feat: Quality profile sync

Initial implementation with sync support for the following fields:

- Name
- Upgrade Allowed
- Min Format Score
- Cutoff
- Cutoff Format Score
- Items

Quality profiles are always created if they are defined under
`quality_profiles` at the top-level. Within a quality profile
configuration, Recyclarr will not modify quality profile fields if those
corresponding properties in the config are omitted.
Robert Dailey 10 months ago
parent 31896828bc
commit ce338e24f3

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
- `base_url` and `api_key` are now optional. These can be implicitly set via secrets that follow a
naming convention. See the Secrets reference page on the wiki for details.
- Quality Profiles can now be created & synced to Radarr, Sonarr v3, and Sonarr v4.
### Changed

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
"quality_profiles": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of quality profiles that exist in the remote service along with any configuration properties that Recyclarr should use to modify that quality profile.",
"minItems": 1,
"items": {
"type": "object",
@ -107,12 +108,58 @@
"required": ["name"],
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the quality profile to which settings should apply"
"reset_unmatched_scores": {
"type": "boolean",
"description": "If set to true, enables setting scores to 0 in quality profiles where either a CF was not mentioned in the trash_ids array or it was in that list but did not get a score (e.g. no score in guide).",
"default": false
"upgrades_allowed": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["until_quality"],
"properties": {
"until_quality": {
"type": "string"
"until_score": {
"type": "number"
"min_format_score": {
"type": "number"
"quality_sort": {
"enum": ["bottom", "top"],
"default": "top"
"qualities": {
"type": "array",
"minItems": 1,
"items": {
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": ["name"],
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"enabled": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true
"qualities": {
"type": "array",
"minItems": 1,
"items": {
"type": "string"

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<component name="ProjectRunConfigurationManager">
<configuration default="false" name="sync --preview" type="DotNetProject" factoryName=".NET Project">
<option name="EXE_PATH" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/Recyclarr.Cli/bin/Debug/net7.0/recyclarr.exe" />
<option name="PROGRAM_PARAMETERS" value="sync --preview --debug" />
<option name="PROGRAM_PARAMETERS" value="sync --preview" />
<option name="WORKING_DIRECTORY" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/Recyclarr.Cli/bin/Debug/net7.0" />
<option name="PASS_PARENT_ENVS" value="1" />
<option name="USE_EXTERNAL_CONSOLE" value="0" />

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.ReleaseProfile;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.Tags;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Processors;
using Recyclarr.Common;
using Recyclarr.Common.FluentValidation;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Interfaces;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Startup;
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ public static class CompositionRoot
.Where(x => !typeof(IManualValidator).IsAssignableFrom(x))

@ -5,5 +5,7 @@ namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
public interface IQualityProfileService
Task<IList<QualityProfileDto>> GetQualityProfiles(IServiceConfiguration config);
Task<QualityProfileDto> UpdateQualityProfile(IServiceConfiguration config, QualityProfileDto profile);
Task UpdateQualityProfile(IServiceConfiguration config, QualityProfileDto profile);
Task<QualityProfileDto> GetSchema(IServiceConfiguration config);
Task CreateQualityProfile(IServiceConfiguration config, QualityProfileDto profile);

@ -1,22 +1,83 @@
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
public static class DtoUtil
public static void SetIfNotNull<T>(ref T propertyValue, T? newValue)
if (newValue is not null)
propertyValue = newValue;
public record QualityProfileDto
public int Id { get; [UsedImplicitly] init; }
public string Name { get; init; } = "";
public bool UpgradeAllowed { get; init; }
public int MinFormatScore { get; init; }
public int Cutoff { get; init; }
public int CutoffFormatScore { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileFormatItemDto> FormatItems { get; init; } = Array.Empty<ProfileFormatItemDto>();
public JObject? ExtraJson { get; init; }
private readonly bool? _upgradeAllowed;
private readonly int? _minFormatScore;
private readonly int? _cutoff;
private readonly int? _cutoffFormatScore;
private readonly string _name = "";
private readonly IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> _items = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
public int? Id { get; set; }
public string Name
get => _name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_name))
_name = value;
public bool? UpgradeAllowed
get => _upgradeAllowed;
init => DtoUtil.SetIfNotNull(ref _upgradeAllowed, value);
public int? MinFormatScore
get => _minFormatScore;
init => DtoUtil.SetIfNotNull(ref _minFormatScore, value);
public int? Cutoff
get => _cutoff;
init => DtoUtil.SetIfNotNull(ref _cutoff, value);
public int? CutoffFormatScore
get => _cutoffFormatScore;
init => DtoUtil.SetIfNotNull(ref _cutoffFormatScore, value);
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileFormatItemDto> FormatItems { get; init; } = new List<ProfileFormatItemDto>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> Items
get => _items;
if (value.Count > 0)
_items = value;
[UsedImplicitly, JsonExtensionData]
public Dictionary<string, object> ExtraJson { get; init; } = new();
@ -26,6 +87,37 @@ public record ProfileFormatItemDto
public string Name { get; init; } = "";
public int Score { get; init; }
[UsedImplicitly, JsonExtensionData]
public Dictionary<string, object> ExtraJson { get; init; } = new();
public record ProfileItemDto
private readonly bool? _allowed;
public int? Id { get; set; }
public string? Name { get; init; }
public bool? Allowed
get => _allowed;
init => DtoUtil.SetIfNotNull(ref _allowed, value);
public ProfileItemQualityDto? Quality { get; init; }
public ICollection<ProfileItemDto> Items { get; init; } = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
[UsedImplicitly, JsonExtensionData]
public Dictionary<string, object> ExtraJson { get; init; } = new();
public record ProfileItemQualityDto
public int? Id { get; init; }
public string? Name { get; init; }
[UsedImplicitly, JsonExtensionData]
public Dictionary<string, object> ExtraJson { get; init; } = new();

@ -15,14 +15,37 @@ internal class QualityProfileService : IQualityProfileService
public async Task<IList<QualityProfileDto>> GetQualityProfiles(IServiceConfiguration config)
return await _service.Request(config, "qualityprofile")
var response = await _service.Request(config, "qualityprofile")
return response.Select(x => x.ReverseItems()).ToList();
public async Task<QualityProfileDto> GetSchema(IServiceConfiguration config)
var response = await _service.Request(config, "qualityprofile", "schema")
return response.ReverseItems();
public async Task UpdateQualityProfile(IServiceConfiguration config, QualityProfileDto profile)
if (profile.Id is null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Profile's ID property must not be null: {profile.Name}");
public async Task<QualityProfileDto> UpdateQualityProfile(IServiceConfiguration config, QualityProfileDto profile)
await _service.Request(config, "qualityprofile", profile.Id)
public async Task CreateQualityProfile(IServiceConfiguration config, QualityProfileDto profile)
return await _service.Request(config, "qualityprofile", profile.Id)
var response = await _service.Request(config, "qualityprofile")
profile.Id = response.Id;

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
public record QualityProfileServiceData(IReadOnlyList<QualityProfileDto> Profiles, QualityProfileDto Schema);
public class QualityProfileApiFetchPhase
private readonly IQualityProfileService _api;
@ -12,8 +14,10 @@ public class QualityProfileApiFetchPhase
_api = api;
public async Task<IList<QualityProfileDto>> Execute(IServiceConfiguration config)
public async Task<QualityProfileServiceData> Execute(IServiceConfiguration config)
return await _api.GetQualityProfiles(config);
var profiles = await _api.GetQualityProfiles(config);
var schema = await _api.GetSchema(config);
return new QualityProfileServiceData(profiles.AsReadOnly(), schema);

@ -7,66 +7,72 @@ public class QualityProfileApiPersistencePhase
private readonly ILogger _log;
private readonly IQualityProfileService _api;
private readonly QualityProfileStatCalculator _statCalculator;
public QualityProfileApiPersistencePhase(ILogger log, IQualityProfileService api)
public QualityProfileApiPersistencePhase(
ILogger log,
IQualityProfileService api,
QualityProfileStatCalculator statCalculator)
_log = log;
_api = api;
_statCalculator = statCalculator;
public async Task Execute(IServiceConfiguration config, QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
var profilesToUpdate = transactions.UpdatedProfiles.Select(x => x.UpdatedProfile with
FormatItems = x.UpdatedScores.Select(y => y.Dto with {Score = y.NewScore}).ToList()
var profilesWithStats = transactions.UpdatedProfiles
.Select(x => _statCalculator.Calculate(x))
.ToLookup(x => x.HasChanges);
foreach (var profile in profilesToUpdate)
// Profiles without changes (false) get logged
var unchangedProfiles = profilesWithStats[false].ToList();
if (unchangedProfiles.Any())
await _api.UpdateQualityProfile(config, profile);
_log.Debug("These profiles have no changes and will not be persisted: {Profiles}",
unchangedProfiles.Select(x => x.Profile.ProfileName));
private void LogQualityProfileUpdates(QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
// Profiles with changes (true) get sent to the service
var changedProfiles = profilesWithStats[true].ToList();
foreach (var profile in changedProfiles.Select(x => x.Profile))
var updatedScores = transactions.UpdatedProfiles
.Select(x => (
ProfileName: x.UpdatedProfile.Name,
Scores: x.UpdatedScores
.Where(y => y.Reason != FormatScoreUpdateReason.New && y.Dto.Score != y.NewScore)
.Where(x => x.Scores.Any())
var dto = profile.BuildUpdatedDto();
if (updatedScores.Count > 0)
switch (profile.UpdateReason)
foreach (var (profileName, scores) in updatedScores)
_log.Debug("> Scores updated for quality profile: {ProfileName}", profileName);
case QualityProfileUpdateReason.New:
await _api.CreateQualityProfile(config, dto);
foreach (var (dto, newScore, reason) in scores)
_log.Debug(" - {Format} ({Id}): {OldScore} -> {NewScore} ({Reason})",
dto.Name, dto.Format, dto.Score, newScore, reason);
case QualityProfileUpdateReason.Changed:
await _api.UpdateQualityProfile(config, dto);
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unsupported UpdateReason: {profile.UpdateReason}");
_log.Information("Updated {ProfileCount} profiles and a total of {ScoreCount} scores",
updatedScores.Sum(s => s.Scores.Count));
private void LogUpdates(IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileWithStats> changedProfiles)
_log.Information("All quality profile scores are already up to date!");
if (changedProfiles.Count > 0)
var numProfiles = changedProfiles.Count;
var numQuality = changedProfiles.Count(x => x.QualitiesChanged);
var numScores = changedProfiles.Count(x => x.ScoresChanged);
if (transactions.InvalidProfileNames.Count > 0)
"A total of {NumProfiles} profiles changed: {NumQuality} contain quality changes; " +
"{NumScores} contain updated scores",
numProfiles, numQuality, numScores);
_log.Warning("The following quality profile names are not valid and should either be " +
"removed or renamed in your YAML config");
_log.Warning("{QualityProfileNames}", transactions.InvalidProfileNames);
_log.Information("All quality profiles are up to date!");

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ public record ProcessedQualityProfileScore(string TrashId, string CfName, int Fo
public record ProcessedQualityProfileData(QualityProfileConfig Profile)
public bool ShouldCreate { get; init; } = true;
public IList<ProcessedQualityProfileScore> CfScores { get; init; } = new List<ProcessedQualityProfileScore>();
@ -37,28 +38,31 @@ public class QualityProfileConfigPhase
.Select(y => (x.Profile, Cf: y)));
var allProfiles =
new Dictionary<string, ProcessedQualityProfileData>(StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
var allProfiles = config.QualityProfiles
.Select(x => new ProcessedQualityProfileData(x))
.ToDictionary(x => x.Profile.Name, x => x, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase);
foreach (var (profile, cf) in profileAndCfs)
if (!allProfiles.TryGetValue(profile.Name, out var profileCfs))
profileCfs = new ProcessedQualityProfileData(
x => x.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(profile.Name),
_log.Debug("Implicitly adding quality profile config for {ProfileName}", profile.Name);
// If the user did not specify a quality profile in their config, we still create the QP object
// for consistency (at the very least for the name).
new QualityProfileConfig {Name = profile.Name}));
allProfiles[profile.Name] = profileCfs;
allProfiles[profile.Name] = profileCfs =
new ProcessedQualityProfileData(new QualityProfileConfig {Name = profile.Name})
// The user must explicitly specify a profile in the top-level `quality_profiles` section of
// their config, otherwise we do not implicitly create them in the service.
ShouldCreate = false
AddCustomFormatScoreData(profileCfs.CfScores, profile, cf);
return allProfiles.Values
.Where(x => x.CfScores.IsNotEmpty())
return allProfiles.Values.ToList();
private void AddCustomFormatScoreData(

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Recyclarr.Common.FluentValidation;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
public class QualityProfileNoticePhase
private readonly ILogger _log;
public QualityProfileNoticePhase(ILogger log)
_log = log;
public void Execute(QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
if (transactions.NonExistentProfiles.Count > 0)
"The following quality profile names have no definition in the top-level `quality_profiles` " +
"list *and* do not exist in the remote service. Either create them manually in the service *or* add " +
"them to the top-level `quality_profiles` section so that Recyclarr can create the profiles for you");
_log.Warning("{QualityProfileNames}", transactions.NonExistentProfiles);
if (transactions.InvalidProfiles.Count > 0)
"The following validation errors occurred for one or more quality profiles. " +
"These profiles will *not* be synced");
var numErrors = 0;
foreach (var (profile, errors) in transactions.InvalidProfiles)
numErrors += errors.LogValidationErrors(_log, $"Profile '{profile.ProfileName}'");
if (numErrors > 0)
_log.Error("Profile validation failed with {Count} errors", numErrors);
var invalidQualityNames = transactions.UpdatedProfiles
.Select(x => (x.ProfileName, x.UpdatedQualities.InvalidQualityNames))
.Where(x => x.InvalidQualityNames.Any())
foreach (var (profileName, invalidNames) in invalidQualityNames)
_log.Warning("Quality profile '{ProfileName}' references invalid quality names: {InvalidNames}",
profileName, invalidNames);

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Spectre.Console;
using Spectre.Console.Rendering;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
@ -13,45 +15,147 @@ public class QualityProfilePreviewPhase
public void Execute(QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
var profileScoreUpdates = transactions.UpdatedProfiles
.ToDictionary(x => x.UpdatedProfile.Name, x => x.UpdatedScores);
var tree = new Tree("Quality Profile Changes [red](Preview)[/]");
var tree = new Tree("Quality Profiles Scores [red](Preview)[/]");
foreach (var (profileName, updatedScores) in profileScoreUpdates)
foreach (var profile in transactions.UpdatedProfiles)
var table = new Table()
.AddColumn("[bold]Custom Format[/]")
var profileTree = new Tree(Markup.FromInterpolated(
$"[yellow]{profile.ProfileName}[/] (Change Reason: [green]{profile.UpdateReason}[/])"));
foreach (var updatedScore in updatedScores.Where(x => x.Dto.Score != x.NewScore))
profileTree.AddNode(new Rows(
new Markup("[b]Profile Updates[/]"),
if (profile.ProfileConfig.Profile.Qualities.Any())
profileTree.AddNode(new Rows(
new Markup("[b]Score Updates[/]"),
private static Table SetupProfileTable(UpdatedQualityProfile profile)
var table = new Table()
.AddColumn("[bold]Profile Field[/]")
static string YesNo(bool? val) => val is true ? "Yes" : "No";
static string Null<T>(T? val) => val is null ? "<unset>" : val.ToString() ?? "<invalid>";
if (transactions.InvalidProfileNames.Any())
var dto = profile.ProfileDto;
var config = profile.ProfileConfig.Profile;
table.AddRow("Name", dto.Name, config.Name);
table.AddRow("Upgrades Allowed?", YesNo(dto.UpgradeAllowed), YesNo(config.UpgradeAllowed));
if (config.UpgradeUntilQuality is not null)
table.AddRow("Upgrade Until Quality",
if (config.MinFormatScore is not null)
_console.MarkupLine("The following quality profiles were [red]not found[/]:");
foreach (var name in transactions.InvalidProfileNames)
table.AddRow("Minimum Format Score",
if (config.UpgradeUntilScore is not null)
_console.MarkupLine($"[red]x[/] {name}");
table.AddRow("Upgrade Until Score",
return table;
private static IRenderable SetupQualityItemTable(UpdatedQualityProfile profile)
static IRenderable BuildName(ProfileItemDto item)
var allowedChar = item.Allowed is true ? ":check_mark:" : ":cross_mark:";
var name = item.Quality?.Name ?? item.Name ?? "NO NAME!";
return Markup.FromInterpolated($"{allowedChar} {name}");
static IRenderable BuildTree(ProfileItemDto item)
var tree = new Tree(BuildName(item));
foreach (var childItem in item.Items)
return tree;
static IRenderable MakeNode(ProfileItemDto item)
return item.Quality is not null ? BuildName(item) : BuildTree(item);
static IRenderable MakeTree(IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items, string header)
var headerMarkup = Markup.FromInterpolated($"[bold][underline]{header}[/][/]");
var rows = new Rows(new[] {headerMarkup}.Concat(items.Select(MakeNode)));
var panel = new Panel(rows).NoBorder();
panel.Width = 23;
return panel;
var table = new Columns(
MakeTree(profile.ProfileDto.Items, "Current"),
MakeTree(profile.UpdatedQualities.Items, "New")
var sortMode = profile.ProfileConfig.Profile.QualitySort;
return new Rows(
Markup.FromInterpolated($"[b]Quality Updates (Sort Mode: [green]{sortMode}[/])[/]"),
private static IRenderable SetupScoreTable(UpdatedQualityProfile profile)
var updatedScores = profile.UpdatedScores
.Where(x => x.Reason != FormatScoreUpdateReason.NoChange && x.Dto.Score != x.NewScore)
if (!updatedScores.Any())
return new Markup("[hotpink]No score changes[/]");
var table = new Table()
.AddColumn("[bold]Custom Format[/]")
foreach (var score in updatedScores)
return table;

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
public record ProfileWithStats
public required UpdatedQualityProfile Profile { get; set; }
public bool ProfileChanged { get; set; }
public bool ScoresChanged { get; set; }
public bool QualitiesChanged { get; set; }
public bool HasChanges => ProfileChanged || ScoresChanged || QualitiesChanged;
public class QualityProfileStatCalculator
private readonly ILogger _log;
public QualityProfileStatCalculator(ILogger log)
_log = log;
public ProfileWithStats Calculate(UpdatedQualityProfile profile)
_log.Debug("Updates for profile {ProfileName}", profile.ProfileName);
var stats = new ProfileWithStats {Profile = profile};
ProfileUpdates(stats, profile);
QualityUpdates(stats, profile);
ScoreUpdates(stats, profile.ProfileDto, profile.UpdatedScores);
return stats;
private void ProfileUpdates(ProfileWithStats stats, UpdatedQualityProfile profile)
var dto = profile.ProfileDto;
var config = profile.ProfileConfig.Profile;
void Log<T>(string msg, T oldValue, T newValue)
_log.Debug("{Msg}: {Old} -> {New}", msg, oldValue, newValue);
stats.ProfileChanged |= !EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(oldValue, newValue);
var upgradeAllowed = config.UpgradeAllowed is not null;
Log("Upgrade Allowed", dto.UpgradeAllowed, upgradeAllowed);
if (upgradeAllowed)
Log("Cutoff", dto.Items.FindCutoff(dto.Cutoff), config.UpgradeUntilQuality);
Log("Cutoff Score", dto.CutoffFormatScore, config.UpgradeUntilScore);
Log("Minimum Score", dto.MinFormatScore, config.MinFormatScore);
private static void QualityUpdates(ProfileWithStats stats, UpdatedQualityProfile profile)
var dtoQualities = JToken.FromObject(profile.ProfileDto.Items);
var updatedQualities = JToken.FromObject(profile.UpdatedQualities.Items);
stats.QualitiesChanged = !JToken.DeepEquals(dtoQualities, updatedQualities);
private void ScoreUpdates(
ProfileWithStats stats,
QualityProfileDto profileDto,
IReadOnlyCollection<UpdatedFormatScore> updatedScores)
var scores = updatedScores
.Where(y => y.Dto.Score != y.NewScore)
if (scores.Count == 0)
_log.Debug("> Scores updated for quality profile: {ProfileName}", profileDto.Name);
foreach (var (dto, newScore, reason) in scores)
_log.Debug(" - {Format} ({Id}): {OldScore} -> {NewScore} ({Reason})",
dto.Name, dto.Format, dto.Score, newScore, reason);
stats.ScoresChanged = true;

@ -1,69 +1,101 @@
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using FluentValidation.Results;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Common.FluentValidation;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
public record UpdatedQualityProfile(QualityProfileDto UpdatedProfile)
public enum QualityProfileUpdateReason
public required IReadOnlyCollection<UpdatedFormatScore> UpdatedScores { get; init; }
public record InvalidProfileData(UpdatedQualityProfile Profile, IReadOnlyCollection<ValidationFailure> Errors);
public record QualityProfileTransactionData
public Collection<string> InvalidProfileNames { get; } = new();
public Collection<UpdatedQualityProfile> UpdatedProfiles { get; } = new();
[SuppressMessage("Usage", "CA2227:Collection properties should be read only")]
public ICollection<UpdatedQualityProfile> UpdatedProfiles { get; set; } = new List<UpdatedQualityProfile>();
public ICollection<string> NonExistentProfiles { get; init; } = new List<string>();
public ICollection<InvalidProfileData> InvalidProfiles { get; init; } = new List<InvalidProfileData>();
public class QualityProfileTransactionPhase
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "MemberCanBeMadeStatic.Global")]
[SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA1822:Mark members as static", Justification =
"This non-static method establishes a pattern that will eventually become an interface")]
public QualityProfileTransactionData Execute(
IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedQualityProfileData> guideData,
IList<QualityProfileDto> serviceData)
QualityProfileServiceData serviceData)
var transactions = new QualityProfileTransactionData();
UpdateProfileScores(guideData, serviceData, transactions);
BuildUpdatedProfiles(transactions, guideData, serviceData);
return transactions;
private static void UpdateProfileScores(
IReadOnlyCollection<ProcessedQualityProfileData> guideData,
IList<QualityProfileDto> serviceData,
QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
private static void ValidateProfiles(QualityProfileTransactionData transactions)
// Match quality profiles in Radarr to ones the user put in their config.
var validator = new UpdatedQualityProfileValidator();
transactions.UpdatedProfiles = transactions.UpdatedProfiles
.IsValid(validator, (errors, profile) =>
transactions.InvalidProfiles.Add(new InvalidProfileData(profile, errors)))
private static void BuildUpdatedProfiles(
QualityProfileTransactionData transactions,
IEnumerable<ProcessedQualityProfileData> guideData,
QualityProfileServiceData serviceData)
// Match quality profiles in the user's config to profiles in the service.
// For each match, we return a tuple including the list of custom format scores ("formatItems").
// Using GroupJoin() because we want a LEFT OUTER JOIN so we can list which quality profiles in config
// do not match profiles in Radarr.
var profilesAndScores = guideData.GroupJoin(serviceData,
var matchedProfiles = guideData
x => x.Profile.Name,
x => x.Name,
(x, y) => (x, y.FirstOrDefault()),
foreach (var (profileData, profileDto) in profilesAndScores)
foreach (var (config, dto) in matchedProfiles)
if (profileDto is null)
if (dto is null && !config.ShouldCreate)
var updatedProfile = ProcessScoreUpdates(profileData, profileDto);
if (updatedProfile is null)
var newDto = dto ?? serviceData.Schema;
var updatedProfile = new UpdatedQualityProfile
ProfileConfig = config,
ProfileDto = newDto,
UpdateReason = dto is null ? QualityProfileUpdateReason.New : QualityProfileUpdateReason.Changed,
UpdatedQualities = newDto.BuildUpdatedQualityItems(config.Profile)
private static UpdatedQualityProfile? ProcessScoreUpdates(
private static void UpdateProfileScores(IEnumerable<UpdatedQualityProfile> updatedProfiles)
foreach (var profile in updatedProfiles)
profile.UpdatedScores = ProcessScoreUpdates(profile.ProfileConfig, profile.ProfileDto);
private static List<UpdatedFormatScore> ProcessScoreUpdates(
ProcessedQualityProfileData profileData,
QualityProfileDto profileDto)
@ -73,30 +105,13 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhase
x => x.Format,
// Exists in config, but not in service (these are unusual and should be errors)
// See `FormatScoreUpdateReason` for reason why we need this (it's preview mode)
l => new UpdatedFormatScore
Dto = new ProfileFormatItemDto {Format = l.FormatId, Name = l.CfName},
NewScore = l.Score,
Reason = FormatScoreUpdateReason.New
l => UpdatedFormatScore.New(l),
// Exists in service, but not in config
r => new UpdatedFormatScore
Dto = r,
NewScore = profileData.Profile.ResetUnmatchedScores ? 0 : r.Score,
Reason = FormatScoreUpdateReason.Reset
r => UpdatedFormatScore.Reset(r, profileData),
// Exists in both service and config
(l, r) => new UpdatedFormatScore
Dto = r,
NewScore = l.Score,
Reason = FormatScoreUpdateReason.Updated
(l, r) => UpdatedFormatScore.Updated(r, l))
return scoreMap.Any(x => x.Dto.Score != x.NewScore)
? new UpdatedQualityProfile(profileDto) {UpdatedScores = scoreMap}
: null;
return scoreMap;

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public class QualityItemOrganizer
private readonly List<string> _invalidItemNames = new();
public UpdatedQualities OrganizeItems(QualityProfileDto dto, QualityProfileConfig config)
var wanted = ProcessWantedItems(dto.Items, config.Qualities);
var unwanted = ProcessUnwantedItems(dto.Items, wanted);
var combined = CombineAndSortItems(config.QualitySort, wanted, unwanted);
return new UpdatedQualities
InvalidQualityNames = _invalidItemNames,
Items = combined
private List<ProfileItemDto> ProcessWantedItems(
IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> dtoItems,
IReadOnlyCollection<QualityProfileQualityConfig> configQualities)
var updatedItems = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
foreach (var configQuality in configQualities)
void AddQualityFromDto(ICollection<ProfileItemDto> items, string name)
var dtoItem = dtoItems.FindQualityByName(name);
if (dtoItem is null)
items.Add(dtoItem with {Allowed = configQuality.Enabled});
// If the nested qualities list is NOT empty, then this is considered a quality group.
if (configQuality.Qualities.IsNotEmpty())
var dtoGroup = dtoItems.FindGroupByName(configQuality.Name) ?? new ProfileItemDto
Name = configQuality.Name
var updatedGroupItems = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
foreach (var groupQuality in configQuality.Qualities)
AddQualityFromDto(updatedGroupItems, groupQuality);
updatedItems.Add(dtoGroup with
Allowed = configQuality.Enabled,
Items = updatedGroupItems
AddQualityFromDto(updatedItems, configQuality.Name);
return updatedItems;
private static IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> ProcessUnwantedItems(
IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> dtoItems,
IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> wantedItems)
// Find remaining items in the DTO that were *not* handled by the user's config.
return dtoItems
.Where(x => !ExistsInWantedItems(wantedItems, x))
.Select(x => x with
Allowed = false,
// If this is actually a quality instead of a group, this will effectively be a no-op since the Items
// array will already be empty.
Items = x.Items
.Where(y => wantedItems.FindQualityByName(y.Quality?.Name) is null)
.Select(y => y with {Allowed = false})
.Where(x => x is not {Quality: null, Items.Count: 0});
private static List<ProfileItemDto> CombineAndSortItems(
QualitySortAlgorithm sortAlgorithm,
IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> wantedItems,
IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> unwantedItems)
return sortAlgorithm switch
QualitySortAlgorithm.Top => wantedItems.Concat(unwantedItems).ToList(),
QualitySortAlgorithm.Bottom => unwantedItems.Concat(wantedItems).ToList(),
_ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Unsupported Quality Sort: {sortAlgorithm}")
private static void AssignMissingGroupIds(IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> combinedItems)
// Add the IDs at the very end since we need all groups to know which IDs are taken
var nextItemId = combinedItems.NewItemId();
foreach (var item in combinedItems.Where(item => item is {Id: null, Quality: null}))
item.Id = nextItemId++;
private static bool ExistsInWantedItems(IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> wantedItems, ProfileItemDto dto)
var existingItem = dto.Quality is null
? wantedItems.FindGroupByName(dto.Name)
: wantedItems.FindQualityByName(dto.Quality.Name);
return existingItem is not null;

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ public class QualityProfileAutofacModule : Module
@ -19,5 +20,6 @@ public class QualityProfileAutofacModule : Module

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public static class QualityProfileExtensions
private static IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> FlattenItems(IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items)
return items.Flatten(x => x.Items);
public static ProfileItemDto? FindGroupById(this IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items, int? id)
if (id is null)
return null;
return FlattenItems(items)
.Where(x => x.Quality is null)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
public static ProfileItemDto? FindGroupByName(this IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items, string? name)
if (name is null)
return null;
return FlattenItems(items)
.Where(x => x.Quality is null)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(name));
public static ProfileItemDto? FindQualityById(this IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items, int? id)
if (id is null)
return null;
return FlattenItems(items)
.Where(x => x.Quality is not null)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Quality!.Id == id);
public static ProfileItemDto? FindQualityByName(this IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items, string? name)
if (name is null)
return null;
return FlattenItems(items)
.Where(x => x.Quality is not null)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Quality!.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(name));
public static int? FindCutoff(this IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items, string? name)
if (name is null)
return null;
var result = items
.Select(x => x.Quality is null ? (x.Name, x.Id) : (x.Quality.Name, x.Quality.Id))
.Where(x => x.Name is not null)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.EqualsIgnoreCase(name));
return result.Id;
public static string? FindCutoff(this IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items, int? id)
if (id is null)
return null;
var result = items
.Select(x => x.Quality is null ? (x.Name, x.Id) : (x.Quality.Name, x.Quality.Id))
.Where(x => x.Name is not null)
.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
return result.Name;
public static int NewItemId(this IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items)
// This implementation is based on how the Radarr frontend calculates IDs.
// This calculation will be applied to new quality item groups.
// See `getQualityItemGroupId()` here:
// https://github.com/Radarr/Radarr/blob/c214a6b67bf747e02462066cd1c6db7bc06db1f0/frontend/src/Settings/Profiles/Quality/EditQualityProfileModalContentConnector.js#L11C8-L11C8
var maxExisting = FlattenItems(items)
.Select(x => x.Id)
return Math.Max(1000, maxExisting) + 1;
public static UpdatedQualities BuildUpdatedQualityItems(
this QualityProfileDto dto,
QualityProfileConfig configProfile)
var organizer = new QualityItemOrganizer();
return organizer.OrganizeItems(dto, configProfile);
public static QualityProfileDto ReverseItems(this QualityProfileDto dto)
static ICollection<ProfileItemDto> ReverseItemsImpl(IEnumerable<ProfileItemDto> items)
=> items.Reverse().Select(x => x with {Items = ReverseItemsImpl(x.Items)}).ToList();
return dto with {Items = ReverseItemsImpl(dto.Items).AsReadOnly()};

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ public interface IQualityProfilePipelinePhases
QualityProfileTransactionPhase TransactionPhase { get; }
Lazy<QualityProfilePreviewPhase> PreviewPhase { get; }
QualityProfileApiPersistencePhase ApiPersistencePhase { get; }
QualityProfileNoticePhase NoticePhase { get; }
public class QualityProfileSyncPipeline : ISyncPipeline
@ -36,6 +37,8 @@ public class QualityProfileSyncPipeline : ISyncPipeline
var serviceData = await _phases.ApiFetchPhase.Execute(config);
var transactions = _phases.TransactionPhase.Execute(guideData, serviceData);
if (settings.Preview)

@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public enum FormatScoreUpdateReason
/// <summary>
/// A score who's value did not change.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// A score that is changed.
/// </summary>
@ -22,16 +28,23 @@ public enum FormatScoreUpdateReason
public record UpdatedFormatScore
public record UpdatedFormatScore(ProfileFormatItemDto Dto, int NewScore, FormatScoreUpdateReason Reason)
public required ProfileFormatItemDto Dto { get; init; }
public required int NewScore { get; init; }
public required FormatScoreUpdateReason Reason { get; init; }
public static UpdatedFormatScore New(ProcessedQualityProfileScore score)
var dto = new ProfileFormatItemDto {Format = score.FormatId, Name = score.CfName};
return new UpdatedFormatScore(dto, score.Score, FormatScoreUpdateReason.New);
public static UpdatedFormatScore Reset(ProfileFormatItemDto dto, ProcessedQualityProfileData profileData)
var score = profileData.Profile.ResetUnmatchedScores ? 0 : dto.Score;
return new UpdatedFormatScore(dto, score, FormatScoreUpdateReason.Reset);
public void Deconstruct(out ProfileFormatItemDto dto, out int newScore, out FormatScoreUpdateReason reason)
public static UpdatedFormatScore Updated(ProfileFormatItemDto dto, ProcessedQualityProfileScore score)
dto = Dto;
newScore = NewScore;
reason = Reason;
var reason = dto.Score == score.Score ? FormatScoreUpdateReason.NoChange : FormatScoreUpdateReason.Updated;
return new UpdatedFormatScore(dto, score.Score, reason);

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public record UpdatedQualities
public ICollection<string> InvalidQualityNames { get; init; } = new List<string>();
public IReadOnlyCollection<ProfileItemDto> Items { get; init; } = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
public record UpdatedQualityProfile
public required QualityProfileDto ProfileDto { get; init; }
public required ProcessedQualityProfileData ProfileConfig { get; init; }
public required QualityProfileUpdateReason UpdateReason { get; set; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<UpdatedFormatScore> UpdatedScores { get; set; } = Array.Empty<UpdatedFormatScore>();
public UpdatedQualities UpdatedQualities { get; init; } = new();
public string ProfileName
var name = ProfileDto.Name;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
name = ProfileConfig.Profile.Name;
return name;
public QualityProfileDto BuildUpdatedDto()
var config = ProfileConfig.Profile;
return ProfileDto with
Name = config.Name,
UpgradeAllowed = config.UpgradeAllowed,
MinFormatScore = config.MinFormatScore,
Cutoff = ProfileDto.Items.FindCutoff(config.UpgradeUntilQuality),
CutoffFormatScore = config.UpgradeUntilScore,
FormatItems = UpdatedScores.Select(x => x.Dto with {Score = x.NewScore}).ToList(),
Items = UpdatedQualities.Items

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
using FluentValidation;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public class UpdatedQualityProfileValidator : AbstractValidator<UpdatedQualityProfile>
public UpdatedQualityProfileValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.ProfileConfig.Profile.MinFormatScore).Custom((minScore, context) =>
var scores = context.InstanceToValidate.UpdatedScores;
var totalScores = scores.Select(x => x.NewScore).Where(x => x > 0).Sum();
if (totalScores < minScore)
$"Minimum Custom Format Score of {minScore} can never be satisfied because the total of all " +
$"positive scores is {totalScores}");
RuleFor(x => x.ProfileConfig.Profile.UpgradeUntilQuality)
.Must((o, x)
=> !o.UpdatedQualities.InvalidQualityNames.Contains(x, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
.WithMessage((_, x) => $"`until_quality` references invalid quality '{x}'");

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ public class ReleaseProfileDataValidationFilterer
_log = log;
private void LogInvalidTerm(List<ValidationFailure> failures, string filterDescription)
private void LogInvalidTerm(IReadOnlyCollection<ValidationFailure> failures, string filterDescription)
_log.Debug("Validation failed on term data ({Filter}): {Failures}", filterDescription, failures);

@ -78,4 +78,9 @@ public static class CollectionExtensions
var list = source.ToList();
return list.Any() ? list : null;
public static IEnumerable<T> Flatten<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, IEnumerable<T>> flattenWhich)
return items.SelectMany(x => flattenWhich(x).Flatten(flattenWhich).Append(x));

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using FluentValidation;
using FluentValidation.Results;
using FluentValidation.Validators;
using Serilog.Events;
namespace Recyclarr.Common.FluentValidation;
@ -21,10 +22,26 @@ public static class FluentValidationExtensions
return ruleBuilder.SetAsyncValidator(adapter);
// ReSharper disable once UnusedMethodReturnValue.Global
public static IRuleBuilderOptions<T, TProperty?> SetNonNullableValidator<T, TProperty, TValidator>(
this IRuleBuilder<T, TProperty?> ruleBuilder,
Func<T, TValidator> validatorProvider,
params string[] ruleSets)
where TValidator : IValidator<TProperty>
var adapter = new ChildValidatorAdaptor<T, TProperty?>(
(context, _) => validatorProvider(context.InstanceToValidate), typeof(TValidator))
RuleSets = ruleSets
return ruleBuilder.SetAsyncValidator(adapter);
public static IEnumerable<TSource> IsValid<TSource, TValidator>(
this IEnumerable<TSource> source,
TValidator validator,
Action<List<ValidationFailure>, TSource>? handleInvalid = null)
Action<IReadOnlyCollection<ValidationFailure>, TSource>? handleInvalid = null)
where TValidator : IValidator<TSource>
foreach (var s in source)
@ -40,4 +57,35 @@ public static class FluentValidationExtensions
public static LogEventLevel ToLogLevel(this Severity severity)
return severity switch
Severity.Error => LogEventLevel.Error,
Severity.Warning => LogEventLevel.Warning,
Severity.Info => LogEventLevel.Information,
_ => LogEventLevel.Debug
public static int LogValidationErrors(
this IReadOnlyCollection<ValidationFailure> errors,
ILogger log,
string errorPrefix)
var numErrors = 0;
foreach (var (error, level) in errors.Select(x => (x, x.Severity.ToLogLevel())))
if (level == LogEventLevel.Error)
log.Write(level, "{ErrorPrefix}: {Msg}", errorPrefix, error.ErrorMessage);
return numErrors;

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
namespace Recyclarr.Common.FluentValidation;
[SuppressMessage("Design", "CA1040:Avoid empty interfaces", Justification =
"Used by AutoFac to exclude IValidator implementations from DI registration")]
public interface IManualValidator

@ -40,5 +40,23 @@ public class SonarrCapabilityEnforcer
"Custom formats require Sonarr v4 or greater. " +
"Please use `release_profiles` instead or use the right version of Sonarr.");
// Check for aspects of quality profile sync that are not supported by Sonarr v3
if (!capabilities.SupportsCustomFormats)
if (config.QualityProfiles.Any(x => x.UpgradeUntilScore is not null))
throw new ServiceIncompatibilityException(
"`until_score` under `upgrades_allowed` is not supported by Sonarr v3. " +
"Remove the until_score property or use Sonarr v4.");
if (config.QualityProfiles.Any(x => x.MinFormatScore is not null))
throw new ServiceIncompatibilityException(
"`min_format_score` under `quality_profiles` is not supported by Sonarr v3. " +
"Remove the min_format_score property or use Sonarr v4.");

@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
using FluentValidation;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Recyclarr.Common.FluentValidation;
using Serilog.Events;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Parsing;
@ -25,27 +23,13 @@ public class ConfigValidationExecutor
return true;
var anyErrorsDetected = false;
foreach (var error in result.Errors)
var level = error.Severity switch
var numErrors = result.Errors.LogValidationErrors(_log, "Config Validation");
if (numErrors == 0)
Severity.Error => LogEventLevel.Error,
Severity.Warning => LogEventLevel.Warning,
Severity.Info => LogEventLevel.Information,
_ => LogEventLevel.Debug
anyErrorsDetected |= level == LogEventLevel.Error;
_log.Write(level, "Config Validation: {Msg}", error.ErrorMessage);
if (anyErrorsDetected)
_log.Error("Config validation failed with {Count} errors", result.Errors.Count);
return true;
return !anyErrorsDetected;
_log.Error("Config validation failed with {Count} errors", numErrors);
return false;

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
using YamlDotNet.Serialization;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Parsing;
@ -22,10 +23,27 @@ public record QualitySizeConfigYaml
public decimal? PreferredRatio { get; [UsedImplicitly] init; }
public record QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml
public int? UntilScore { get; init; }
public string? UntilQuality { get; init; }
public record QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml
public string? Name { get; init; }
public bool? Enabled { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<string>? Qualities { get; init; }
public record QualityProfileConfigYaml
public string? Name { get; [UsedImplicitly] init; }
public QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml? UpgradesAllowed { get; init; }
public int? MinFormatScore { get; init; }
public bool ResetUnmatchedScores { get; [UsedImplicitly] init; }
public QualitySortAlgorithm? QualitySort { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml>? Qualities { get; init; }
public record ServiceConfigYaml

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using FluentValidation;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Recyclarr.Common.Extensions;
using Recyclarr.Common.FluentValidation;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Parsing;
@ -76,13 +77,75 @@ public class QualitySizeConfigYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<QualitySizeConfi
public class QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml>
public QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYamlValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.UntilQuality)
.WithMessage("'until_quality' is required when allowing profile upgrades");
public class QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator : AbstractValidator<QualityProfileConfigYaml>
public QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator()
RuleFor(x => x.Name).NotEmpty()
.WithMessage("'name' is required for root-level 'quality_profiles' elements");
RuleFor(x => x.Name)
.WithMessage(x => $"For profile {x.Name}, 'name' is required for root-level 'quality_profiles' elements");
RuleFor(x => x.UpgradesAllowed)
.SetNonNullableValidator(new QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYamlValidator());
RuleFor(x => x.Qualities)
.Must((o, x) => !x!
.Where(y => y.Qualities is not null)
.SelectMany(y => y.Qualities!)
.WithMessage(o =>
$"For profile {o.Name}, 'until_quality' must not refer to qualities contained within groups")
.Must((o, x) => !x!
.Where(y => y is {Enabled: false, Name: not null})
.Select(y => y.Name!)
.WithMessage(o =>
$"For profile {o.Name}, 'until_quality' must not refer to explicitly disabled qualities")
.Must((o, x) => x!
.Select(y => y.Name)
.WithMessage(o =>
$"For profile {o.Name}, 'qualities' must contain the quality mentioned in 'until_quality', " +
$"which is '{o.UpgradesAllowed!.UntilQuality}'")
.When(x => x is {UpgradesAllowed: not null, Qualities.Count: > 0});
RuleFor(x => x.Qualities)
.When(x => x is {Qualities.Count: > 0});
private static void ValidateHaveNoDuplicates(
IReadOnlyCollection<QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml> qualities,
ValidationContext<QualityProfileConfigYaml> context)
var dupes = qualities
.Select(x => x.Name)
.Concat(qualities.Where(x => x.Qualities is not null).SelectMany(x => x.Qualities!))
.GroupBy(x => x)
.Select(x => x.Skip(1).FirstOrDefault())
foreach (var dupe in dupes)
var x = context.InstanceToValidate;
$"For profile {x.Name}, 'qualities' contains duplicates for quality '{dupe}'");

@ -5,16 +5,22 @@ using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Parsing;
public class ConfigurationMapperProfile : Profile
public class ConfigYamlMapperProfile : Profile
public ConfigurationMapperProfile()
public ConfigYamlMapperProfile()
CreateMap<QualityScoreConfigYaml, QualityProfileScoreConfig>();
CreateMap<CustomFormatConfigYaml, CustomFormatConfig>();
CreateMap<QualitySizeConfigYaml, QualityDefinitionConfig>();
CreateMap<QualityProfileConfigYaml, QualityProfileConfig>();
CreateMap<ReleaseProfileConfigYaml, ReleaseProfileConfig>();
CreateMap<ReleaseProfileFilterConfigYaml, SonarrProfileFilterConfig>();
CreateMap<QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml, QualityProfileQualityConfig>()
.ForMember(x => x.Enabled, o => o.NullSubstitute(true));
CreateMap<QualityProfileConfigYaml, QualityProfileConfig>()
.ForMember(x => x.UpgradeUntilQuality, o => o.MapFrom(x => x.UpgradesAllowed!.UntilQuality))
.ForMember(x => x.UpgradeUntilScore, o => o.MapFrom(x => x.UpgradesAllowed!.UntilScore))
.ForMember(x => x.QualitySort, o => o.NullSubstitute(QualitySortAlgorithm.Top));
CreateMap<ServiceConfigYaml, ServiceConfiguration>()
.ForMember(x => x.InstanceName, o => o.Ignore());

@ -45,8 +45,29 @@ public record QualityDefinitionConfig
public decimal? PreferredRatio { get; set; }
public record QualityProfileQualityConfig
public string Name { get; init; } = "";
public bool Enabled { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<string> Qualities { get; init; } = Array.Empty<string>();
public enum QualitySortAlgorithm
public record QualityProfileConfig
public bool ResetUnmatchedScores { get; init; }
public string Name { get; init; } = "";
public bool? UpgradeAllowed => UpgradeUntilQuality is not null;
public string? UpgradeUntilQuality { get; init; }
public int? UpgradeUntilScore { get; init; }
public int? MinFormatScore { get; init; }
public bool ResetUnmatchedScores { get; init; }
public QualitySortAlgorithm QualitySort { get; init; }
public IReadOnlyCollection<QualityProfileQualityConfig> Qualities { get; init; } =

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ public static class NewQp
return new ProcessedQualityProfileData(new QualityProfileConfig
Name = profileName, ResetUnmatchedScores = resetUnmatchedScores
Name = profileName,
ResetUnmatchedScores = resetUnmatchedScores
CfScores = scores
@ -45,11 +47,63 @@ public static class NewQp
int newScore,
FormatScoreUpdateReason reason)
return new UpdatedFormatScore
return new UpdatedFormatScore(
new ProfileFormatItemDto {Name = name, Score = oldScore},
public static ProfileItemDto GroupDto(
int itemId,
string itemName,
bool enabled,
params ProfileItemDto[] nestedItems)
return new ProfileItemDto
Id = itemId,
Name = itemName,
Allowed = enabled,
Items = nestedItems
public static ProfileItemDto QualityDto(int itemId, string itemName, bool enabled)
return new ProfileItemDto
Allowed = enabled,
Quality = new ProfileItemQualityDto
Id = itemId,
Name = itemName
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "IntroduceOptionalParameters.Global", Justification =
"This is for unit test purposes and we want to be explicit sometimes")]
public static QualityProfileQualityConfig QualityConfig(string itemName)
return QualityConfig(itemName, true);
public static QualityProfileQualityConfig QualityConfig(string itemName, bool enabled)
return new QualityProfileQualityConfig
Dto = new ProfileFormatItemDto {Name = name, Score = oldScore},
NewScore = newScore,
Reason = reason
Enabled = enabled,
Name = itemName
public static QualityProfileQualityConfig GroupConfig(string itemName, params string[] nestedItems)
return GroupConfig(itemName, true, nestedItems);
public static QualityProfileQualityConfig GroupConfig(string itemName, bool enabled, params string[] nestedItems)
return QualityConfig(itemName, enabled) with {Qualities = nestedItems};

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Cli.TestLibrary;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
public class QualityProfileDtoTest
[TestCase(null, false)]
[TestCase(true, true)]
public void Upgrade_allowed_set_behavior(bool? value, bool? expected)
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
UpgradeAllowed = false
var result = dto with {UpgradeAllowed = value};
[TestCase(null, 10)]
[TestCase(20, 20)]
public void Min_format_score_set_behavior(int? value, int? expected)
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
MinFormatScore = 10
var result = dto with {MinFormatScore = value};
[TestCase(null, 10)]
[TestCase(20, 20)]
public void Cutoff_set_behavior(int? value, int? expected)
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Cutoff = 10
var result = dto with {Cutoff = value};
[TestCase(null, 10)]
[TestCase(20, 20)]
public void Cutoff_format_score_set_behavior(int? value, int? expected)
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
CutoffFormatScore = 10
var result = dto with {CutoffFormatScore = value};
public void Items_no_change_when_assigning_empty_collection()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new[]
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "one", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "two", true)
var result = dto with {Items = Array.Empty<ProfileItemDto>()};

@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ public class QualityProfileConfigPhaseTest
NewQp.Processed("test_profile", ("id1", 1, 100), ("id2", 2, 100))
o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate));
[Test, AutoMockData]
@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ public class QualityProfileConfigPhaseTest
NewQp.Processed("test_profile", ("id1", 1, 100), ("id2", 2, 200))
o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate));
[Test, AutoMockData]
@ -106,7 +108,11 @@ public class QualityProfileConfigPhaseTest
var result = sut.Execute(config);
o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate));
[Test, AutoMockData]
@ -164,6 +170,7 @@ public class QualityProfileConfigPhaseTest
NewQp.Processed("test_profile1", ("id1", 1, 100)),
NewQp.Processed("test_profile2", ("id1", 1, 200))
o => o.Excluding(x => x.ShouldCreate));

@ -10,28 +10,74 @@ namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
[Test, AutoMockData]
public void Invalid_profile_names(
public void Non_existent_profile_names_with_updated(
QualityProfileTransactionPhase sut)
var guideData = new[]
NewQp.Processed("invalid_profile_name", ("id1", 1, 100))
NewQp.Processed("invalid_profile_name", ("id1", 1, 100)) with
ShouldCreate = false
NewQp.Processed("profile1", ("id1", 1, 100), ("id2", 2, 500))
var serviceData = new[]
var dtos = new[]
new QualityProfileDto
new QualityProfileDto {Name = "profile1"}
var serviceData = new QualityProfileServiceData(dtos, new QualityProfileDto());
var result = sut.Execute(guideData, serviceData);
result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new QualityProfileTransactionData
NonExistentProfiles = new[] {"invalid_profile_name"},
UpdatedProfiles =
Name = "profile1"
new UpdatedQualityProfile
ProfileConfig = guideData[1],
ProfileDto = dtos[0],
UpdateReason = QualityProfileUpdateReason.Changed
o => o.Excluding(x => x.Name.Contains(nameof(UpdatedQualityProfile.UpdatedScores))));
[Test, AutoMockData]
public void New_profiles(
QualityProfileTransactionPhase sut)
var guideData = new[]
NewQp.Processed("profile1", ("id1", 1, 100), ("id2", 2, 500))
var dtos = new[]
new QualityProfileDto {Name = "irrelevant_profile"}
var serviceData = new QualityProfileServiceData(dtos, new QualityProfileDto());
var result = sut.Execute(guideData, serviceData);
result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new QualityProfileTransactionData
InvalidProfileNames = {"invalid_profile_name"}
UpdatedProfiles =
new UpdatedQualityProfile
ProfileConfig = guideData[0],
ProfileDto = serviceData.Schema,
UpdateReason = QualityProfileUpdateReason.New
o => o.Excluding(x => x.Name.Contains(nameof(UpdatedQualityProfile.UpdatedScores))));
[Test, AutoMockData]
@ -43,7 +89,7 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
NewQp.Processed("profile1", ("id1", 1, 100), ("id2", 2, 500))
var serviceData = new[]
var dtos = new[]
new QualityProfileDto
@ -66,6 +112,8 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
var serviceData = new QualityProfileServiceData(dtos, new QualityProfileDto());
var result = sut.Execute(guideData, serviceData);
@ -83,7 +131,7 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
var guideData = Array.Empty<ProcessedQualityProfileData>();
var serviceData = new[]
var dtos = new[]
new QualityProfileDto
@ -106,13 +154,15 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
var serviceData = new QualityProfileServiceData(dtos, new QualityProfileDto());
var result = sut.Execute(guideData, serviceData);
result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new QualityProfileTransactionData());
[Test, AutoMockData]
public void Skip_unchanged_scores(
public void Unchanged_scores(
QualityProfileTransactionPhase sut)
// Must simulate at least 1 custom format coming from configuration otherwise processing doesn't happen.
@ -122,7 +172,7 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
NewQp.Processed("profile1", ("id1", 1, 200), ("id2", 2, 300))
var serviceData = new[]
var dtos = new[]
new QualityProfileDto
@ -145,9 +195,17 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
var serviceData = new QualityProfileServiceData(dtos, new QualityProfileDto());
var result = sut.Execute(guideData, serviceData);
result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new QualityProfileTransactionData());
NewQp.UpdatedScore("quality1", 200, 200, FormatScoreUpdateReason.NoChange),
NewQp.UpdatedScore("quality2", 300, 300, FormatScoreUpdateReason.NoChange)
}, o => o.Excluding(x => x.Dto.Format));
[Test, AutoMockData]
@ -159,7 +217,7 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
NewQp.Processed("profile1", true, ("quality3", "id3", 3, 100), ("quality4", "id4", 4, 500))
var serviceData = new[]
var dtos = new[]
new QualityProfileDto
@ -182,6 +240,8 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
var serviceData = new QualityProfileServiceData(dtos, new QualityProfileDto());
var result = sut.Execute(guideData, serviceData);
@ -203,7 +263,7 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
NewQp.Processed("profile1", false, ("quality3", "id3", 3, 100), ("quality4", "id4", 4, 500))
var serviceData = new[]
var dtos = new[]
new QualityProfileDto
@ -226,6 +286,8 @@ public class QualityProfileTransactionPhaseTest
var serviceData = new QualityProfileServiceData(dtos, new QualityProfileDto());
var result = sut.Execute(guideData, serviceData);

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Cli.TestLibrary;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public class QualityItemOrganizerTest
private readonly QualityProfileConfig _config = new()
Qualities = new[]
NewQp.QualityConfig("six", false),
NewQp.GroupConfig("group3", "eight"),
NewQp.GroupConfig("group4", false, "nine", "ten"),
NewQp.GroupConfig("group5", "eleven")
private readonly QualityProfileDto _dto = new()
Items = new[]
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "one", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "two", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "three", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(9, "nine", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(50, "group5", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(11, "eleven", true)),
NewQp.QualityDto(10, "ten", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "four", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "group1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "five", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(6, "six", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "group2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(7, "seven", true)),
NewQp.QualityDto(8, "eight", true)
public void Update_qualities_top_sort()
var sut = new QualityItemOrganizer();
var result = sut.OrganizeItems(_dto, _config with
QualitySort = QualitySortAlgorithm.Top
result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new UpdatedQualities
InvalidQualityNames = new[] {"nonexistent1"},
Items = new[]
// ------ IN CONFIG ------
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "one", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "three", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(6, "six", false),
NewQp.QualityDto(7, "seven", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "group3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(8, "eight", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "group4", false,
NewQp.QualityDto(9, "nine", false),
NewQp.QualityDto(10, "ten", false)),
NewQp.GroupDto(50, "group5", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(11, "eleven", true)),
// ------ NOT IN CONFIG ------
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "two", false),
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "four", false),
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "group1", false,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "five", false))
public void Update_qualities_bottom_sort()
var sut = new QualityItemOrganizer();
var result = sut.OrganizeItems(_dto, _config with
QualitySort = QualitySortAlgorithm.Bottom
result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new UpdatedQualities
InvalidQualityNames = new[] {"nonexistent1"},
Items = new[]
// ------ NOT IN CONFIG ------
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "two", false),
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "four", false),
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "group1", false,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "five", false)),
// ------ IN CONFIG ------
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "one", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "three", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(6, "six", false),
NewQp.QualityDto(7, "seven", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "group3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(8, "eight", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "group4", false,
NewQp.QualityDto(9, "nine", false),
NewQp.QualityDto(10, "ten", false)),
NewQp.GroupDto(50, "group5", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(11, "eleven", true))

@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Cli.TestLibrary;
// ReSharper disable CollectionNeverUpdated.Local
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public class QualityProfileExtensionsTest
public void Find_group_by_id_with_null_input()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
var result = dto.FindGroupById(null);
public void Find_group_by_id_with_match()
var targetItem = NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Group 6", true);
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(2, "Group 2", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true)
var result = dto.FindGroupById(6);
public void Find_group_by_id_with_nested_match()
var targetItem = NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Quality Item 6", true);
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(2, "Group 2", true, targetItem),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true)
var result = dto.FindGroupById(6);
public void Find_group_by_id_with_no_items()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
var result = dto.FindGroupById(5);
public void Find_group_by_id_with_no_match()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Group 6", true)
var result = dto.FindGroupById(5);
public void Find_group_by_name_with_null_input()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
var result = dto.FindGroupByName(null);
public void Find_group_by_name_with_case_insensitive_match()
var targetItem = NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Group 6", true);
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(2, "Group 2", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true)
var result = dto.FindGroupByName("grOUp 6");
public void Find_group_by_name_with_nested_match()
var targetItem = NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Group 6", true);
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(2, "Group 2", true, targetItem),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true)
var result = dto.FindGroupByName("Group 6");
public void Find_group_by_name_with_no_items()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
var result = dto.FindGroupByName("Group 5");
public void Find_group_by_name_with_no_match()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Group 5", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Group 6", true)
var result = dto.FindGroupByName("Group 5");
public void Find_quality_by_id_with_null_input()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
var result = dto.FindQualityById(null);
public void Find_quality_by_id_with_match()
var targetItem = NewQp.QualityDto(6, "Quality 6", true);
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(2, "Group 2", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true)
var result = dto.FindQualityById(6);
public void Find_quality_by_id_with_nested_match()
var targetItem = NewQp.QualityDto(6, "Quality 6", true);
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(2, "Group 2", true, targetItem),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true)
var result = dto.FindQualityById(6);
public void Find_quality_by_id_with_no_items()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
var result = dto.FindQualityById(5);
public void Find_quality_by_id_with_no_match()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(5, "Group 5", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Group 6", true)
var result = dto.FindQualityById(5);
public void Find_quality_by_name_with_null_input()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
var result = dto.FindQualityByName(null);
public void Find_quality_by_name_with_case_insensitive_match()
var targetItem = NewQp.QualityDto(6, "Quality 6", true);
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(2, "Group 2", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true)
var result = dto.FindQualityByName("quALIty 6");
public void Find_quality_by_name_with_nested_match()
var targetItem = NewQp.QualityDto(6, "Quality 6", true);
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(2, "Group 2", true, targetItem),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true)
var result = dto.FindQualityByName("Quality 6");
public void Find_quality_by_name_with_no_items()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>();
var result = dto.FindQualityByName("Quality 5");
public void Find_quality_by_name_with_no_match()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(5, "Quality 5", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Group 6", true)
var result = dto.FindQualityByName("Quality 5");
public void Create_new_item_id_with_no_items()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>()
var result = dto.Items.NewItemId();
public void Create_new_item_id_with_items_below_1000()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.GroupDto(6, "Group 6", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(7, "Quality 7", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(4, "Group 4", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true))
var result = dto.NewItemId();
public void Create_new_item_id_with_leaf_items_above_1000()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.GroupDto(1006, "Group 6", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1007, "Quality 7", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(4, "Group 4", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true))
var result = dto.NewItemId();
public void Create_new_item_id_with_parent_items_above_1000()
var dto = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1008, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.GroupDto(1006, "Group 6", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1007, "Quality 7", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(4, "Group 4", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(5, "Quality 5", true))
var result = dto.NewItemId();
public void Reverse_items_works()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.ReverseItems();
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true)),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true)
public void Find_cutoff_id_with_group_name()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.Items.FindCutoff("Group 2");
public void Find_cutoff_id_with_quality_name()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.Items.FindCutoff("Quality 1");
public void Find_cutoff_id_with_nested_quality_name()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.Items.FindCutoff("Quality 2");
public void Find_cutoff_id_with_null_name()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.Items.FindCutoff((string?) null);
public void Find_cutoff_name_with_group_id()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.Items.FindCutoff(1002);
result.Should().Be("Group 2");
public void Find_cutoff_name_with_quality_id()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.Items.FindCutoff(1);
result.Should().Be("Quality 1");
public void Find_cutoff_name_with_nested_quality_id()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.Items.FindCutoff(2);
public void Find_cutoff_name_with_null_id()
var dto = new QualityProfileDto
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.GroupDto(1001, "Group 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality 1", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(1002, "Group 2", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality 2", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(3, "Quality 3", true)),
NewQp.GroupDto(1003, "Group 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality 4", true))
var result = dto.Items.FindCutoff((int?) null);

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
using Recyclarr.Cli.TestLibrary;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public class UpdatedQualityProfileTest
public void Profile_name_uses_dto_first()
var profile = new UpdatedQualityProfile
ProfileDto = new QualityProfileDto
Name = "dto_name"
ProfileConfig = new ProcessedQualityProfileData(new QualityProfileConfig
Name = "config_name"
UpdateReason = QualityProfileUpdateReason.New
public void Profile_name_uses_config_second()
var profile = new UpdatedQualityProfile
ProfileDto = new QualityProfileDto(),
ProfileConfig = new ProcessedQualityProfileData(new QualityProfileConfig
Name = "config_name"
UpdateReason = QualityProfileUpdateReason.New
public void Dto_updated_from_config()
var profile = new UpdatedQualityProfile
ProfileDto = new QualityProfileDto
Id = 1,
Name = "dto_name",
MinFormatScore = 100,
CutoffFormatScore = 200,
UpgradeAllowed = false,
Cutoff = 1,
Items = new List<ProfileItemDto>
NewQp.QualityDto(1, "Quality Item 1", true),
NewQp.QualityDto(2, "Quality Item 2", true),
NewQp.GroupDto(3, "Quality Item 3", true,
NewQp.QualityDto(4, "Quality Item 4", true))
ProfileConfig = new ProcessedQualityProfileData(new QualityProfileConfig
Name = "config_name",
MinFormatScore = 110,
UpgradeUntilScore = 220,
UpgradeUntilQuality = "Quality Item 3"
UpdateReason = QualityProfileUpdateReason.New
var result = profile.BuildUpdatedDto();
result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(new QualityProfileDto
// For right now, names are used for lookups (since QPs have no cache yet). As such, two profiles with
// different names will never be matched and so the names should normally be identical. However, for testing
// purposes, I made them different to make sure it doesn't get overwritten.
Name = "dto_name",
Id = 1,
MinFormatScore = 110,
CutoffFormatScore = 220,
UpgradeAllowed = true,
Cutoff = 3,
// Since we didn't process quality items, the assignment in BuildUpdatedDto() will not change the Items
// collection.
Items = profile.ProfileDto.Items
public void Dto_name_is_updated_when_empty()
var profile = new UpdatedQualityProfile
ProfileDto = new QualityProfileDto
Name = ""
ProfileConfig = new ProcessedQualityProfileData(new QualityProfileConfig
Name = "config_name"
UpdateReason = QualityProfileUpdateReason.New
var dto = profile.BuildUpdatedDto();

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
using FluentValidation.TestHelper;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.Api;
using Recyclarr.Cli.Pipelines.QualityProfile.PipelinePhases;
using Recyclarr.Cli.TestLibrary;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.Cli.Tests.Pipelines.QualityProfile;
public class UpdatedQualityProfileValidatorTest
[TestCase(399, true)]
[TestCase(400, true)]
[TestCase(401, false)]
public void Min_score_never_satisfied(int minScore, bool expectSatisfied)
var profileConfig = new QualityProfileConfig {MinFormatScore = minScore};
var updatedProfile = new UpdatedQualityProfile
UpdatedScores = new[]
NewQp.UpdatedScore("foo1", 0, 100, FormatScoreUpdateReason.New),
NewQp.UpdatedScore("foo2", 0, -100, FormatScoreUpdateReason.Updated),
NewQp.UpdatedScore("foo3", 0, 200, FormatScoreUpdateReason.NoChange),
NewQp.UpdatedScore("foo4", 0, 100, FormatScoreUpdateReason.Reset)
ProfileDto = new QualityProfileDto {Name = "ProfileName"},
ProfileConfig = new ProcessedQualityProfileData(profileConfig),
UpdateReason = QualityProfileUpdateReason.New
var validator = new UpdatedQualityProfileValidator();
var result = validator.TestValidate(updatedProfile);
if (expectSatisfied)
const int expectedTotalScore = 400;
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.ProfileConfig.Profile.MinFormatScore)
$"Minimum Custom Format Score of {minScore} can never be satisfied because the total of all " +
$"positive scores is {expectedTotalScore}");

@ -85,6 +85,36 @@ public class SonarrCapabilityEnforcerTest
var act = () => sut.Check(config);
act.Should().ThrowAsync<ServiceIncompatibilityException>().WithMessage("*custom formats*v4*");
[Test, AutoMockData]
public void Qualities_not_allowed_in_v3(
[Frozen] ISonarrCapabilityFetcher fetcher,
SonarrCapabilityEnforcer sut)
var config = NewConfig.Sonarr() with
QualityProfiles = new[]
new QualityProfileConfig
Qualities = new[]
new QualityProfileQualityConfig()
fetcher.GetCapabilities(default!).ReturnsForAnyArgs(new SonarrCapabilities
SupportsNamedReleaseProfiles = true,
SupportsCustomFormats = false
var act = () => sut.Check(config);

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
using FluentValidation.TestHelper;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Parsing;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Tests.Config.Parsing;
public class ConfigYamlDataObjectsValidationTest
public void Quality_profile_name_required()
var data = new QualityProfileConfigYaml();
var validator = new QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator();
var result = validator.TestValidate(data);
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.Name);
public void Quality_profile_until_quality_required()
var data = new QualityProfileConfigYaml
UpgradesAllowed = new QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml()
var validator = new QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator();
var result = validator.TestValidate(data);
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.UpgradesAllowed!.UntilQuality);
public void Quality_profile_qualities_must_have_cutoff_quality()
var data = new QualityProfileConfigYaml
Name = "My QP",
UpgradesAllowed = new QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml
UntilQuality = "Test Quality"
Qualities = new[]
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml {Name = "Another Quality"}
var validator = new QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator();
var result = validator.TestValidate(data);
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.Qualities);
result.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage).Should().BeEquivalentTo(
$"For profile {data.Name}, 'qualities' must contain the quality mentioned in 'until_quality', " +
$"which is '{data.UpgradesAllowed!.UntilQuality}'");
public void Quality_profile_qualities_cutoff_required()
var data = new QualityProfileConfigYaml
Name = "My QP",
UpgradesAllowed = new QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml()
var validator = new QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator();
var result = validator.TestValidate(data);
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.UpgradesAllowed!.UntilQuality)
.WithErrorMessage("'until_quality' is required when allowing profile upgrades");
public void Quality_profile_cutoff_must_not_reference_child_qualities()
var data = new QualityProfileConfigYaml
Name = "My QP",
UpgradesAllowed = new QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml
UntilQuality = "Child Quality"
Qualities = new[]
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml
Name = "Parent Group",
Qualities = new[] {"Child Quality"}
var validator = new QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator();
var result = validator.TestValidate(data);
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.Qualities);
result.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage).Should().BeEquivalentTo(
$"For profile {data.Name}, 'until_quality' must not refer to qualities contained within groups");
public void Quality_profile_qualities_must_have_no_duplicates()
var data = new QualityProfileConfigYaml
Name = "My QP",
Qualities = new[]
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml {Name = "Dupe Quality"},
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml {Name = "Dupe Quality"},
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml {Name = "Dupe Quality"},
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml {Name = "Dupe Quality 2"},
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml {Name = "Dupe Quality 2"},
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml {Name = "Dupe Quality 3"},
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml {Name = "Dupe Quality 4"},
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml
Name = "Dupe Quality 3",
Qualities = new[] {"Dupe Quality 4"}
var validator = new QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator();
var result = validator.TestValidate(data);
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.Qualities);
result.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage).Should().BeEquivalentTo(
$"For profile {data.Name}, 'qualities' contains duplicates for quality 'Dupe Quality'",
$"For profile {data.Name}, 'qualities' contains duplicates for quality 'Dupe Quality 2'",
$"For profile {data.Name}, 'qualities' contains duplicates for quality 'Dupe Quality 3'",
$"For profile {data.Name}, 'qualities' contains duplicates for quality 'Dupe Quality 4'");
public void Quality_profile_cutoff_quality_should_not_refer_to_disabled_qualities()
var data = new QualityProfileConfigYaml
Name = "My QP",
UpgradesAllowed = new QualityProfileFormatUpgradeYaml
UntilQuality = "Test Quality"
Qualities = new[]
new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml
Name = "Test Quality",
Enabled = false
var validator = new QualityProfileConfigYamlValidator();
var result = validator.TestValidate(data);
result.ShouldHaveValidationErrorFor(x => x.Qualities);
result.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage).Should().BeEquivalentTo(
$"For profile {data.Name}, 'until_quality' must not refer to explicitly disabled qualities");

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
using AutoMapper;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Parsing;
using Recyclarr.TrashLib.Config.Services;
namespace Recyclarr.TrashLib.Tests.Config.Parsing;
public class ConfigYamlMapperProfileTest
private static IMapper CreateMapper()
return new MapperConfiguration(c => c.AddProfile<ConfigYamlMapperProfile>())
public void Profile_quality_null_substitutions()
var yaml = new QualityProfileQualityConfigYaml
Enabled = null
var mapper = CreateMapper();
var result = mapper.Map<QualityProfileQualityConfig>(yaml);
public void Profile_null_substitutions()
var yaml = new QualityProfileConfigYaml
QualitySort = null
var mapper = CreateMapper();
var result = mapper.Map<QualityProfileConfig>(yaml);