You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4395 lines
103 KiB

3 years ago
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## Unreleased
### Added
- Added the caching for current market prices
- Added a loading indicator to the import dividends dialog
### Changed
- Improved the selected item of the holding selector in the import dividends dialog
- Extended the symbol search component by asset sub classes
## 1.282.0 - 2023-06-19
### Added
- Added an icon to the external links in the footer navigation
- Added the ability to add an asset profile in the admin control panel
### Changed
- Harmonized the use of permissions on the about page
- Harmonized the use of permissions on the landing page
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
- Improved the language localization for Portuguese (`pt`)
- Updated the binary targets of `linux-arm64-openssl` for `prisma`
## 1.281.0 - 2023-06-17
### Added
- Extended the feature overview page by liabilities
- Set up the language localization for Portuguese (`pt`)
### Changed
- Extracted the symbol search to a dedicated component
- Improved the column headers in the holdings table for mobile
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.14.1` to `4.15.0`
## 1.280.1 - 2023-06-10
### Added
- Added support for liabilities
## 1.279.0 - 2023-06-10
### Added
- Supported a note for accounts
### Changed
- Improved the language localization for French (`fr`)
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the value nullification related to the investment streaks
- Fixed an issue in the public page related to the impersonation service
## 1.278.0 - 2023-06-09
### Changed
- Extended the clone functionality of a transaction by the quantity
- Changed the direction of the ellipsis icon in various tables
- Extracted the license to a dedicated tab on the about page
- Displayed the link to the markets overview in the footer based on a permission
- Improved the spacing in the benchmark comparator
- Refreshed the cryptocurrencies list
- Upgraded `Node.js` from version `16` to `18` (`Dockerfile`)
## 1.277.0 - 2023-06-07
### Added
- Added the investment streaks to the analysis page
- Added support for a unit in the value component
- Added a semantic list structure to the header navigation
- Added a default value for the `includeHistoricalData` attribute in the symbol data endpoint
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the date format parsing in the activities import
## 1.276.0 - 2023-06-03
### Added
- Added tabs to the about page
- Added the `changefreq` attribute to the sitemap
### Changed
- Improved the routes of the tabs
- Enforced a stricter date format in the activities import: `dd-MM-yyyy` instead of `dd-MM-yy`
- Updated the URL of the Ghostfolio Slack channel
- Removed the _Ghostfolio in Numbers_ section from the about page
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the price when creating a `Subscription`
## 1.275.0 - 2023-05-30
### Changed
- Extended the footer navigation by the localized Ghostfolio versions
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
### Fixed
- Fixed the exchange rate service for a specific date (indirect calculation via base currency) used in activities with a manual currency
## 1.274.0 - 2023-05-29
### Added
- Extended the footer by a navigation
- Extended the testimonial section on the landing page
- Added localized meta descriptions
- Added support for localized routes in Spanish (`es`)
### Changed
- Improved the activities import dialog
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
## 1.273.0 - 2023-05-28
### Added
- Added a stepper to the activities import dialog
- Added a link to manage the benchmarks to the benchmark comparator
- Added support for localized routes
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue in the data source transformation
## 1.272.0 - 2023-05-26
### Added
- Added support to set an asset profile as a benchmark
### Changed
- Decreased the density of the `@angular/material` tables
- Improved the portfolio proportion chart component by supporting case insensitive names
- Improved the breadcrumb navigation style in the blog post pages for mobile
- Improved the error handling in the delete user endpoint
- Improved the style of the _Changelog & License_ button on the about page
- Upgraded `ionicons` from version `6.1.2` to `7.1.0`
## 1.271.0 - 2023-05-20
### Added
- Added the historical data and search functionality for the `FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP` data source type
- Added a blog post: _Unlock your Financial Potential with Ghostfolio_
### Changed
- Improved the local number formatting in the value component
- Changed the uptime to the last 90 days on the _Open Startup_ (`/open`) page
### Fixed
- Fixed the vertical alignment in the toggle component
## 1.270.1 - 2023-05-19
### Added
- Added the cash balance and the value of equity to the account detail dialog
- Added a check for duplicates to the preview step of the import dividends dialog
- Added an error message for duplicates to the preview step of the activities import
- Added a connection timeout to the environment variable `DATABASE_URL`
- Introduced the _Open Startup_ (`/open`) page with aggregated key metrics including uptime
### Changed
- Improved the mobile layout of the portfolio summary tab on the home page
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.13.0` to `4.14.1`
### Fixed
- Improved the _Select all_ activities checkbox state after importing activities including a duplicate
- Fixed an issue with the data source transformation in the import dividends dialog
- Fixed the _Storybook_ setup
## 1.269.0 - 2023-05-11
### Added
- Added `FINANCIAL_MODELING_PREP` as a new data source type
### Changed
- Improved the market price on the first buy date in the chart of the position detail dialog
- Restructured the admin control panel with a new settings tab
### Fixed
- Fixed an error that occurred while editing an activity caused by the cash balance update
## 1.268.0 - 2023-05-08
### Added
- Added `depends_on` and `healthcheck` for the _Postgres_ and _Redis_ services to the `docker-compose` files (`docker-compose.yml` and ``)
### Changed
- Improved the preview step of the activities import by unchecking duplicates
- Upgraded `yahoo-finance2` from version `2.3.10` to `2.4.1`
## 1.267.0 - 2023-05-07
### Added
- Added support for the _Stripe_ checkout to the pricing page
### Changed
- Improved the management of platforms in the admin control panel
- Improved the style of the interstitial for the subscription
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `15.9.2` to `16.0.3`
## 1.266.0 - 2023-05-06
### Added
- Introduced the option to update the cash balance of an account when adding an activity
- Added support for the management of platforms in the admin control panel
- Added _DEV Community_ to the _As seen in_ section on the landing page
### Changed
- Upgraded `class-transformer` from version `0.3.2` to `0.5.1`
- Upgraded `class-validator` from version `0.13.1` to `0.14.0`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.12.0` to `4.13.0`
### Fixed
- Added a fallback to use `quoteSummary(symbol)` if `quote(symbols)` fails in the _Yahoo Finance_ service
- Added the missing `dataSource` attribute to the activities import
## 1.265.0 - 2023-05-01
### Changed
- Improved the tooltip of the portfolio proportion chart component
### Fixed
- Fixed the missing platform name in the allocations by platform chart on the allocations page
## 1.264.0 - 2023-05-01
### Added
- Introduced the allocations by platform chart on the allocations page
### Changed
- Deprecated the use of the environment variable `BASE_CURRENCY`
- Cleaned up initial values from the _X-ray_ section
## 1.263.0 - 2023-04-30
### Changed
### Fixed
- Fixed the exception on the accounts page
## 1.262.0 - 2023-04-29
### Added
- Added the labels to the tabs to increase the usability
- Extended the support of the impersonation mode for local development
### Changed
- Improved the queue jobs implementation by adding / updating historical market data in bulk
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
### Fixed
- Improved the holdings table by showing the cash position also when the filter contains the accounts, so that we can see the total allocation for that account
## 1.261.0 - 2023-04-25
### Added
- Introduced a new button to delete all activities from the portfolio activities page
- Added `state` to the `MarketData` database schema to distinguish `CLOSE` and `INTRADAY` in the data gathering
- Added the distance to now to the subscription expiration date in the users table of the admin control panel
## 1.260.0 - 2023-04-23
### Added
- Added `dataSource` as a unique constraint to the `MarketData` database schema
### Fixed
- Removed the unnecessary sort header of the comment column in the historical market data table of the admin control panel
## 1.259.0 - 2023-04-22
### Added
- Added a fallback to historical market data if a data provider does not provide live data
- Added a general health check endpoint
- Added health check endpoints for data providers
### Changed
- Persisted today's market data continuously
### Fixed
- Fixed the alignment of the performance column header in the holdings table
- Removed the unnecessary sort header of the comment column in the activities table
- Fixed the targets in `proxy.conf.json` from `http://localhost:3333` to `` for local development
## 1.258.0 - 2023-04-20
### Added
- Introduced a data source mapping
## 1.257.0 - 2023-04-18
### Added
- Introduced the allocations by ETF provider chart on the allocations page
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue in the global heat map component caused by manipulating an input property
- Fixed an issue with the currency inconsistency in the _EOD Historical Data_ service (convert from `GBX` to `GBp`)
## 1.256.0 - 2023-04-17
### Added
- Added the _Yahoo Finance_ data enhancer for countries, sectors and urls
### Changed
- Enabled the configuration to immediately remove queue jobs on complete
- Refactored the implementation of removing queue jobs
### Fixed
- Fixed the unique job ids of the gather asset profile process
- Fixed the style of the button to fetch the current market price
## 1.255.0 - 2023-04-15
### Added
- Made the system message expandable
### Changed
- Skipped creating queue jobs for asset profiles with `MANUAL` data source not having a scraper configuration
- Reduced the execution interval of the data gathering to every hour
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.11.0` to `4.12.0`
### Fixed
- Improved the style of the system message
## 1.254.0 - 2023-04-14
### Changed
- Improved the queue jobs implementation by adding in bulk
- Improved the queue jobs implementation by introducing unique job ids
- Reverted the execution interval of the data gathering from every 12 hours to every 4 hours
## 1.253.0 - 2023-04-14
### Changed
- Reduced the execution interval of the data gathering to every 12 hours
### Fixed
- Fixed the background color of dialogs in dark mode
## 1.252.2 - 2023-04-11
### Changed
- Deprecated the `auth` endpoint of the login with _Security Token_ (`GET`)
## 1.252.1 - 2023-04-10
### Changed
- Changed the slide toggles to checkboxes on the account page
- Changed the slide toggles to checkboxes in the admin control panel
- Increased the density of the theme
- Migrated the style of various components to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Upgraded `@angular/cdk` and `@angular/material` from version `15.2.5` to `15.2.6`
- Upgraded `bull` from version `4.10.2` to `4.10.4`
## 1.251.0 - 2023-04-07
### Changed
- Improved the activities import for `csv` files exported by _Interactive Brokers_
- Improved the rendering of the chart ticks (`0.5K` → `500`)
- Increased the historical market data gathering of currency pairs to 10+ years
- Improved the content of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page
- Improved the content of the pricing page
- Changed the `auth` endpoint of the login with _Security Token_ from `GET` to `POST`
- Changed the `auth` endpoint of the _Internet Identity_ login provider from `GET` to `POST`
- Migrated the style of the `libs` components to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- `ActivitiesFilterComponent`
- `ActivitiesTableComponent`
- `BenchmarkComponent`
- `HoldingsTableComponent`
- Upgraded `angular` from version `15.1.5` to `15.2.5`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `15.7.2` to `15.9.2`
## 1.250.0 - 2023-04-02
### Added
- Added support for multiple subscription offers
### Changed
- Improved the portfolio evolution chart (ignore first item)
- Improved the accounts import by handling the platform
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with more than 50 activities in the activities import (`dryRun`)
## 1.249.0 - 2023-03-27
### Added
- Extended the testimonial section on the landing page
### Changed
- Improved the loading state of the value component on the allocations page
- Improved the value component by always showing the label (also while loading)
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the algebraic sign in the value component
## 1.248.0 - 2023-03-25
### Added
- Added a blog post: _Ghostfolio reaches 1000 Stars on GitHub_
- Added a breadcrumb navigation to the blog post pages
### Changed
- Refactored the calculation of the chart
- Hid the platform selector if no platforms are available in the create or update account dialog
- Upgraded `ng-extract-i18n-merge` from version `2.5.0` to `2.6.0`
## 1.247.0 - 2023-03-23
### Added
- Added the asset and asset sub class to the search functionality
- Added the subscription expiration date to the users table of the admin control panel
### Changed
- Updated the URL of the Ghostfolio Slack channel
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.10.1` to `4.11.0`
### Fixed
- Fixed the total amount calculation in the portfolio evolution chart
## 1.246.0 - 2023-03-18
### Added
- Added support for asset and asset sub class to the `EOD_HISTORICAL_DATA` data source type
- Added `isin` to the asset profile model
### Changed
- Extended the _Trackinsight_ data enhancer for asset profile data by `isin`
- Improved the language localization for _Gather Data_
### Fixed
- Fixed the border color in the _FIRE_ calculator (dark mode)
## 1.245.0 - 2023-03-12
### Added
- Added the search functionality for the `EOD_HISTORICAL_DATA` data source type
### Changed
- Improved the usability of the _FIRE_ calculator
- Improved the exchange rate service for a specific date used in activities with a manual currency
- Upgraded `ngx-device-detector` from version `3.0.0` to `5.0.1`
## 1.244.0 - 2023-03-09
### Added
- Extended the _FIRE_ calculator by a retirement date setting
## 1.243.0 - 2023-03-08
### Added
- Added `COINGECKO` as a default to `DATA_SOURCES`
### Changed
- Improved the validation of the manual currency for the activity fee and unit price
- Harmonized the axis style of charts
- Made setting `NODE_ENV: production` optional (to avoid `ENOENT: no such file or directory` errors on startup)
- Removed the environment variable `ENABLE_FEATURE_CUSTOM_SYMBOLS`
## 1.242.0 - 2023-03-04
### Changed
- Simplified the database seeding
- Upgraded `ngx-skeleton-loader` from version `5.0.0` to `7.0.0`
### Fixed
- Downgraded `Node.js` from version `18` to `16` (Dockerfile) to resolve `SIGSEGV` (segmentation fault) during the `prisma` database migrations (see
## 1.241.0 - 2023-03-01
### Changed
- Filtered activities with type `ITEM` from search results
- Considered the user's language in the _Stripe_ checkout
- Upgraded the _Stripe_ dependencies
- Upgraded `twitter-api-v2` from version `1.10.3` to `1.14.2`
## 1.240.0 - 2023-02-26
### Added
- Supported a manual currency for the activity unit price
### Fixed
- Fixed the feature graphic of the _Ghostfolio meets Umbrel_ blog post
## 1.239.0 - 2023-02-25
### Added
- Added a blog post: _Ghostfolio meets Umbrel_
### Changed
- Removed the dependency `rimraf`
## 1.238.0 - 2023-02-25
### Added
- Added `COINGECKO` as a new data source type
- Added support for data provider information to the position detail dialog
- Added the configuration to publish a `linux/arm/v7` docker image
- Added _Reddit_ to the _As seen in_ section on the landing page
- Added _Umbrel_ to the _As seen in_ section on the landing page
### Changed
- Renamed the example environment variable file from `.env` to `.env.example`
- Upgraded `zone.js` from version `0.11.8` to `0.12.0`
### Fixed
- Fixed `RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded` for values of type `Big` in the value redaction interceptor for the impersonation mode
- Reset the letter spacing in buttons
### Todo
- Ensure that you still have a `.env` file in your project
## 1.237.0 - 2023-02-19
### Added
- Added the support details to the pricing page
### Changed
- Increased the file size limit for the activities import
- Improved the style of the search results for symbols
- Migrated the style of `GfHeaderModule` to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Upgraded `angular` from version `15.1.2` to `15.1.5`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `15.6.3` to `15.7.2`
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with exact matches in the activities table filter (`VT` vs. `VTI`)
- Fixed an issue in the data gathering service (do not skip `MANUAL` data source)
## 1.236.0 - 2023-02-17
### Changed
- Beautified the ETF names in the asset profile
- Removed the data source type `GHOSTFOLIO`
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue in the data gathering service (do not skip `MANUAL` data source)
- Fixed the buying power calculation if no emergency fund is set but an activity is tagged as _Emergency Fund_
- Fixed the url on logout during the local development
## 1.235.0 - 2023-02-16
### Changed
- Improved the styles on the about page
- Eliminated the `GhostfolioScraperApiService`
## 1.234.0 - 2023-02-15
### Added
- Added the data import and export feature to the pricing page
### Changed
- Copy the logic of `GhostfolioScraperApiService` to `ManualService`
- Improved the content of the landing page
- Improved the content of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page
- Improved the usability of the _Import Activities..._ action
- Eliminated the permission `enableImport`
- Set the exposed port as an environment variable (`PORT`) in `Dockerfile`
- Migrated the style of `AboutPageModule` to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Migrated the style of `BlogPageModule` to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Migrated the style of `ChangelogPageModule` to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Migrated the style of `ResourcesPageModule` to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Upgraded `chart.js` from version `4.0.1` to `4.2.0`
- Upgraded `ionicons` from version `6.0.4` to `6.1.2`
- Upgraded `prettier` from version `2.8.1` to `2.8.4`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.9.0` to `4.10.1`
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue on the landing page caused by the global heat map of subscribers
- Fixed the links in the interstitial for the subscription
### Todo
- Remove the environment variable `ENABLE_FEATURE_IMPORT`
- Rename the `dataSource` from `GHOSTFOLIO` to `MANUAL`
- Eliminate `GhostfolioScraperApiService`
## 1.233.0 - 2023-02-09
### Added
- Added support to export accounts
- Added support to import accounts
### Changed
- Improved the styling in the admin control panel
- Removed the _Google Play_ badge from the landing page
- Upgraded `eslint` dependencies
## 1.232.0 - 2023-02-05
### Changed
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
- Migrated the style of `ActivitiesPageModule` to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Migrated the style of `GfCreateOrUpdateActivityDialogModule` to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Migrated the style of `GfMarketDataDetailDialogModule` to `@angular/material` `15` (mdc)
- Upgraded `ng-extract-i18n-merge` from version `2.1.2` to `2.5.0`
- Upgraded `ngx-markdown` from version `14.0.1` to `15.1.0`
### Fixed
- Fixed the `Upgrade Plan` button of the interstitial for the subscription
## 1.231.0 - 2023-02-04
### Added
- Added the dividend and fees to the position detail dialog
- Added support to link a (wealth) item to an account
### Changed
- Relaxed the validation rule of the _Redis_ host environment variable (`REDIS_HOST`)
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
- Eliminated `angular-material-css-vars`
- Upgraded `angular` from version `14.2.0` to `15.1.2`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `15.0.13` to `15.6.3`
## 1.230.0 - 2023-01-29
### Added
- Added an interstitial for the subscription
- Added _SourceForge_ to the _As seen in_ section on the landing page
- Added a quote to the blog post _Ghostfolio auf vorgestellt_
### Changed
- Improved the unit format (`%`) in the global heat map component of the public page
- Improved the pricing page
- Upgraded `Node.js` from version `16` to `18` (`Dockerfile`)
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.8.0` to `4.9.0`
### Fixed
- Fixed the click of unknown accounts in the portfolio proportion chart component
- Fixed an issue with `value` in the value redaction interceptor for the impersonation mode
## 1.229.0 - 2023-01-21
### Added
- Added a blog post: _Ghostfolio auf vorgestellt_
- Added _Sackgeld.com_ to the _As seen in_ section on the landing page
### Changed
- Removed the toggle _Original Shares_ vs. _Current Shares_ on the allocations page
- Hid error messages related to no current investment in the client
- Refactored the value redaction interceptor for the impersonation mode
### Fixed
- Fixed the value of the active (emergency fund) filter in percentage on the allocations page
## 1.228.1 - 2023-01-18
### Added
- Extended the hints in user settings
### Changed
- Improved the date formatting in the tooltip of the dividend timeline grouped by month / year
- Improved the date formatting in the tooltip of the investment timeline grouped by month / year
- Reduced the execution interval of the data gathering to every 4 hours
- Removed emergency fund as an asset class
## 1.227.1 - 2023-01-14
### Changed
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
### Fixed
- Fixed the create or edit activity dialog
## 1.227.0 - 2023-01-14
### Added
- Added support for assets other than cash in emergency fund (affecting buying power)
- Added support for translated tags
### Changed
- Improved the logo alignment
### Fixed
- Fixed the grouping by month / year of the dividend and investment timeline
## 1.226.0 - 2023-01-11
### Added
- Added the language localization for Français (`fr`)
- Extended the landing page by a global heat map of subscribers
- Added support for the thousand separator in the global heat map component
### Changed
- Improved the form of the import dividends dialog (disable while loading)
- Removed the deprecated `~` in _Sass_ imports
### Fixed
- Fixed an exception in the _X-ray_ section
## 1.225.0 - 2023-01-07
### Added
- Added support for importing dividends from a data provider
### Changed
- Extended the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page
## 1.224.0 - 2023-01-04
### Added
- Added support for the dividend timeline grouped by year
- Added support for the investment timeline grouped by year
- Set up the language localization for Français (`fr`)
### Changed
- Improved the language localization for Dutch (`nl`)
## 1.223.0 - 2023-01-01
### Added
- Added a student discount to the pricing page
- Added a prefix to the codes of the coupon system
### Changed
- Optimized the page titles in the header for mobile
- Extended the asset profile details dialog in the admin control panel
## 1.222.0 - 2022-12-29
### Added
- Added support for filtering on the analysis page
- Added the price to the `Subscription` database schema
### Changed
- Changed the execution time of the asset profile data gathering to every Sunday at lunch time
- Improved the activities import by providing asset profile details
- Upgraded `@codewithdan/observable-store` from version `2.2.11` to `2.2.15`
- Upgraded `bull` from version `4.8.5` to `4.10.2`
- Upgraded `countup.js` from version `2.0.7` to `2.3.2`
- Upgraded the _Internet Identity_ dependencies from version `0.12.1` to `0.15.1`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.7.1` to `4.8.0`
### Fixed
- Fixed the language localization of the account type
## 1.221.0 - 2022-12-26
### Added
- Added support to manage the tags in the create or edit activity dialog
- Added the tags to the admin control panel
- Added a blog post: _The importance of tracking your personal finances_
- Resolved the title of the blog post
### Changed
- Improved the activities import by a preview step
- Improved the labels based on the type in the create or edit activity dialog
- Refreshed the cryptocurrencies list
- Removed the data source type `RAKUTEN`
### Fixed
- Fixed the date conversion for years with only two digits
## 1.220.0 - 2022-12-23
### Added
- Added the position detail dialog to the _Top 3_ and _Bottom 3_ performers of the analysis page
- Added the `dryRun` option to the import activities endpoint
### Changed
- Increased the historical data chart of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood) to 365 days
- Upgraded `color` from version `4.0.1` to `4.2.3`
- Upgraded `prettier` from version `2.7.1` to `2.8.1`
### Fixed
- Fixed the rounding of the y-axis ticks in the benchmark comparator
## 1.219.0 - 2022-12-17
### Added
- Added support to disable user sign up in the admin control panel
- Extended the glossary of the resources page by _Deflation_, _Inflation_ and _Stagflation_
### Changed
- Added the name to the symbol column in the activities table
- Combined the name and symbol column in the holdings table (former positions table)
## 1.218.0 - 2022-12-12
### Added
- Added the date of the first activity to the positions table
- Added an endpoint to fetch the logo of an asset or a platform
### Changed
- Improved the asset profile details dialog in the admin control panel
- Upgraded `chart.js` from version `3.8.0` to `4.0.1`
## 1.217.0 - 2022-12-10
### Added
- Added the dividend timeline grouped by month
### Changed
- Improved the value redaction interceptor (including `comment`)
- Improved the language localization for Español (`es`)
- Upgraded `cheerio` from version `1.0.0-rc.6` to `1.0.0-rc.12`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.6.1` to `4.7.1`
### Fixed
- Fixed the activities sorting in the account detail dialog
## 1.216.0 - 2022-12-03
### Added
- Supported a note for asset profiles
- Supported a manual currency for the activity fee
- Extended the support for column sorting in the accounts table (name, platform, transactions)
- Extended the support for column sorting in the activities table (name, symbol)
- Extended the support for column sorting in the positions table (performance)
### Changed
- Upgraded `big.js` from version `6.1.1` to `6.2.1`
- Upgraded `date-fns` from version `2.28.0` to `2.29.3`
- Upgraded `replace-in-file` from version `6.2.0` to `6.3.5`
### Fixed
- Fixed the filter by asset sub class for the asset profiles in the admin control
## 1.215.0 - 2022-11-27
### Changed
- Improved the language selector on the account page
- Improved the wording in the _X-ray_ section (net worth instead of investment)
- Extended the asset profile details dialog in the admin control panel
- Updated the browserslist database
- Upgraded `ionicons` from version `5.5.1` to `6.0.4`
- Upgraded `uuid` from version `8.3.2` to `9.0.0`
## 1.214.0 - 19.11.2022
### Added
- Added support for sorting in the accounts table
### Changed
- Improved the support for the `MANUAL` data source
- Improved the _Activities_ tab icon
- Improved the _Activities_ icons for `BUY`, `DIVIDEND` and `SELL`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.4.0` to `4.6.1`
- Upgraded `yahoo-finance2` from version `2.3.6` to `2.3.10`
### Fixed
- Fixed the activities sorting in the position detail dialog
- Fixed the dynamic number of decimal places for cryptocurrencies in the position detail dialog
- Fixed a division by zero error in the cash positions calculation
## 1.213.0 - 14.11.2022
### Added
- Added an indicator for excluded accounts in the accounts table
- Added a blog post: _Black Friday 2022_
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the currency inconsistency in the _Yahoo Finance_ service (convert from `ZAc` to `ZAR`)
## 1.212.0 - 11.11.2022
### Changed
- Changed the view mode selector to a slide toggle
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `15.0.0` to `15.0.13`
## 1.211.0 - 11.11.2022
### Changed
- Converted the client into a _Progressive Web App_ (PWA) with `@angular/pwa`
- Removed the bottom margin from the body element
- Improved the pricing page
## 1.210.0 - 08.11.2022
### Added
- Added tabs to the portfolio page
### Changed
- Merged the _FIRE_ calculator and the _X-ray_ section to a single page
- Tightened the validation rule of the base currency environment variable (`BASE_CURRENCY`)
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue in the cash positions calculation
## 1.209.0 - 05.11.2022
### Added
- Added the _Buy me a coffee_ button to the about page
### Changed
- Improved the usability of the activities import
- Improved the usage of the premium indicator component
- Removed the intro image in dark mode
- Refactored the `TransactionsPageComponent` to `ActivitiesPageComponent`
## 1.208.0 - 03.11.2022
### Added
- Added pagination to the activities table
### Changed
- Restructured the actions in the admin control panel
### Fixed
- Fixed the calculation in the portfolio evolution chart
## 1.207.0 - 31.10.2022
### Added
- Added support for translated labels of asset and asset sub class
- Added support for dates in _ISO 8601_ date format (`YYYY-MM-DD`) in the activities import
### Changed
- Darkened the background color of the dark mode
### Fixed
- Fixed the public page
- Improved the loading indicator of the portfolio evolution chart
## 1.206.2 - 20.10.2022
### Changed
- Fixed the `rxjs` version to `7.5.6` (resolutions)
- Migrated the `angular.json` to `project.json` files in the `Nx` workspace
- Upgraded `nestjs` from version `9.0.7` to `9.1.4`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `14.6.4` to `15.0.0`
### Fixed
- Fixed the performance calculation including `SELL` activities with a significant performance gain
## 1.205.2 - 16.10.2022
### Changed
- Persisted the language on url change
- Improved the portfolio evolution chart
- Refactored the appearance (dark mode) in user settings (from `appearance` to `colorScheme`)
- Improved the wording on the landing page
## 1.204.1 - 15.10.2022
### Added
- Added support to change the appearance (dark mode) in user settings
- Added the total amount chart to the investment timeline
- Setup the `prettier` plugin `prettier-plugin-organize-attributes`
### Changed
- Respected the current date in the _FIRE_ calculator
- Simplified the settings management in the admin control panel
- Renamed the data source type `RAKUTEN` to `RAPID_API`
### Fixed
- Fixed some links in the blog posts
- Fixed the alignment of the value component on the allocations page
### Todo
- Rename the environment variable from `RAKUTEN_RAPID_API_KEY` to `RAPID_API_API_KEY`
## 1.203.0 - 08.10.2022
### Added
- Supported a progressive line animation in the line chart component
### Changed
- Moved the benchmark comparator from experimental to general availability
- Improved the user interface of the benchmark comparator
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue in the performance and chart calculation of today
- Fixed the alignment of the value component in the admin control panel
## 1.202.0 - 07.10.2022
### Added
- Added support for a translated 4% rule in the _FIRE_ section
### Changed
- Improved the caching of the benchmarks in the markets overview (only cache if fetching was successful)
- Improved the wording in the twitter bot service
### Fixed
- Fixed the support for cryptocurrencies having a symbol with less than 3 characters (e.g. `SC-USD`)
- Fixed the text truncation in the value component
## 1.201.0 - 01.10.2022
### Added
- Added a blog post: _Hacktoberfest 2022_
### Changed
- Improved the usage of the value component in the admin control panel
- Improved the language localization for Español (`es`)
### Fixed
- Fixed the usage of the value component on the allocations page
## 1.200.0 - 01.10.2022
### Added
- Added a mini statistics section to the landing page including pulls on _Docker Hub_
- Added an _As seen in_ section to the landing page
- Added support for an icon in the value component
### Changed
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `4.1.1` to `4.4.0`
## 1.199.1 - 27.09.2022
### Added
- Set up the language localization for Español (`es`)
- Added support for sectors in mutual funds
## 1.198.0 - 25.09.2022
### Added
- Added support to exclude an account from analysis
- Set up the language localization for Nederlands (`nl`)
## 1.197.0 - 24.09.2022
### Added
- Added the value of the active filter in percentage on the allocations page
- Extended the feature overview page by multi-language support (English, German, Italian)
### Changed
- Combined the performance and chart calculation
- Improved the style of various selectors (density)
## 1.196.0 - 22.09.2022
### Added
- Set up the language localization for Italiano (`it`)
- Extended the landing page
## 1.195.0 - 20.09.2022
### Changed
- Improved the algorithm of the performance chart calculation
### Fixed
- Improved the chart tooltip of the benchmark comparator
## 1.194.0 - 17.09.2022
### Added
- Added `NODE_ENV: production` to the `docker-compose` files (`docker-compose.yml` and ``)
- Visualized the percentage of the active filter on the allocations page
### Changed
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
### Fixed
- Respected the end date in the performance chart calculation
### Todo
- Set `NODE_ENV: production` as in [docker-compose.yml](
## 1.193.0 - 14.09.2022
### Changed
- Sorted the benchmarks by name
- Extended the pricing page
### Fixed
- Fixed the calculations of the exchange rate service by changing `USD` to the base currency
- Fixed the missing assets during the local development
## 1.192.0 - 11.09.2022
### Changed
- Simplified the configuration of the benchmarks: `symbolProfileId` instead of `dataSource` and `symbol`
- Upgraded `yahoo-finance2` from version `2.3.3` to `2.3.6`
### Fixed
- Improved the loading indicator of the benchmark comparator
- Improved the error handling in the benchmark calculation
## 1.191.0 - 10.09.2022
### Changed
- Removed the `currency` and `viewMode` from the `User` database schema
### Fixed
- Allowed the date range change for the demo user
## 1.190.0 - 10.09.2022
### Added
- Added the date range component to the benchmark comparator
### Changed
- Improved the mobile layout of the benchmark comparator
- Migrated the date range setting from the locale storage to the user settings
- Refactored the `currency` and `view mode` in the user settings
## 1.189.0 - 08.09.2022
### Changed
- Distinguished between currency and unit in the chart tooltip
### Fixed
- Fixed the benchmark chart in the benchmark comparator (experimental)
## 1.188.0 - 06.09.2022
2 years ago
### Added
- Added a benchmark comparator (experimental)
### Fixed
- Improved the asset profile details dialog for assets without a (first) activity in the admin control panel
## 1.187.0 - 03.09.2022
### Added
- Supported units in the line chart component
- Added a new chart calculation engine (experimental)
## 1.186.2 - 03.09.2022
### Changed
- Decreased the rate limiter duration of queue jobs from 5 to 4 seconds
- Removed the alias from the `User` database schema
- Upgraded `angular` from version `14.1.0` to `14.2.0`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `14.5.1` to `14.6.4`
### Fixed
- Fixed the environment variables `REDIS_HOST`, `REDIS_PASSWORD` and `REDIS_PORT` in the Redis configuration
- Handled errors in the portfolio calculation if there is no internet connection
- Fixed the _GitHub_ contributors count on the about page
## 1.185.0 - 30.08.2022
### Added
- Added a skeleton loader to the market mood component in the markets overview
### Changed
- Moved the build pipeline from _Travis_ to _GitHub Actions_
- Increased the caching of the benchmarks
### Fixed
- Disabled the language selector for the demo user
## 1.184.2 - 28.08.2022
### Added
- Added the alias to the `Access` database schema
- Added support for translated time distances
- Added a _GitHub Action_ to create an `linux/arm64` docker image
### Changed
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
### Fixed
- Fixed the missing assets during the local development
## 1.183.0 - 24.08.2022
### Added
- Added a filter by asset sub class for the asset profiles in the admin control
### Changed
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
## 1.182.0 - 23.08.2022
### Changed
- Improved the language localization for German (`de`)
- Extended and made the columns of the asset profiles sortable in the admin control
- Moved the asset profile details in the admin control panel to a dialog
## 1.181.2 - 21.08.2022
### Added
- Added a language selector to the account page
- Added support for translated labels in the value component
### Changed
- Integrated the commands `database:setup` and `database:migrate` into the container start
### Fixed
- Fixed a division by zero error in the benchmarks calculation
### Todo
- Apply manual data migration (`yarn database:migrate`) is not needed anymore
## 1.180.1 - 18.08.2022
### Added
- Set up `ng-extract-i18n-merge` to improve the i18n extraction and merge workflow
- Set up the language localization for German (`de`)
- Resolved the feature graphic of the blog post
### Changed
- Tagged template literal strings in components for localization with `$localize`
### Fixed
- Fixed the license component in the about page
- Fixed the links to the blog posts
## 1.179.5 - 15.08.2022
### Added
- Set up i18n support
- Added a blog post: _500 Stars on GitHub_
### Changed
- Reduced the maximum width of the performance chart on the home page
## 1.178.0 - 09.08.2022
### Added
- Added `url` to the symbol profile overrides model for manual adjustments
- Added default values for `countries` and `sectors` of the symbol profile overrides model
### Changed
- Simplified the initialization of the exchange rate service
- Improved the orders query for `assetClass` with symbol profile overrides
- Improved the styling of the benchmarks in the markets overview
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.177.0 - 04.08.2022
### Added
- Added `GHOSTFOLIO` as a default to `DATA_SOURCES`
- Added the `AGPLv3` logo to the landing page
### Changed
- Refactored the initialization of the exchange rate service
- Upgraded `angular` from version `14.0.2` to `14.1.0`
- Upgraded `nestjs` from version `8.4.7` to `9.0.7`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `14.3.5` to `14.5.1`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.15.2` to `4.1.1`
### Fixed
- Handled database connection errors (do not exit process)
## 1.176.2 - 31.07.2022
### Added
- Added page titles
### Changed
- Improved the performance of data provider requests by introducing a maximum number of symbols per request (chunk size)
- Changed the log level settings
- Refactored the access of the environment variables in the bootstrap function (api)
- Upgraded `Node.js` from version `14` to `16` (`Dockerfile`)
### Todo
- Upgrade to `Node.js` 16+
## 1.175.0 - 29.07.2022
### Added
- Set up a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page
- Added the savings rate to the investment timeline grouped by month
### Fixed
- Added the symbols to the activities in the account detail dialog
## 1.174.0 - 27.07.2022
### Added
- Supported a note for activities
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.173.0 - 23.07.2022
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the currency inconsistency in the _Yahoo Finance_ service (convert from `USX` to `USD`)
## 1.172.0 - 23.07.2022
### Added
- Added a blog post: _Ghostfolio meets Internet Identity_
## 1.171.0 - 22.07.2022
### Added
- Added _Internet Identity_ as a new social login provider
### Changed
- Improved the empty state of the
- _Analysis_ section
- _Holdings_ section
- performance chart on the home page
### Fixed
- Fixed the distorted tooltip in the performance chart on the home page
- Fixed a calculation issue of the current month in the investment timeline grouped by month
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.170.0 - 19.07.2022
### Added
- Added support for the tags in the create or edit transaction dialog
- Added support for the cryptocurrency _TerraUSD_ (`UST-USD`)
### Changed
- Removed the alias from the user interface as a preparation to remove it from the `User` database schema
- Removed the activities import limit for users with a subscription
### Todo
- Rename the environment variable from `MAX_ORDERS_TO_IMPORT` to `MAX_ACTIVITIES_TO_IMPORT`
## 1.169.0 - 14.07.2022
### Added
- Added support for the cryptocurrency _Songbird_ (`SGB1-USD`)
- Added support for the cryptocurrency _Terra 2.0_ (`LUNA2-USD`)
- Added a blog post
### Changed
- Refreshed the cryptocurrencies list to support more coins by default
- Upgraded `date-fns` from version `2.22.1` to `2.28.0`
## 1.168.0 - 10.07.2022
### Added
- Extended the investment timeline grouped by month
### Changed
- Handled an occasional currency pair inconsistency in the _Yahoo Finance_ service (`GBP=X` instead of `USDGBP=X`)
### Fixed
- Fixed the content height of the account detail dialog
## 1.167.0 - 07.07.2022
### Added
- Added _Markets_ to the public pages
### Changed
- Improved the _Create Account_ link in the _Live Demo_
- Upgraded `ngx-markdown` from version `13.0.0` to `14.0.1`
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue in the _Holdings_ section for users without a subscription
## 1.166.0 - 30.06.2022
### Added
- Added an account detail dialog
### Changed
- Improved the label of the (symbol) search
- Refactored the demo account as a route (`/demo`)
- Upgraded `nestjs` from version `8.2.3` to `8.4.7`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.14.0` to `3.15.2`
- Upgraded `yahoo-finance2` from version `2.3.2` to `2.3.3`
- Upgraded `zone.js` from version `0.11.4` to `0.11.6`
## 1.165.0 - 25.06.2022
### Added
- Added an icon and name column to the positions table
- Added a reusable premium indicator component
### Changed
- Moved the positions table to a dedicated section (_Holdings_)
- Changed the data gathering by symbol endpoint to delete data first
## 1.164.0 - 23.06.2022
### Added
- Added the positions table including performance to the public page
## 1.163.0 - 22.06.2022
### Changed
- Improved the onboarding for iOS
## 1.162.0 - 18.06.2022
### Added
- Added a _Privacy Policy_ page
### Changed
- Simplified the header
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the currency inconsistency in the _Yahoo Finance_ service (convert from `ILA` to `ILS`)
## 1.161.1 - 16.06.2022
### Added
- Added the vertical hover line to inspect data points in the performance chart on the home page
### Changed
- Improved the landing page
- Upgraded `angular` from version `13.3.6` to `14.0.2`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `14.1.4` to `14.3.5`
- Upgraded `storybook` from version `6.4.22` to `6.5.9`
### Fixed
- Improved the error handling of missing market prices
## 1.160.0 - 15.06.2022
### Fixed
- Fixed the `No data provider has been found` error in the search (regression after `envalid` upgrade to `7.3.1` in Ghostfolio `1.157.0`)
## 1.159.0 - 15.06.2022
### Changed
- Changed the default `HOST` to ``
- Refactored the endpoint of the public page (filter by equity)
## 1.158.1 - 12.06.2022
### Added
- Extended the queue jobs view in the admin control panel by a data dialog
### Changed
- Exposed the environment variable `HOST`
- Decreased the number of attempts of queue jobs from `20` to `10` (fail earlier)
- Improved the message for data provider errors in the client
- Changed the label from _Balance_ to _Cash Balance_ in the account dialog
- Restructured the documentation for self-hosting
## 1.157.0 - 11.06.2022
### Added
- Extended the queue jobs view in the admin control panel by the number of attempts and the status
### Changed
- Migrated the historical market data gathering to the queue design pattern
- Refreshed the cryptocurrencies list to support more coins by default
- Increased the historical data chart of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood) to 180 days
- Upgraded `chart.js` from version `3.7.0` to `3.8.0`
- Upgraded `envalid` from version `7.2.1` to `7.3.1`
### Fixed
- Reloaded the accounts of a user after creating, editing or deleting one
- Excluded empty items in the activities filter
## 1.156.0 - 05.06.2022
### Added
- Added the user id to the account page
- Added a new view with jobs of the queue to the admin control panel
### Changed
- Simplified the features page
- Restructured the _FIRE_ section
- Upgraded `@simplewebauthn/browser` and `@simplewebauthn/server` from version `4.1.0` to `5.2.1`
### Fixed
- Fixed the `docker-compose` files to resolve variables correctly
## 1.155.0 - 29.05.2022
### Added
- Added `EOD_HISTORICAL_DATA` as a new data source type
### Changed
- Exposed the environment variable `REDIS_PASSWORD`
### Fixed
- Fixed the empty state of the portfolio proportion chart component (with 2 levels)
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.154.0 - 28.05.2022
### Added
- Added a vertical hover line to inspect data points in the line chart component
### Changed
- Improved the tooltips of the chart components (content and style)
- Simplified the pricing page
- Improved the rounding numbers in the twitter bot service
- Removed the dependency `round-to`
## 1.153.0 - 27.05.2022
### Added
- Extended the benchmarks of the markets overview by the current market condition (bear and bull market)
- Extended the twitter bot service by benchmarks
- Added value redaction for the impersonation mode in the API response as an interceptor
### Changed
- Changed the twitter bot service to rest on the weekend
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.12.0` to `3.14.0`
### Fixed
- Fixed a styling issue in the benchmark component on mobile
## 1.152.0 - 26.05.2022
### Added
- Added the _Ghostfolio_ trailer to the landing page
- Extended the markets overview by benchmarks (current change to the all time high)
## 1.151.0 - 24.05.2022
### Added
- Added support to set the base currency as an environment variable (`BASE_CURRENCY`)
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the missing conversion of countries in the symbol profile overrides
## 1.150.0 - 21.05.2022
### Changed
- Skipped data enhancer (_Trackinsight_) if data is inaccurate
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the currency conversion in the account calculations
- Fixed an issue with countries in the symbol profile overrides
## 1.149.0 - 16.05.2022
### Added
- Added groups to the activities filter component
- Added support for filtering by asset class on the allocations page
## 1.148.0 - 14.05.2022
### Added
- Supported enter key press to submit the form of the create or edit transaction dialog
- Added a _Report Data Glitch_ button to the position detail dialog
### Fixed
- Fixed the date format of the date picker and support manual changes
- Fixed the state of the account delete button (disable if account contains activities)
- Fixed an issue in the activities filter component (typing a search term)
## 1.147.0 - 10.05.2022
### Changed
- Improved the allocations page with no filtering (include cash positions)
## 1.146.3 - 08.05.2022
### Added
- Set up a queue for the data gathering jobs
- Set up _Nx Cloud_
### Changed
- Migrated the asset profile data gathering to the queue design pattern
- Improved the allocations page with no filtering
- Harmonized the _No data available_ label in the portfolio proportion chart component
- Improved the _FIRE_ calculator for the _Live Demo_
- Simplified the about page
- Upgraded `angular` from version `13.2.2` to `13.3.6`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `13.8.5` to `14.1.4`
- Upgraded `storybook` from version `6.4.18` to `6.4.22`
### Fixed
- Eliminated the circular dependencies in the `@ghostfolio/common` library
## 1.145.0 - 07.05.2022
### Added
- Added support for filtering by accounts on the allocations page
- Added support for private equity
- Extended the form to set the asset and asset sub class for (wealth) items
### Changed
- Refactored the filtering (activities table and allocations page)
### Fixed
- Fixed the tooltip update in the portfolio proportion chart component
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.144.0 - 30.04.2022
### Added
- Added support for commodities (via futures)
- Added support for real estate
### Changed
- Improved the layout of the position detail dialog
- Upgraded `yahoo-finance2` from version `2.3.1` to `2.3.2`
### Fixed
- Fixed the import validation for numbers equal 0
- Fixed the color of the spinner in the activities filter component (dark mode)
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.143.0 - 26.04.2022
### Changed
- Improved the filtering by tags
## 1.142.0 - 25.04.2022
### Added
- Added the tags to the create or edit transaction dialog
- Added the tags to the position detail dialog
### Changed
- Changed the date to UTC in the data gathering service
- Reused the value component in the users table of the admin control panel
## 1.141.1 - 24.04.2022
### Added
- Added the database migration
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.141.0 - 24.04.2022
### Added
- Added a tagging system for activities
### Changed
- Extracted the activities table filter to a dedicated component
- Changed the url of the _Get Started_ link to `` on the public page
- Simplified `@@id` using multiple fields with `@id` in the database schema of (`Access`, `Order`, `Subscription`)
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.11.1` to `3.12.0`
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.140.2 - 22.04.2022
### Added
- Added support for sub-labels in the value component
- Added a symbol profile overrides model for manual adjustments
### Changed
- Reused the value component in the _Ghostfolio in Numbers_ section of the about page
- Persisted the savings rate in the _FIRE_ calculator
- Upgraded `yahoo-finance2` from version `2.3.0` to `2.3.1`
### Fixed
- Fixed the calculation of the total value for sell and dividend activities in the create or edit transaction dialog
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.139.0 - 18.04.2022
### Added
- Added the total amount to the tooltip in the chart of the _FIRE_ calculator
### Changed
- Beautified the ETF names in the asset profile
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with changing the investment horizon in the chart of the _FIRE_ calculator
- Fixed an issue with the end dates in the `.ics` file of the future activities (drafts) export
- Fixed the data source of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood)
## 1.138.0 - 16.04.2022
### Added
- Added support to export a single future activity (draft) as an `.ics` file
- Added the _Boringly Getting Rich_ guide to the resources section
### Changed
- Separated the deposit and savings in the chart of the _FIRE_ calculator
## 1.137.0 - 15.04.2022
### Added
- Added support to export future activities (drafts) as an `.ics` file
### Changed
- Migrated the search functionality to `yahoo-finance2`
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue in the average price / investment calculation for sell activities
## 1.136.0 - 13.04.2022
### Changed
- Changed the _Total_ label to _Total Assets_ in the portfolio summary tab on the home page
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the calculation of the projected total amount in the _FIRE_ calculator
- Fixed an issue with the loading state of the _FIRE_ calculator
## 1.135.0 - 10.04.2022
### Added
- Added a calculator to the _FIRE_ section
- Added support for the cryptocurrency _Terra_ (`LUNA1-USD`)
- Added support for the cryptocurrency _THORChain_ (`RUNE-USD`)
## 1.134.0 - 09.04.2022
### Changed
- Switched to the new calculation engine
- Improved the 4% rule in the _FIRE_ section
- Changed the background of the header to a solid color
## 1.133.0 - 07.04.2022
### Changed
- Improved the empty state of the portfolio proportion chart component
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with dates in the value component
## 1.132.1 - 06.04.2022
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with percentages in the value component
## 1.132.0 - 06.04.2022
### Added
- Added support for localization (date and number format) in user settings
### Changed
- Improved the label of the average price from _Ø Buy Price_ to _Average Unit Price_
## 1.131.1 - 04.04.2022
### Fixed
- Fixed the missing API version in the _Stripe_ success callback url
## 1.131.0 - 02.04.2022
### Added
- Added API versioning
- Added more durations in the coupon system
### Changed
- Displayed the value in base currency in the accounts table on mobile
- Displayed the value in base currency in the activities table on mobile
- Renamed `orders` to `activities` in import and export functionality
- Harmonized the algebraic sign of `currentGrossPerformancePercent` and `currentNetPerformancePercent` with `currentGrossPerformance` and `currentNetPerformance`
- Improved the pricing page
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.10.0` to `3.11.1`
- Upgraded `yahoo-finance2` from version `2.2.0` to `2.3.0`
## 1.130.0 - 30.03.2022
### Added
- Added a _FIRE_ (Financial Independence, Retire Early) section including the 4% rule
- Added more durations in the coupon system
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the currency conversion (duplicate) in the account calculations
## 1.129.0 - 26.03.2022
### Added
- Added the calculation for developed vs. emerging markets to the allocations page
- Added a hover effect to the page tabs
- Extended the feature overview page by _Bonds_ and _Emergency Fund_
## 1.128.0 - 19.03.2022
### Added
- Added the attribute `defaultMarketPrice` to the scraper configuration to improve the support for bonds
- Added a hover effect to the table style
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the user currency of the public page
- Fixed an issue of the performance calculation with recent activities in the new calculation engine
## 1.127.0 - 16.03.2022
### Changed
- Improved the error handling in the scraper configuration
### Fixed
- Fixed the support for multiple symbols of the data source `GHOSTFOLIO`
## 1.126.0 - 14.03.2022
### Added
- Added support for bonds
### Changed
- Restructured the portfolio summary tab on the home page
- Improved the tooltips in the portfolio proportion chart component by introducing multilines
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.125.0 - 12.03.2022
### Added
- Added support for an emergency fund
- Added the contexts to the logger commands
### Changed
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `13.8.1` to `13.8.5`
## 1.124.0 - 06.03.2022
### Added
- Added support for setting a duration in the coupon system
### Changed
- Upgraded `ngx-skeleton-loader` from version `2.9.1` to `5.0.0`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.9.1` to `3.10.0`
- Upgraded `yahoo-finance2` from version `2.1.9` to `2.2.0`
## 1.123.0 - 05.03.2022
### Added
- Included data provider errors in the API response
### Changed
- Removed the redundant attributes (`currency`, `dataSource`, `symbol`) of the activity model
- Removed the prefix for symbols with the data source `GHOSTFOLIO`
### Fixed
- Improved the account calculations
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.122.0 - 01.03.2022
### Added
- Added support for click in the portfolio proportion chart component
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with undefined currencies after creating an activity
## 1.121.0 - 27.02.2022
### Added
- Added support for mutual funds
- Added the url to the symbol profile model
### Changed
- Migrated from `yahoo-finance` to `yahoo-finance2`
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.120.0 - 25.02.2022
### Changed
- Distinguished the labels _Other_ and _Unknown_ in the portfolio proportion chart component
- Improved the portfolio entry page
### Fixed
- Fixed the _Zen Mode_
## 1.119.0 - 21.02.2022
### Added
- Added a trial for the subscription
## 1.118.0 - 20.02.2022
### Changed
- Improved the calculation of the overall performance percentage in the new calculation engine
- Displayed features in features overview page based on permissions
- Extended the data points of historical data in the admin control panel
## 1.117.0 - 19.02.2022
### Changed
- Moved the countries and sectors charts in the position detail dialog
- Distinguished today's data point of historical data in the admin control panel
- Restructured the server modules
### Fixed
- Fixed the allocations by account for non-unique account names
- Added a fallback to the default account if the `accountId` is invalid in the import functionality for activities
## 1.116.0 - 16.02.2022
### Added
- Added a service to tweet the current _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood)
### Changed
- Improved the mobile layout of the position detail dialog (countries and sectors charts)
### Fixed
- Fixed the `maxItems` attribute of the portfolio proportion chart component
- Fixed the time in market display of the portfolio summary tab on the home page
## 1.115.0 - 13.02.2022
### Added
- Added a feature overview page
- Added the asset and asset sub class to the position detail dialog
- Added the countries and sectors to the position detail dialog
### Changed
- Upgraded `angular` from version `13.1.2` to `13.2.2`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `13.4.1` to `13.8.1`
- Upgraded `storybook` from version `6.4.9` to `6.4.18`
## 1.114.1 - 10.02.2022
### Fixed
- Fixed the creation of (wealth) items
## 1.114.0 - 10.02.2022
### Added
- Added support for (wealth) items
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.113.0 - 09.02.2022
### Changed
- Improved the position of the currency column in the accounts table
- Improved the position of the currency column in the activities table
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the performance calculation in connection with fees in the new calculation engine
## 1.112.1 - 06.02.2022
### Fixed
- Fixed the creation of the user account (missing access token)
## 1.112.0 - 06.02.2022
### Added
- Added the export functionality to the position detail dialog
### Changed
- Improved the export functionality for activities (respect filtering)
- Removed the _Admin_ user from the database seeding
- Assigned the role `ADMIN` on sign up (only if there is no admin yet)
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.8.1` to `3.9.1`
### Fixed
- Fixed an issue with the performance calculation in connection with a sell activity in the new calculation engine
- Fixed the horizontal overflow in the accounts table
- Fixed the horizontal overflow in the activities table
- Fixed the total value of the activities table in the position detail dialog (absolute value)
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.111.0 - 03.02.2022
### Added
- Added support for deleting symbol profile data in the admin control panel
### Changed
- Used `dataSource` and `symbol` from `SymbolProfile` instead of the `order` object (in `ExportService` and `PortfolioService`)
### Fixed
- Fixed the symbol selection of the 7d data gathering
## 1.110.0 - 02.02.2022
### Fixed
- Fixed the data source of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood)
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.109.0 - 01.02.2022
### Added
- Added support for the (optional) `accountId` in the import functionality for activities
- Added support for the (optional) `dataSource` in the import functionality for activities
- Added support for the data source transformation
- Added support for the cryptocurrency _Mina Protocol_ (`MINA-USD`)
### Changed
- Improved the usability of the form in the create or edit transaction dialog
- Improved the consistent use of `symbol` in combination with `dataSource`
- Removed the primary data source from the client
### Removed
- Removed the unused endpoint `GET api/order/:id`
## 1.108.0 - 27.01.2022
### Changed
- Improved the annualized performance in the new calculation engine
- Increased the historical data chart of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood) to 90 days
## 1.107.0 - 24.01.2022
### Added
- Added a new calculation engine (experimental)
### Fixed
- Fixed the styling in the footer row of the activities table
## 1.106.0 - 23.01.2022
### Added
- Added the footer row with total fees and total value to the activities table
### Changed
- Extended the historical data view in the admin control panel
- Upgraded the _Stripe_ dependencies
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.7.0` to `3.8.1`
### Fixed
- Improved the redirection on logout
## 1.105.0 - 20.01.2022
### Added
- Added support for fetching multiple symbols in the `GOOGLE_SHEETS` data provider
### Changed
- Improved the data provider with grouping by data source and thereby reducing the number of requests
### Fixed
- Fixed the unresolved account names in the _X-ray_ section
- Fixed the date conversion in the `GOOGLE_SHEETS` data provider
## 1.104.0 - 16.01.2022
### Fixed
- Fixed the fallback to load currencies directly from the data provider
- Fixed the missing symbol profile data connection in the import functionality for activities
## 1.103.0 - 13.01.2022
### Changed
- Added links to the statistics section on the about page
### Fixed
- Fixed the currency of the value in the position detail dialog
## 1.102.0 - 11.01.2022
### Changed
- Start eliminating `dataSource` from activity
### Fixed
- Fixed the support for multiple accounts with the same name
- Fixed the preselected default account of the create activity dialog
## 1.101.0 - 08.01.2022
### Added
- Added `GOOGLE_SHEETS` as a new data source type
### Changed
- Excluded the url pattern of shared portfolios in the `robots.txt` file
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.100.0 - 05.01.2022
### Added
- Added the _Top 3_ and _Bottom 3_ performers to the analysis page
- Added a blog post
### Fixed
- Fixed the routing of the create activity dialog
- Fixed the link color in the blog posts
## 1.99.0 - 01.01.2022
### Added
- Exposed the profile data gathering by symbol as an endpoint
### Changed
- Improved the portfolio analysis page: show the y-axis and extend the chart in relation to the days in market
- Restructured the about page
- Start refactoring _transactions_ to _activities_
- Refactored the demo user id
- Upgraded `angular` from version `13.0.2` to `13.1.1`
- Upgraded `chart.js` from version `3.5.0` to `3.7.0`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `13.3.0` to `13.4.1`
### Fixed
- Hid the data provider warning while loading
- Fixed an exception with the market state caused by a failed data provider request
- Fixed an exception in the portfolio position endpoint
- Fixed the reload of the position detail dialog (with query parameters)
- Fixed the missing mapping for Russia in the data enhancer for symbol profile data via _Trackinsight_
## 1.98.0 - 29.12.2021
### Added
- Added the date range component to the holdings tab
### Changed
- Extended the statistics section on the about page (users in Slack community)
### Fixed
- Fixed the creation of historical data in the admin control panel (upsert instead of update)
- Fixed the scrolling issue in the position detail dialog on mobile
## 1.97.0 - 28.12.2021
### Added
- Added the transactions to the position detail dialog
- Added support for dividend
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.96.0 - 27.12.2021
### Changed
- Made the data provider warning more discreet
- Upgraded `http-status-codes` from version `2.1.4` to `2.2.0`
- Upgraded `ngx-device-detector` from version `2.1.1` to `3.0.0`
- Upgraded `ngx-markdown` from version `12.0.1` to `13.0.0`
- Upgraded `ngx-stripe` from version `12.0.2` to `13.0.0`
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `3.6.0` to `3.7.0`
### Fixed
- Fixed the file type detection in the import functionality for transactions
## 1.95.0 - 26.12.2021
### Added
- Added a warning to the log if the data gathering fails
### Fixed
- Filtered potential `null` currencies
- Improved the 7d data gathering optimization for currencies
## 1.94.0 - 25.12.2021
### Added
- Added support for cryptocurrencies _Cosmos_ (`ATOM-USD`) and _Polkadot_ (`DOT-USD`)
### Changed
- Increased the historical data chart of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood) to 30 days
- Made the import functionality for transactions by `csv` files more flexible
- Optimized the 7d data gathering (only consider symbols with incomplete market data)
- Upgraded `prettier` from version `2.3.2` to `2.5.1`
## 1.93.0 - 21.12.2021
### Added
- Added support for the cryptocurrency _Solana_ (`SOL-USD`)
- Extended the documentation for self-hosting with the [official Ghostfolio Docker image](
### Fixed
- Converted errors to warnings in portfolio calculator
## 1.92.0 - 19.12.2021
### Added
- Added a line chart to the historical data view in the admin control panel
- Supported the update of historical data in the admin control panel
### Fixed
- Improved the redirection on logout
- Fixed the permission for the system status page
## 1.91.0 - 18.12.2021
### Changed
- Removed the redundant all time high and all time low from the performance endpoint
### Fixed
- Fixed the symbol conversion from _Yahoo Finance_ including a hyphen
- Fixed hidden values (`0`) in the statistics section on the about page
### Todo
- Apply data migration (`yarn database:migrate`)
## 1.90.0 - 14.12.2021
### Added
- Extended the validation in the import functionality for transactions by checking the currency of the data provider service
- Added support for cryptocurrency _Uniswap_
- Set up pipeline for docker build
### Changed
- Removed the default transactions import limit
- Improved the landing page in dark mode
### Fixed
- Fixed `/bin/sh: prisma: not found` in docker build
- Added `apk` in `Dockerfile` (`python3 g++ make openssl`)
## 1.89.0 - 11.12.2021
### Added
- Extended the data gathering by symbol endpoint with an optional date
### Changed
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `13.2.2` to `13.3.0`
- Upgraded `storybook` from version `6.4.0-rc.3` to `6.4.9`
## 1.88.0 - 09.12.2021
### Added
- Added a coupon system
## 1.87.0 - 07.12.2021
### Added
- Supported the management of additional currencies in the admin control panel
- Introduced the system message
- Introduced the read only mode
### Changed
- Increased the historical data chart of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood) to 10 days
- Upgraded `prisma` from version `2.30.2` to `3.6.0`
## 1.86.0 - 04.12.2021
### Added
- Added the historical data chart of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood)
### Changed
- Improved the historical data view in the admin control panel (hide invalid and future dates)
- Enabled the import functionality for transactions by default
- Converted the symbols to uppercase to avoid case-sensitive duplicates in the symbol profile model
### Fixed
- Improved the allocations by currency in combination with cash balances
## 1.85.0 - 01.12.2021
### Fixed
- Fixed the data gathering of the _Fear & Greed Index_ (market mood)
## 1.84.0 - 30.11.2021
### Added
- Exposed the data gathering by symbol as an endpoint
## 1.83.0 - 29.11.2021
### Changed
- Removed the experimental API
### Fixed
- Eliminated the redundant storage of historical exchange rates
## 1.82.0 - 28.11.2021
### Added
- Added tabs with routing to the admin control panel
- Added a new tab to manage historical data to the admin control panel
### Changed
- Introduced tabs with routing to the home page
## 1.81.0 - 27.11.2021
### Added
- Added the value to the position detail dialog
### Changed
- Upgraded `angular` from version `12.2.4` to `13.0.2`
- Upgraded `angular-material-css-vars` from version `2.1.2` to `3.0.0`
- Upgraded `nestjs` from version `7.6.18` to `8.2.3`
- Upgraded `Nx` from version `12.8.0` to `13.2.2`
- Upgraded `rxjs` from version `6.6.7` to `7.4.0`
- Upgraded `storybook` from version `6.3.8` to `6.4.0-rc.3`
### Fixed
- Fixed the broken line charts showing value labels if openend from the allocations page
- Fixed the click event for drafts in the transactions table
## 1.80.0 - 23.11.2021
### Added
- Accentuated the all time high and the all time low
## 1.79.0 - 21.11.2021
### Added
- Added the value column to the positions table
- Added support for cryptocurrency _Algorand_
### Changed
- Locked the symbol input in the edit transaction dialog
- Filtered the account selector by account type (`SECURITIES`) in the create or edit transaction dialog
### Fixed
- Fixed the search functionality for cryptocurrency symbols (do not show unsupported symbols)
## 1.78.0 - 20.11.2021
### Added
- Added a testimonial section to the landing page
### Fixed
- Fixed the footer row border of the accounts table in dark mode
## 1.77.0 - 16.11.2021
### Changed
- Hid the _Get Started_ button on the registration page
### Fixed
- Fixed the footer row of the accounts table on mobile
- Fixed the transactions count calculation in the accounts table (exclude drafts)
## 1.76.0 - 14.11.2021
### Added
- Added the footer row with buying power and net worth to the accounts table
## 1.75.0 - 13.11.2021
### Added
- Added a logo to the log on the server start
- Added the data gathering progress to the log and the admin control panel
- Added the value column to the accounts table