields for storing user-enabled notif agent types * feat: improve notification agent logging * fix(ui): mark string fields as nullable so empty values are not type errors * fix: add validation for PGP-related inputs * fix: correctly fetch user in user settings & log mentioned IDs for Discord notifs * fix(ui): fix mobile nav dropdown text & add hover effect to button-style tabs * fix(notif): process admin email notifications asynchronously * fix(logging): log name of notification type instead of its enum value * fix: mark required fields and pass all user settings values to API * fix(frontend): call mutate after changing email/Discord/Telegram global notif settings * refactor: get global notif settings from relevant API endpoints instead of adding to public settings * fix(notif): fall back to email notifications being enabled (default) if user settings do not exist * fix(notif): do not set notifyUser for MEDIA_PENDING or MEDIA_AUTO_APPROVED * fix: expose notif enabled settings in user notif endpoints & remove global enable notif setting * fix(notif): remove unnecessary allowed_mentions object from Discord payload * fix(notif): use form values for email test notification * fix: make suggested changes and regenerate DB migration * fix: loosen validation of PGP keys * fix: fix user profile settings routes * fix: remove route guard from profile pages
4 years ago
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.validationTelegramChatId": "You must provide a valid chat ID",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.webpush": "Web Push",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.webpushsettingsfailed": "Web push notification settings failed to save.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserNotificationSettings.webpushsettingssaved": "Web push notification settings saved successfully!",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.confirmpassword": "Confirm Password",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.currentpassword": "Current Password",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.newpassword": "New Password",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.noPasswordSet": "This user account currently does not have a password set. Configure a password below to enable this account to sign in as a \"local user.\"",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.noPasswordSetOwnAccount": "Your account currently does not have a password set. Configure a password below to enable sign-in as a \"local user\" using your email address.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.nopermissionDescription": "You do not have permission to modify this user's password.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.password": "Password",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.toastSettingsFailure": "Something went wrong while saving the password.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.toastSettingsFailureVerifyCurrent": "Something went wrong while saving the password. Was your current password entered correctly?",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.toastSettingsSuccess": "Password saved successfully!",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.validationConfirmPassword": "You must confirm the new password",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.validationConfirmPasswordSame": "Passwords must match",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.validationCurrentPassword": "You must provide your current password",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.validationNewPassword": "You must provide a new password",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPasswordChange.validationNewPasswordLength": "Password is too short; should be a minimum of 8 characters",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPermissions.permissions": "Permissions",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPermissions.toastSettingsFailure": "Something went wrong while saving settings.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPermissions.toastSettingsSuccess": "Permissions saved successfully!",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.UserPermissions.unauthorizedDescription": "You cannot modify your own permissions.",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.menuChangePass": "Password",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.menuGeneralSettings": "General",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.menuNotifications": "Notifications",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.menuPermissions": "Permissions",
"components.UserProfile.UserSettings.unauthorizedDescription": "You do not have permission to modify this user's settings.",
"components.UserProfile.emptywatchlist": "Media added to your <PlexWatchlistSupportLink>Plex Watchlist</PlexWatchlistSupportLink> will appear here.",
"components.UserProfile.limit": "{remaining} of {limit}",
"components.UserProfile.movierequests": "Movie Requests",
"components.UserProfile.pastdays": "{type} (past {days} days)",
"components.UserProfile.plexwatchlist": "Plex Watchlist",
"components.UserProfile.recentlywatched": "Recently Watched",
"components.UserProfile.recentrequests": "Recent Requests",
"components.UserProfile.requestsperdays": "{limit} remaining",
"components.UserProfile.seriesrequest": "Series Requests",
"components.UserProfile.totalrequests": "Total Requests",
"components.UserProfile.unlimited": "Unlimited",
"i18n.advanced": "Advanced",
"i18n.all": "All",
"i18n.approve": "Approve",
"i18n.approved": "Approved",
"i18n.areyousure": "Are you sure?",
"i18n.available": "Available",
"i18n.back": "Back",
"i18n.cancel": "Cancel",
"i18n.canceling": "Canceling…",
"i18n.close": "Close",
"i18n.decline": "Decline",
"i18n.declined": "Declined",
"i18n.delete": "Delete",
"i18n.deleting": "Deleting…",
"i18n.delimitedlist": "{a}, {b}",
"i18n.edit": "Edit",
"i18n.experimental": "Experimental",
"i18n.failed": "Failed",
"i18n.import": "Import",
"i18n.importing": "Importing…",
"i18n.loading": "Loading…",
"": "Movie",
"i18n.movies": "Movies",
"": "Next",
"i18n.noresults": "No results.",
"i18n.notrequested": "Not Requested",
"": "Open",
"i18n.partiallyavailable": "Partially Available",
"i18n.pending": "Pending",
"i18n.previous": "Previous",
"i18n.processing": "Processing",
"i18n.request": "Request",
"i18n.request4k": "Request in 4K",
"i18n.requested": "Requested",
"i18n.requesting": "Requesting…",
"i18n.resolved": "Resolved",
"i18n.restartRequired": "Restart Required",
"i18n.resultsperpage": "Display {pageSize} results per page",
"i18n.retry": "Retry",
"i18n.retrying": "Retrying…",
"": "Save Changes",
"i18n.saving": "Saving…",
"i18n.settings": "Settings",
"i18n.showingresults": "Showing <strong>{from}</strong> to <strong>{to}</strong> of <strong>{total}</strong> results",
"i18n.status": "Status",
"i18n.test": "Test",
"i18n.testing": "Testing…",
"i18n.tvshow": "Series",
"i18n.tvshows": "Series",
"i18n.unavailable": "Unavailable",
"i18n.usersettings": "User Settings",
"i18n.view": "View",
"pages.errormessagewithcode": "{statusCode} - {error}",
"pages.internalservererror": "Internal Server Error",
"pages.oops": "Oops",
"pages.pagenotfound": "Page Not Found",
"pages.returnHome": "Return Home",
"pages.serviceunavailable": "Service Unavailable",
"pages.somethingwentwrong": "Something Went Wrong"